Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% to adjust for rental of property.

People shop at Walmart because they have too. People shop online because they have too.

Corporate America and Republicans: Keeping workers poor.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.

While it maybe true that Chinese has risen. They also have risen in the United States, and else where like Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, even Russia. It seems Chinese are just more intelligent, educated, and harder working than a lot of other groups.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% to adjust for rental of property.

People shop at Walmart because they have too. People shop online because they have too.

Corporate America and Republicans: Keeping workers poor.
I pay $2.10 for gas.
California poor pay $3.45.

Same goes with heating and cooling their homes.

The Left hate the poor.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

What is poor here is consider high living in countries like India, Philippines and El Salvador...

Go be poor there and see the difference...
Those countries are capitalist shitholes compared to the more socialist United States.

It sure seems like everywhere those kind of people go become shith()les. Even in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......
It’s the fault of individuals they don’t save money. It’s pure life choices and most under 50 choose to live for the pleasures of today and screw tomorrow.

It’s the fault of individuals they don’t save money.

Most Americans make less than basic needs. With tRumps tariffs increasing price of goods, it's going to get worse.

It’s pure life choices and most under 50 choose to live for the pleasures of today and screw tomorrow.

Very few under 50 will be able financially to retire.
That’s the problem with you Leftards. You live in a bubble world and never travel.

Americans are filthy rich, our poor live like Royalty compared to 90% of the world.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% to adjust for rental of property.

People shop at Walmart because they have too. People shop online because they have too.

Corporate America and Republicans: Keeping workers poor.

They have to? Did you ever see some of those new SUV"s in Walmart's parking lot?

I go to Walmart about once a month. I see plenty of nicer vehicles than I drive.

And you're telling me that people have to shop online? Not many have to, they do so out of convenience.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:
The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

Over here we have ramp beggars. These are people that stand on the highway get off ramps holding signs hoping the motorists stopped at the red light will give them money. One time a girl was standing there with a sign, and with her other hand, pulled out her cell phone to answer a call. Must have been the ramp beggars union or something because it must have been important.

I look at these people here in Phoenix and think, "You can manage to stand out in 100+ degree heat all day to beg, but you can't work an actual job? Really?"

I get so almighty tired of being panhandled at every frigging gas station in the city I go to. I'm busy actually hustling my ass off, working for a living, and you think you're entitled to take up my valuable time asking me for my money? How about no?

If I have any spare money to give, I give to homeless organizations because I understand that some people are simply not intelligent enough to take care of themselves, and I can only thank God for not making me one of those people. However......most places that deal with the homeless tells you the worst thing you can do is hand them cash. They will likely use it for drugs or alcohol instead of helping themselves. Organizations that help the homeless make sure the money to help them goes to the right places.

I really don't give a fuck what they're planning to do with the money they're begging me for or whether or not it will help them. The operative point from where I'm standing is that their lack of money is not my responsibility. I am hustling my ass off all day every day to make that money; they are spending the same day sitting in front of the Circle K, looking for people to beg for handouts from. I can't even remember the last time I went into a store in this city without at least one bum pestering me for money like he's somehow entitled to something from me. I'm to the point where I resent them thinking they're even entitled to my attention, let alone my money.

I feel the same way about giving money to the "homeless" that I do about feeding the bears at Yosemite.

Not interested in either one.

I've bought meals for people claiming to be homeless, we go into the restaurant, they order and I pay the tab. No cash.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% to adjust for rental of property.

People shop at Walmart because they have too. People shop online because they have too.

Corporate America and Republicans: Keeping workers poor.
I pay $2.10 for gas.
California poor pay $3.45.

Same goes with heating and cooling their homes.

The Left hate the poor.
Some on the left want infrastructure upgrades that help green our economy and lower costs.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.
The fact is that most of those people don't HAVE to live paycheck to paycheck. That's largely a result of life choices, not any sort of unconquerable "poverty" by any sane definition of the word.

"Some people have extra jobs! Oh, the horror!!" The REAL poor in the world can't get jobs at all, and you want us to sob over those who live under an economy with such plentiful work available that they can find two jobs, because it's such an "awful" thing to labor to improve your life? What language are you even speaking?

"It's immoral that employers don't treat workers like helpless children!" You're really going to talk about "not paying a living wage" - which always seems to mean "give me enough money to have whatever I want, just because I exist" in a conversation about people for whom starvation is a major cause of death? Your idea of "not even a living wage" is their idea of luxury, which is rather the point.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the main reason you hate America is because you're so ignorant about everything outside of America that you have no perspective to work with.

It's immoral that employers don't pay their workers "the people that make the company ALL of their money" a living wage.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

Quit bashing the American Worker, commie......

If anything is immoral, it's the American consumer who won't buy the products of the company paying their workers a living wage. Whatever the F that is.

See all those people at Walmart? How many of those shoppers do you suppose give a rats ass about what the workers that produce their products make?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% to adjust for rental of property.

People shop at Walmart because they have too. People shop online because they have too.

Corporate America and Republicans: Keeping workers poor.
I pay $2.10 for gas.
California poor pay $3.45.

Same goes with heating and cooling their homes.

The Left hate the poor.
Some on the left want infrastructure upgrades that help green our economy and lower costs.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Did you read what I said?
Fact is people living paycheck to paycheck are doing so simply because they choose to.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Why are Haitians also poorer in the USA than the Chinese are, who the Chinese are even wealthier than most Whites in the USA?

It seems Haiti, like all Africans are doomed no matter what they try.

Sure, there are many Capitalist shith()les in Africa, and also many borderline Communist ones too. I mean is Mugabe a Capitalist? Zimbabwe was touted as a dreamboat of Africa as Rhodesia of the British Empire.

Soon Zimbabwe was formed, and at first there were good schools, and healthcare because of Socialism by Mugabe. But then he ended up printing currency to hyperinflation to pay for all those programs.

A few years ago Zimbabwe was still the poorest country on Earth. I know it just recently started uplifting a bit economically. But it is still a disaster.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Possibly because "poor" is a relative term. There are always going to be people at the low end of the economic spectrum, and they are going to be termed "the poor" for that group. But thinking "the poor" in the US has any similarity to the poor of other nations requires a unique level of America-centric myopia and ignorance. (Which, when I think about it, is a good description of you.)

Writing of "other nations" is simply deception. The issue is the United States. Why shouldn't we have prosperity among ALL citizens?

Because some citizens aren't willing to do the work.

The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Possibly because "poor" is a relative term. There are always going to be people at the low end of the economic spectrum, and they are going to be termed "the poor" for that group. But thinking "the poor" in the US has any similarity to the poor of other nations requires a unique level of America-centric myopia and ignorance. (Which, when I think about it, is a good description of you.)

Writing of "other nations" is simply deception. The issue is the United States. Why shouldn't we have prosperity among ALL citizens?

Because some citizens aren't willing to do the work.

China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Did you read what I said?

Yes seems clear you didn't watch the video.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Our inequity has been increasing for decades, and today, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

This inequity garbage is based on a false theory that if one has too much, that's the reason others have to little. The false theory that one with little money cannot make more, and that we live in this bubble where income is finite.

Take all the money away from those who have it, and you won't be any further ahead than you are today.

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