Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

think about that.

you could live like a king in the Congo.

I'd prefer living like a Congolese king right here. The problem with "living like a king in the Congo" is that you have to be in the Congo.
Some liberal idiot was yapping about CEO salaries yesterday. I pointed out that if they divided the top 10 CEO's compensation evenly among the people, each would receive $5 to spend at McDonalds. The left's talking points vs math.

They are worried about what a CEO makes, but when actors get paid a million dollars per episode on a hit television show, they have no problems with that. Or an actor gets 15 million dollars for one movie.

I knew a guy that was a roadie for a rock band. They got paid crap. They had to drive around all over the country, lug that heavy equipment into concert halls, set all that stuff up, tear it down after the show, load it back into the trucks, and hit the road again.

They got paid crap. Living expenses were included, but very little money considering the work they did and living away from home weeks or months on end.

CEO's should take less pay and give that money to lowly workers when a star quarterback is willing to throw a football for 100K a year and give the rest of his money to the beer and popcorn vendors, the grounds crew, and the parking lot attendant.

Actors are the employees. Employees able to negotiate high salaries

Most workers don’t have that leverage

No, the actors are CEO's in comparison. They are far above the people that work under them like the hair stylists, the stage hands, the joke writers, the camera crew, all who get paid a small fraction of the money an actor makes.

People get paid according to the value that their company places on them. You can find another good floor sweeper, but much more difficult and perhaps more costly to find a great CEO.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.
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Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.

Thanks for bringing that up. You just proved with that post beyond any doubt that the very wealthy should definitely be paying a 70% tax rate at least.

Good job.

For this to be "proof" of your asinine premise would require us to agree with your greedy, avaricious assumption that you're entitled to decide what people "should" have and to take what you decide they "shouldn't" have.

I guess this is a good job if what you were aiming for was to reveal yourself as a nasty, evil little thief.
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.

Please provide the evidence on which you base your assertion that "only people born into wealth can be wealthy". Because I can prove the opposite. Oh, and your anecdotal evidence that YOU are a miserable failure, and it MUST be the fault of someone other than you doesn't count.

How Most Millionaires Got Rich - Study Results - BusinessNewsDaily

7 Millionaire Myths

Millionaires Just Inherited Their Money
According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own.

Most Millionaires Self-Made, Study Says

Most Americans with $1 million or more in assets made their money on their own, according to a study by BMO Private Bank released today.

Sixty-seven percent of high-net-worth Americans are self-made millionaires, according to the survey. Only 8 percent inherited their wealth. One third of the millionaires surveyed were women and half of them made their own fortunes.
There are a few exceptions but overall I stand by my post. A college degree in a desired field can give the worker the upper hand in the conflict tht exists between worker vs employer. The two are always at odds.

So you think you've said something unique and profound by pointing out that being educated makes achievement easier? Gloryosky, what a revelation!
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.
Not my fault they spend their money on tattoos and drugs.

Not my fault they spend their money on tattoos and drugs.

Your writing that 80% of American Workers "spend their money on tattoos and drugs?"
89.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Facts are hard for a lair like you.

Reality is hard for an idiot like you.
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.
I grew up in poverty, and I’m very well off now. As are millions of others.

When you grew up. Not anymore.

Define "very well off."

Actually, as one of my previous links pointed out, MORE millionaires today are self-made than thirty years ago.
Some liberal idiot was yapping about CEO salaries yesterday. I pointed out that if they divided the top 10 CEO's compensation evenly among the people, each would receive $5 to spend at McDonalds. The left's talking points vs math.

They are worried about what a CEO makes, but when actors get paid a million dollars per episode on a hit television show, they have no problems with that. Or an actor gets 15 million dollars for one movie.

I knew a guy that was a roadie for a rock band. They got paid crap. They had to drive around all over the country, lug that heavy equipment into concert halls, set all that stuff up, tear it down after the show, load it back into the trucks, and hit the road again.

They got paid crap. Living expenses were included, but very little money considering the work they did and living away from home weeks or months on end.

CEO's should take less pay and give that money to lowly workers when a star quarterback is willing to throw a football for 100K a year and give the rest of his money to the beer and popcorn vendors, the grounds crew, and the parking lot attendant.

The left's double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.
Not my fault they spend their money on tattoos and drugs.

Not my fault they spend their money on tattoos and drugs.

Your writing that 80% of American Workers "spend their money on tattoos and drugs?"

For his next post he'll be telling us how blacks dare to step on white mens shadows after they smoke marijuana, and listen to jazz music.

Yes, these morons still exist. It's gone from refer madness, to just madness.

"Well . . . well . . . you're a bigot! I accused you of racism, so that means I automatically WIN!"

And yes, we know morons like you still exist. You're like cockroaches.
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.

Please provide the evidence on which you base your assertion that "only people born into wealth can be wealthy". Because I can prove the opposite. Oh, and your anecdotal evidence that YOU are a miserable failure, and it MUST be the fault of someone other than you doesn't count.

How Most Millionaires Got Rich - Study Results - BusinessNewsDaily

7 Millionaire Myths

Millionaires Just Inherited Their Money
According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own.

Most Millionaires Self-Made, Study Says

Most Americans with $1 million or more in assets made their money on their own, according to a study by BMO Private Bank released today.

Sixty-seven percent of high-net-worth Americans are self-made millionaires, according to the survey. Only 8 percent inherited their wealth. One third of the millionaires surveyed were women and half of them made their own fortunes.

Joshua Rauh: What the Forbes 400 List Says about American Wealth

Not only that, but many people who get their money without working end up broke. I know a couple of our former customers who handed down the business to their kids, and the kids had it closed up within a couple of years. Books have been written about the tragedy of lottery winners who ultimately ended up with more money problems than before they won.

I remember as a child when my father had to drive through the ghetto to get somewhere. I looked on at the people in the projects and told my Dad I wish I could give those people a million dollars so they didn't have to live that way. My father replied, Son, you can each of them a million dollars, and in enough time, they will end up right back here again.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Well give your money up..

And after someone takes all of One's "wealth" and buys a coffee at McDonald's with it - assuming the cashier has an extra couple of pennies handy to help out - then what?
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Mostly in Dem run cities, I finished your point for you.

Wrong. Mississippi is number one in poverty.

List of U.S. states and territories by poverty rate - Wikipedia

You know the difference between a city and a state, right? They have dictionaries online, in case you're confused.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

It is a simple fact that no matter what system you use, no matter how your government works poor people are a fact.

There will always be people that have less than others. No amount of forced 'equal' outcomes will change that reality.

They won't be under tRumps proposal.

Trump Has A New Solution for Poverty: Pretend Poor People Don’t Exist

"Well, I found a leftist site that says THIS, so that makes it true, right?!"
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

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