Dem Senator Durbin: Not Sure Bloggers Should Be Protected By First Amendment

American Senator "not sure" if blogging is Protected Speech. You can't make this up.

If I submitted a script to Hollywood about a US Senator who thought the same thing it would be rejected. "No one is gonna' believe a duly elected Senator doesn't understand the Constitution.

If the Bill of Rights was put for a vote in the Senate tomorrow, it would be soundly defeated. Democrats would give the majority of "nay" votes.
Come back to the point: bloggers who lie.

Laws exist to punish libel.

No problem. Let the injured sue.


When was that the point?

The point was whether or not bloggers maintained first amendment protections. There was a direct stamen pertaining to media shield law as well. You are the only one that is talking about libel here. The libel is not in question; everyone knows that is illegal and no one really has a problem with suing for libel. What some do have a problem with is a senator trying to not include a subset of people under those constitutional protections.

I think almost everyone agrees with your point, and there is another point you forget: the senator has a right to express his opinion.

Got get a sandwich.
One fact remains, they stick to the script while everyone else sleeps. Just one more unfounded interpretation of the constitution designed to suspend the freedom of speech and expression of opinion. One can only hope that this nightmare will end soon.

This nightmare will only end when you take personal responsibility like a REAL CITIZEN, organize other patriots, and take control of your local legislature and NULLIFY THE SHIT of the federal and state governments.

That's my goal on June 4th, to start the war drums, if I'm lucky I'll be met with police brutality for redressing my grievances.

What is the difference between a blogger who happens to get some knowledge that is embarrassing to the country and what the Wikileaks Assange did and getting all that info from Bradley Manning?

Would you only have the soldier prosecuted and not Assange?

Well --- he's NOT an American!! So our prosecuting him does not apply, in theory.

In practice, he's been charged with bogus rape charges by our ally Sweden and has been holed-up in the Ecuadorian Embassy for MONTHS --- I think he's still there after a year. His wing have been clipped, and how.

Taking on the whole entire American government and military............................

Bad career move.

I thought it was all kind of fun -- information wants to be free -- but I knew he'd get his, and wow, he sure has. No real problem. Future Assanges and Mannings will think twice. The Ecuadorian Embassy in London? No beach.
One fact remains, they stick to the script while everyone else sleeps. Just one more unfounded interpretation of the constitution designed to suspend the freedom of speech and expression of opinion. One can only hope that this nightmare will end soon.

This nightmare will only end when you take personal responsibility like a REAL CITIZEN, organize other patriots, and take control of your local legislature and NULLIFY THE SHIT of the federal and state governments.

That's my goal on June 4th, to start the war drums, if I'm lucky I'll be met with police brutality for redressing my grievances.

Yeah? How are you planning to start the war drums? I hope you are not going to throw bombs or shoot people with assault rifles and high-capacity magazines?

That has SO been done.
While I don't agree with Durbin's comment, he's pretty clearly referring if bloggers are member of the press, not about speech more generally.

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