Dem Super PAC will launch Bain Cap TV ad


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Priorities USA will focus on Romney's Bain record during closing stretch - CBS News

It is one of the most memorable ads that has been aired. This is not going to play well in Ohio...Ohio...Ohio.

The ad features Mike Earnest talks about building a stage that ended up being used by Bain officials to announce they were closing the plant. "Turns out that when we built that stage it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick," Earnest says in the ad.

"Participants were able to describe it in detail and recall the emotional impact it had on them, despite the fact that it had not run in that market for over six weeks," Priorities said in a memo about its closing strategy.

The group will pour millions of dollars into re-running the ad in seven swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin. It will also run a slate of new ads that feature similar personal stories, which will complement a separate $30 million ad buy that seeks to portray Republican policies in a negative light. On top of television advertising, the group is launching what it terms an "aggressive" online effort to target voters who are more engaged on the Internet than through TV advertising.

It looks like the GOP initiated Super PAC idea is coming back to bite them in the ars...:lol:
bain cap. is played dude. same old same old.........

This ad was the most memoriable the Dems put out there. It will play over and over and over in Ohio. The folks there will get to know the "real" Willard.
All Obama had to do was use Fox News from 08 & his own words against him . The guy is a walking contradiction .
I am surprised that Romnesia hasn't denied that he actually worked for Bain Capital. I have never, never seen anyone who can change positions so often and tell blatant lies so so easily.

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