Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.

You can judge one's humanity by how they threat the least amount them. Claiming that our nations poor don’t need help because their “richer” than other nations poorest is country club stupid.
Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.

You can judge one's humanity by how they threat the least amount them. Claiming that our nations poor don’t need help because their “richer” than other nations poorest is country club stupid.

Where has that claim been made. Be specific.
Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

I look at these people here in Phoenix and think, "You can manage to stand out in 100+ degree heat all day to beg, but you can't work an actual job? Really?"

I get so almighty tired of being panhandled at every frigging gas station in the city I go to. I'm busy actually hustling my ass off, working for a living, and you think you're entitled to take up my valuable time asking me for my money? How about no?

If I have any spare money to give, I give to homeless organizations because I understand that some people are simply not intelligent enough to take care of themselves, and I can only thank God for not making me one of those people. However......most places that deal with the homeless tells you the worst thing you can do is hand them cash. They will likely use it for drugs or alcohol instead of helping themselves. Organizations that help the homeless make sure the money to help them goes to the right places.

I really don't give a fuck what they're planning to do with the money they're begging me for or whether or not it will help them. The operative point from where I'm standing is that their lack of money is not my responsibility. I am hustling my ass off all day every day to make that money; they are spending the same day sitting in front of the Circle K, looking for people to beg for handouts from. I can't even remember the last time I went into a store in this city without at least one bum pestering me for money like he's somehow entitled to something from me. I'm to the point where I resent them thinking they're even entitled to my attention, let alone my money.
Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.

You can judge one's humanity by how they threat the least amount them. Claiming that our nations poor don’t need help because their “richer” than other nations poorest is country club stupid.

Where, exactly, did Weather claim, "Our nations [sic] poor don't need help because their [sic] richer than other nations [sic] poor"?

I can see why you're so hostile and defensive about it, though. Judging by the illiteracy of your post, you're probably among them.
It is a little dated now but the Heritage Foundation did a study a few years ago that had data showing that Americans in poverty are better off than many middle class Europeans.

These Moon Bats are idiots suggesting that we turn to socialism to "help" the poor.

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor

Poor Americans have more living space in their homes than the average non-poor Swede, Frenchman, or German.

Some 96 percent of poor parents report their children were never hungry at any time in the prior year.

Sound anti-poverty policy must be based on accurate information and address the causes of poverty, not merely the symptoms.

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet access.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?
61 million Russians murdered by their own government disagree.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?
61 million Russians murdered by their own government disagree.
The life expectancy had risen in Russia from 32 in 1913 to 64 in 1950. How could that many be killed if the life expectancy had risen so sharply?Health in Russia - Wikipedia
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?
61 million Russians murdered by their own government disagree.
The life expectancy had risen in Russia from 32 in 1913 to 64 in 1950. How could that many be killed if the life expectancy had risen so sharply?Health in Russia - Wikipedia
Of course you believe everything Stalin tells you.

You’re the dumbest poster on USMB, mods need to crown you.
Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

I look at these people here in Phoenix and think, "You can manage to stand out in 100+ degree heat all day to beg, but you can't work an actual job? Really?"

I get so almighty tired of being panhandled at every frigging gas station in the city I go to. I'm busy actually hustling my ass off, working for a living, and you think you're entitled to take up my valuable time asking me for my money? How about no?

If I have any spare money to give, I give to homeless organizations because I understand that some people are simply not intelligent enough to take care of themselves, and I can only thank God for not making me one of those people. However......most places that deal with the homeless tells you the worst thing you can do is hand them cash. They will likely use it for drugs or alcohol instead of helping themselves. Organizations that help the homeless make sure the money to help them goes to the right places.

I really don't give a fuck what they're planning to do with the money they're begging me for or whether or not it will help them. The operative point from where I'm standing is that their lack of money is not my responsibility. I am hustling my ass off all day every day to make that money; they are spending the same day sitting in front of the Circle K, looking for people to beg for handouts from. I can't even remember the last time I went into a store in this city without at least one bum pestering me for money like he's somehow entitled to something from me. I'm to the point where I resent them thinking they're even entitled to my attention, let alone my money.

I feel the same way about giving money to the "homeless" that I do about feeding the bears at Yosemite.

Not interested in either one.
The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

I look at these people here in Phoenix and think, "You can manage to stand out in 100+ degree heat all day to beg, but you can't work an actual job? Really?"

I get so almighty tired of being panhandled at every frigging gas station in the city I go to. I'm busy actually hustling my ass off, working for a living, and you think you're entitled to take up my valuable time asking me for my money? How about no?

If I have any spare money to give, I give to homeless organizations because I understand that some people are simply not intelligent enough to take care of themselves, and I can only thank God for not making me one of those people. However......most places that deal with the homeless tells you the worst thing you can do is hand them cash. They will likely use it for drugs or alcohol instead of helping themselves. Organizations that help the homeless make sure the money to help them goes to the right places.

I really don't give a fuck what they're planning to do with the money they're begging me for or whether or not it will help them. The operative point from where I'm standing is that their lack of money is not my responsibility. I am hustling my ass off all day every day to make that money; they are spending the same day sitting in front of the Circle K, looking for people to beg for handouts from. I can't even remember the last time I went into a store in this city without at least one bum pestering me for money like he's somehow entitled to something from me. I'm to the point where I resent them thinking they're even entitled to my attention, let alone my money.

I feel the same way about giving money to the "homeless" that I do about feeding the bears at Yosemite.

Not interested in either one.

I agree. I think both of them should feed themselves.
Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.

You can judge one's humanity by how they threat the least amount them. Claiming that our nations poor don’t need help because their “richer” than other nations poorest is country club stupid.

Why is that? The difference between our poor and poor in other countries is that most of our poor can change their plight. It's why so many people from other places want to come here to live. In most other countries, if you are born poor, that's the way you're going to die, and there's little you can do about it.

People who do come here laugh at what we call poor.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Anywhere you go in the world your going to have at least two types of people. You have the ones who spring up every morning at 5AM and are looking forward to the day, whether that be work or educating themselves, and then you have the ones who cant seem to get up until 10 or 11. OK maybe not as drastic of an example but you get the idea. Some personality types are meant to be successful and leading edge, others are meant to support, other types are followers, other types are just lost until someone helps them go the right direction. Thus, you are always going to have your rich and your poor. This whole thing about poor people in the US is overblown.
So what? there is a side benefit to being poor and that is that it makes you want more. It makes you want to try harder. It gives you hunger, It makes you want to advance when you see other people who are wealthy around you and you are NOT. This doesnt mean you need to hate the rich.... That my friend is a Marxist Ideology... that you have to take from one to give to another.
But in the United States, the poor do not have to remain poor. that is one of the great things still about the US. pretty much anyone can still go to college, and pretty much anyone can be very successful if it is within themself to do so.

Example Who is Joe Lacob? Everything You Need to Know

This guy is a billionaire who started out poor. Now, if he lived in a Socialist country where he and his parents were always kept fat and happy then he probably would not have accomplished all that he did.
You might argue that it is better to keep everyone closer to even... no one really rich.. and no one really poor. Well, as people have already pointed out, the poor here in the US are still way better of than most countries of the world... and again, they don't have to stay poor. In the US there is always hope to advance. For those who dont like the way the US is , I say, don't try to change us into a European model, just move to Europe where you can feel comfortable and safe.
most americans are living paycheck to paycheck

you know what that means? what if your car breaks down and you cant get to your job and you get fired? what if you get sick and cant afford to go to the doctor?

its time for Americans to tell Wall Street who are making billions in profits and charging you 30 percent interest rate: enough of your greed.

...You have the ones who spring up every morning at 5AM and are looking forward to the day, whether that be work or educating themselves, ....

Anyone who springs out of bed at 5 AM doing pirouettes and singing Disney songs went to sleep at 7 PM and needs to be thrown through a wall anyway. People get up at 5 AM because they have to.
...You have the ones who spring up every morning at 5AM and are looking forward to the day, whether that be work or educating themselves, ....

Anyone who springs out of bed at 5 AM doing pirouettes and singing Disney songs went to sleep at 7 PM and needs to be thrown through a wall anyway. People get up at 5 AM because they have to.

ok ok, so i gave two extreme examples, not everyone bounces up at 5 and not everyone sleeps in until 11 ....exactly, but there are the self starters and then the ones who are not so much
Who do you think is more likely to become rich and who do you think is more likely to live a so so existence?
That is sort of the point. Or do you also believe everyone in the US should be rich because this is a "wealthy" country?
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?

Tell that to the millions of Russians who own their own cars, who used to have to walk or take the bus.

As a person who has traveled extensively in Russia from the Soviet era, through the collapse, and into the modern age, I can say with absolute certainty that you have no clue what you are talking about.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China adopted a capitalist model decades ago, or hadn't you heard?

It also helps to have a billion people to develop your markets.
Russia has basically been flopping under capitalism.
Soviets better than Russia today?
61 million Russians murdered by their own government disagree.
The life expectancy had risen in Russia from 32 in 1913 to 64 in 1950. How could that many be killed if the life expectancy had risen so sharply?Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Because they only track those who live, silly person.

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