Dem strategy on BLM and "Black on Black Crime": "LEAD FROM BEHIND"

However, I have traced the violent radical elements of the NBBP back to Obama and the Justice Dept.
So wait? Is BLM paid provocateurs or are they just puppets being led by their prog elitist masters? Republicans dont seem to be sure of anything except that they hate BLM, but also desperately want them to vote for them
So wait? Is BLM paid provocateurs or are they just puppets being led by their prog elitist masters? Republicans dont seem to be sure of anything except that they hate BLM, but also desperately want them to vote for them

If people would just read their website, they would take the ignorant guessing out of the equation and deal with actual facts.

It's not very difficult.
It is VERY telling that Dems are told to NOT mention black on black crime.

They simply do not want to address it, they want the votes, they do not want to actually empower minorities.

Want to know why? Because thats not the topic. Just try having a conversation with someone on a topic and see what happens when they ignore everything you say for their topic. That would be a short convo wouldnt it?

Another diversion by a worthless drone.
So wait? Is BLM paid provocateurs or are they just puppets being led by their prog elitist masters? Republicans dont seem to be sure of anything except that they hate BLM, but also desperately want them to vote for them
Ironically enough, one of their founders was an avid Sarah Palin fan. This stuff is too true to make up.

Marissa Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Widely reported as being black, she has one black and one white parent, and describes herself as an evangelical Christian.[1][11] She has cited her faith as a motivator for her activism, saying "white supremacy is sin".[12] She graduated from Seattle Pacific University in 2013 with a degree in theology. After graduating, she went to work as a nanny.[1][13] Some writers have said she has been "smeared" as a Tea Party movement activist,[14] and she has said that her parents were Tea Party members when she lived with them.[1] Johnson has said that she once supported Sarah Palin as a national political candidate, and criticized "white liberal" people for being like Rachel Dolezal.[12]
When people say "all lives matter"

1) they actually don't believe that.
2) they are trying to diminish the message of blm and their fight against police brutality and institutional racism .
But it is not true. Racist, bigot mean nothing. Say them enough and hope they stick. As for making a KKK leader blush:
What do you do with this reality, in order to make it apply to someone else? Trump isn't the bigot. Hillary is. The proof of that is right here in front of your eyes:

How do you ignore ^ bigot? That man hated blacks to the very core of his being, and she idolized him. There is your bigot blushing and exchanging kisses with the Grand Dragon of them all.
Don't ignore it, side step it, or try to exchange the players.

I could find 50 pictures like that of trump (ones that aren't phototshopped like that one either) besides if hillary clinton was a bigot republicans would love her

Please point out the photo shopped image. TIA : Hillary Clinton Kissed by Former Klan Member

So, you are looking to sidestep the truth, using photo shop as an excuse not to believe how Hillary felt about the Exalted Cyclops. You get to be Exalted Cyclops based on the level of hatred for blacks. They pick the one that is the most vile.
Will you believe her loyalty to him if you hear her say it with her own mouth???
According to her, he was the heart and soul and great historian. The history she speaks of in his state of West Virginia was to recruit KKK members and start as many KKK chapters as he could. He was part of the longest filibuster ever to take place against civil rights. THAT is his legacy. Stop looking for a way around it and ask yourself who thought so highly of this man. Trump or Hillary?

She knew that this is how Byrd viewed black people:
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Nice guy huh? Do you like him given the knowledge you have in front of you?
You tried to do an end around to defend your position on Hillary based solely on a photo you contend was altered.
It is time to admit that this is, in reality, is the person you are trying so hard to validate. Does the e-mail on how to handle blacks carry any weight at all? Black super predators, that need to be brought to heel, is her position, not Trumps.
So with the information compiled here, tell me how Hillary feels about blacks. You have everything you need to come to a reasonable conclusion. Do you share her enthusiasm for KKK members and blacks in general? Would you call this man the heart and soul of the Senate, and one of our greatest historians?
Answer honestly.
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