Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Our inequity has been increasing for decades, and today, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

This inequity garbage is based on a false theory that if one has too much, that's the reason others have to little. The false theory that one with little money cannot make more, and that we live in this bubble where income is finite.

Take all the money away from those who have it, and you won't be any further ahead than you are today.

You can have lots of inequality with low unemployment, I don't get your point.

Yes it is growing and the rate of growth of our economy is slowing. We used to have over 5%, now we just had a quarter of 2%. There is a reason the worst shitholes on he planet have huge inequality.
We need fusion (an energy with a future)!

As long as you have an appropriate place to dump the spent fuel. Texas comes to mind.

Fusion has no nuclear waste.


Good! Texas is saved!!!!!

Better idea. We in Nevada have enough land to power the entire United States with solar. Only problem, power companies would make less profit.

Do you seriously think the envirowennies would allow that without decades of law suits? Also I don't think you understand the maintenance solar requires, especially in a windy, dusty environment like NV. Plus there are transmission issues over long distances.

Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China has a billion fucking slanteyes working for a quarter an hour.

Haiti has 10.9 million people.

To compare the two is completely asinine.

Does Haiti have to install anti-suicide nets outside of the rooms where the iPhone workers work so they don't kill themselves by jumping out of windows because of the awful work and living conditions they have to endure? Only liberals would consider THIS successful.
Soviet Union collapsed and went capitalist. China is mostly capitalist now.

Keep trying!
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Our inequity has been increasing for decades, and today, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

This inequity garbage is based on a false theory that if one has too much, that's the reason others have to little. The false theory that one with little money cannot make more, and that we live in this bubble where income is finite.

Take all the money away from those who have it, and you won't be any further ahead than you are today.

You can have lots of inequality with low unemployment, I don't get your point.

Yes it is growing and the rate of growth of our economy is slowing. We used to have over 5%, now we just had a quarter of 2%. There is a reason the worst shitholes on he planet have huge inequality.

Yes there is, and that is people don't have the opportunity to change their plight. Why do you think so many from around the world want to come here? It's because you can be anybody you like in most cases.

If you want to be poor, then don't work and be poor. If you want to be middle-class, learn a trade, go take some college courses, make some small investments and you can be middle-class. If you want to be wealthy, that takes a lot of risks and a lot of sacrifices, but you have a shot at it.

It's not like that in those shithole countries. If you are born poor, that's the way you're going to stay no matter what you do or how hard you try.
But that doesn't matter, we still have too much inequality:

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.

Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Our inequity has been increasing for decades, and today, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

This inequity garbage is based on a false theory that if one has too much, that's the reason others have to little. The false theory that one with little money cannot make more, and that we live in this bubble where income is finite.

Take all the money away from those who have it, and you won't be any further ahead than you are today.

You can have lots of inequality with low unemployment, I don't get your point.

Yes it is growing and the rate of growth of our economy is slowing. We used to have over 5%, now we just had a quarter of 2%. There is a reason the worst shitholes on he planet have huge inequality.

Yes there is, and that is people don't have the opportunity to change their plight. Why do you think so many from around the world want to come here? It's because you can be anybody you like in most cases.

If you want to be poor, then don't work and be poor. If you want to be middle-class, learn a trade, go take some college courses, make some small investments and you can be middle-class. If you want to be wealthy, that takes a lot of risks and a lot of sacrifices, but you have a shot at it.

It's not like that in those shithole countries. If you are born poor, that's the way you're going to stay no matter what you do or how hard you try.

None of that changes the negative effects of too much inequality.

So you guys don't want a stronger economy?
By many measures, the U.S. economy is doing well: the labor market is strong, monetary policy remains largely accommodative for the moment, and corporate America is expected to post its best quarter of profit growth in seven years. Despite that, economic growth has been fairly tepid, and it could be because any improvements in the economy are being unequally distributed.

According to Torsten Sløk, the chief international economist at Deutsche Bank Securities, income inequality is a major factor that has been holding back the U.S. economy for nearly a decade.

Why income inequality is holding back economic growth, in one chart
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

That’s what drives you Leftards, inequality. So 100% of your effort is to tear down those with instead of trying to build up those without.
Did you listen to the study? There are many negative effects of inequality including a slow economy.

Our inequity has been increasing for decades, and today, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

This inequity garbage is based on a false theory that if one has too much, that's the reason others have to little. The false theory that one with little money cannot make more, and that we live in this bubble where income is finite.

Take all the money away from those who have it, and you won't be any further ahead than you are today.
You can have lots of inequality with low unemployment, I don't get your point.

Yes it is growing and the rate of growth of our economy is slowing. We used to have over 5%, now we just had a quarter of 2%. There is a reason the worst shitholes on he planet have huge inequality.

Yes there is, and that is people don't have the opportunity to change their plight. Why do you think so many from around the world want to come here? It's because you can be anybody you like in most cases.

If you want to be poor, then don't work and be poor. If you want to be middle-class, learn a trade, go take some college courses, make some small investments and you can be middle-class. If you want to be wealthy, that takes a lot of risks and a lot of sacrifices, but you have a shot at it.

It's not like that in those shithole countries. If you are born poor, that's the way you're going to stay no matter what you do or how hard you try.
None of that changes the negative effects of too much inequality.

I don't come here to watch 15 minute videos. If I did, I'd be here all day. I don't know who this guy is, and care for his opinion even less. I can find plenty just like him opposing his views. And you would not watch that either.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Why are Haitians also poorer in the USA than the Chinese are, who the Chinese are even wealthier than most Whites in the USA?

It seems Haiti, like all Africans are doomed no matter what they try.

Sure, there are many Capitalist shith()les in Africa, and also many borderline Communist ones too. I mean is Mugabe a Capitalist? Zimbabwe was touted as a dreamboat of Africa as Rhodesia of the British Empire.

Soon Zimbabwe was formed, and at first there were good schools, and healthcare because of Socialism by Mugabe. But then he ended up printing currency to hyperinflation to pay for all those programs.

A few years ago Zimbabwe was still the poorest country on Earth. I know it just recently started uplifting a bit economically. But it is still a disaster.
You sound like a racist Nazi against black people. There is no evidence that they are incapable.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.

While it maybe true that Chinese has risen. They also have risen in the United States, and else where like Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, even Russia. It seems Chinese are just more intelligent, educated, and harder working than a lot of other groups.
Chinese do value education, but it is probably cultural.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

What is poor here is consider high living in countries like India, Philippines and El Salvador...

Go be poor there and see the difference...
Those countries are capitalist shitholes compared to the more socialist United States.

It sure seems like everywhere those kind of people go become shith()les. Even in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia.
Spoken like a true racist Nazi against brown, and black people.
Twice as well as those that are well off.

That's not a definition, that's bloviating.

And you were expecting more from a stupid-ass question?

You wrote that you are "well off." How much is "well off?"

While I do consider myself quite well off, I'm not seeing where I wrote that I'm well off.

Right here:
View attachment 277218
Looks like it says twice as well off.
That's not a definition, that's bloviating.

And you were expecting more from a stupid-ass question?

You wrote that you are "well off." How much is "well off?"

While I do consider myself quite well off, I'm not seeing where I wrote that I'm well off.

Right here:
View attachment 277218
Looks like it says twice as well off.

Define "well off."
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.
Yet it is the democrats that pushed all our jobs to china.

Here in Connecticut, there are many factories abandoned. Democrat state, where are the jobs.

Detroit, 6th largest economy in the world, ran by democrats, gone? Why is that.

Obama stated, those jobs ain't coming back.

Yet, Trump is bringing back jobs Obama gave to China.

And now, Obama is worth $100 million dollars. Bribes are paid after the president leaves office.
China has been the biggest threat. The USA should've been slapping sanctions on China, rather than d*cking off with Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan.

But, of course the USA is a vassal state of you know who.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.

While it maybe true that Chinese has risen. They also have risen in the United States, and else where like Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, even Russia. It seems Chinese are just more intelligent, educated, and harder working than a lot of other groups.
Chinese do value education, but it is probably cultural.

Transracial adoption studies show that East Asians still score higher IQ's when adopted into White families.

Cultural my @$$.

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