Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

Was it a Reagan phone?

Does it really matter? Our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. If people in Africa could see what we call poor, they'd laugh until they cried.
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.

You're full of shit, my grandmother had 9 children, all were born poor, 4 of the nine became multimillionaires. None were ever destitute and only two went to college, both were pastors.

The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?
It isn't about the money. It's about the power. Having a free society means limiting all accumulations of power, "for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"
Who’s going to have power over you, a large unaccountable Government or a small limited government?
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.
I lived in poverty as a child, multi millionaire now.

It’s called hard work.
Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

But the America-centric left doesn't understand that electricity and indoor plumbing and refrigerators are unimaginable luxuries to much of the world.

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
It isn't about the money. It's about the power. Having a free society means limiting all accumulations of power, "for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"
Who’s going to have power over you, a large unaccountable Government or a small limited government?

Well, nobody in politics these days is pushing a small limited government. If there were, I'd be okay with them. At least that's a reasonable position to take.
It isn't about the money. It's about the power. Having a free society means limiting all accumulations of power, "for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"
Who’s going to have power over you, a large unaccountable Government or a small limited government?

Well, nobody in politics these days is pushing a small limited government. If there were, I'd be okay with them. At least that's a reasonable position to take.
But my point is anyone saying they’re concerned about government overstepping should be pushing for a small limited government.

Yet they do the opposite.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Anywhere you go in the world your going to have at least two types of people. You have the ones who spring up every morning at 5AM and are looking forward to the day, whether that be work or educating themselves, and then you have the ones who cant seem to get up until 10 or 11. OK maybe not as drastic of an example but you get the idea. Some personality types are meant to be successful and leading edge, others are meant to support, other types are followers, other types are just lost until someone helps them go the right direction. Thus, you are always going to have your rich and your poor. This whole thing about poor people in the US is overblown.
So what? there is a side benefit to being poor and that is that it makes you want more. It makes you want to try harder. It gives you hunger, It makes you want to advance when you see other people who are wealthy around you and you are NOT. This doesnt mean you need to hate the rich.... That my friend is a Marxist Ideology... that you have to take from one to give to another.
But in the United States, the poor do not have to remain poor. that is one of the great things still about the US. pretty much anyone can still go to college, and pretty much anyone can be very successful if it is within themself to do so.

Example Who is Joe Lacob? Everything You Need to Know

This guy is a billionaire who started out poor. Now, if he lived in a Socialist country where he and his parents were always kept fat and happy then he probably would not have accomplished all that he did.
You might argue that it is better to keep everyone closer to even... no one really rich.. and no one really poor. Well, as people have already pointed out, the poor here in the US are still way better of than most countries of the world... and again, they don't have to stay poor. In the US there is always hope to advance. For those who dont like the way the US is , I say, don't try to change us into a European model, just move to Europe where you can feel comfortable and safe.

Lacob was raised in a middle class family and used student loans for his education. Far from the rags to riches deception you bloviate.

He also dumped his wife for a younger model. Yeah baby!!!!!!!
Failure Bonus:

Study finds America's poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European and OECD nations

Sorry, Bernie: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60 Percent of Developed Countries

Leftist talking points hardest hit.
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

Why do we still have people with inferior housing, lack of food and no healthcare?

Because that's the way they chose to live, they are the sum total of their own choices. Most refused to take advantage of education that was available to them.

The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......
It’s the fault of individuals they don’t save money. It’s pure life choices and most under 50 choose to live for the pleasures of today and screw tomorrow.

It’s the fault of individuals they don’t save money.

Most Americans make less than basic needs. With tRumps tariffs increasing price of goods, it's going to get worse.

It’s pure life choices and most under 50 choose to live for the pleasures of today and screw tomorrow.

Very few under 50 will be able financially to retire.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Yep. It’s all a matter of life choices.

Buy that boat instead of putting it in a 401k

Buy that boat instead of putting it in a 401k

How many tens of billions of 401k wealth was lost under baby bush?

A boats not a bad idea. Under tRump you'll probably need a place to live.
It isn't about the money. It's about the power. Having a free society means limiting all accumulations of power, "for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"

It's ALWAYS about the money.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Yep. It’s all a matter of life choices.

Buy that boat instead of putting it in a 401k

Buy that boat instead of putting it in a 401k

How many tens of billions of 401k wealth was lost under baby bush?

A boats not a bad idea. Under tRump you'll probably need a place to live.

If you stayed in the market and had a good company running your investments, it's likely you made out.
Most Americans make less than basic needs. With tRumps tariffs increasing price of goods, it's going to get worse.

Yet you're the one that harps on a huge minimum wage increase, as if that wouldn't increase the price of our goods.

Employers should pay a living wage.

They will when you buy their products. The problem seems to be you have zero business acumen.

If I pay my employees a living wage (whatever that is) to produce my widgets, and it costs me $15.00 per widget, however I can only sell them for $12.00 a widget, please explain how I can stay in business that way.
Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

Was it a Reagan phone?

Does it really matter? Our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. If people in Africa could see what we call poor, they'd laugh until they cried.

Does it really matter?

Yes. The free phone is a Republican ideal.

Our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud.

Are you saying the United States of American doesn't have poor people?

If people in Africa could see what we call poor, they'd laugh until they cried.

Which is a deception. Were writing of Americans. Try to keep focused.
Yes. The free phone is a Republican ideal.

The landline was (which was virtually the only thing around in Reagan's time).

Are you saying the United States of American doesn't have poor people?

In contrast to the rest of the world, no we don't. Our poor people live better than working people in Europe.

Which is a deception. Were writing of Americans. Try to keep focused.

How are we doing that?

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