Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

And you make a good argument for a $25.00 Big Mac and a $100.00 Skirt Steak. Why do you hate people on a fixed income?

I'm not the one making the argument, that was YOU!

Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.


How do you not blame Democrats? When union demands made our labor a dollar more an hour, overseas labor went up two cents. When unions made labor another dollar more an hour, foreign labor went up another three cents.

Eventually we outpriced ourselves out of jobs with the support of the Democrat party. Now that unions are virtually non existent, Democrats want to continue the trend with huge minimum wage increases.

Democrats haven't been Union-basher's since the late 50's.

Employees pay has been fixed for decades while prices for products and service have risen.

Hear about the $102k Chevy Silverado assembled by $16.00/hr Union members? Mooo' profit!!!!!

The union owns 40% of GM dumb ass.

You mean the Union Trust which pay American Workers retirement and healthcare.

No dumb fuck, maobama gave the UAW 40% of GMs shares in the reorganization.

The UAW Trust received shares equal to what GM owed their employees.

Doesn't alter the fact that the union owns 40% of the company.

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?


Doubtful. I don't think any of us has wanted to be deranged and hallucinating, so you have nothing we desire.

So you got NOTHING!

Yes, the reason sane people don't dignify babbling loons by debating seriously with them is because they "have nothing" to counter the "brilliant argument" of ranting with foam flying from your lips.

Delusional, like I said.
I'm not the one making the argument, that was YOU!

Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.
Democrats haven't been Union-basher's since the late 50's.

Employees pay has been fixed for decades while prices for products and service have risen.

Hear about the $102k Chevy Silverado assembled by $16.00/hr Union members? Mooo' profit!!!!!

The union owns 40% of GM dumb ass.

You mean the Union Trust which pay American Workers retirement and healthcare.

No dumb fuck, maobama gave the UAW 40% of GMs shares in the reorganization.

The UAW Trust received shares equal to what GM owed their employees.

Doesn't alter the fact that the union owns 40% of the company.

You mean the workers trust owns 40% of the company.
They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?


Doubtful. I don't think any of us has wanted to be deranged and hallucinating, so you have nothing we desire.

So you got NOTHING!

Yes, the reason sane people don't dignify babbling loons by debating seriously with them is because they "have nothing" to counter the "brilliant argument" of ranting with foam flying from your lips.

Delusional, like I said.

You've now qualified the fact that you have nothing.
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.
what is poor is subjective
not having two cars a backyard swimming pool or the latest iPhone isn't being poor
starving to death is being poor which we don't have that here in the US
Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

No, employees just do the labor. The people that make the money for the company are those that started it, those who pay the utility bills, those who pay for the building in which workers work, those who pay the property taxes, the maintenance of the building and property.

If I call my stock broker tomorrow and say I want to buy 1000 shares of X. All he or she does is what I told them to do. If I make a great amount of money on my investment, you can't credit the broker. You credit the person that took their money and risk for that investment to happen.
Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

You continue to be a fucking moron who has obviously only observed upper management when they're firing you for goofing off when you should be mopping the bathrooms.
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?


Doubtful. I don't think any of us has wanted to be deranged and hallucinating, so you have nothing we desire.

So you got NOTHING!

Yes, the reason sane people don't dignify babbling loons by debating seriously with them is because they "have nothing" to counter the "brilliant argument" of ranting with foam flying from your lips.

Delusional, like I said.

You've now qualified the fact that you have nothing.

You've now verified the fact that you don't know the diference between talking and having something to say.
You symbolized the essence of greed by using the greed talking points.

"Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on."

You were on a roll and left out "market price." - For shame!

Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States:

I believe employers would have an easier time cultivating motivated employees rather than have to deal with "wage-slaves".

The cost savings could be tremendous, since the alternative is the rock bottom cost of compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Poor little commie, can't handle the facts. And for someone claiming to be rich, you should know what skills are worth is the fucking market price. Labor is just a commodity, it worth is determined by the market. I seriously doubt you've ever signed the front of a paycheck. You're just a fucking puke poser.

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States:

I believe employers would have an easier time cultivating motivated employees rather than have to deal with "wage-slaves".

The cost savings could be tremendous, since the alternative is the rock bottom cost of compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You got an english translation for that BS?

Labor is just a commodity

Bullshit. Infrastructure and labor are the two key eliminates to any successful business. Saying that labor is a commodity treats workers like soybeans. Think about that when you cash your next paycheck.

Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States:

I believe employers would have an easier time cultivating motivated employees rather than have to deal with "wage-slaves".

The cost savings could be tremendous, since the alternative is the rock bottom cost of compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You got an english translation for that BS?

don't need one. you need valid arguments or simply be, incompetent.
Actually soybeans have intrinsic value, labor can be replaced by a machine. Also since the mid 70s, with the exception of military service, I wrote the paychecks. I've been retired since 2010.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States:

I believe employers would have an easier time cultivating motivated employees rather than have to deal with "wage-slaves".

The cost savings could be tremendous, since the alternative is the rock bottom cost of compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You got an english translation for that BS?

don't need one. you need valid arguments or simply be, incompetent.

Sorry child, you can't argue with gibberish. Perhaps you should take a refresher ESL course.

Intrinsic value is only a perception of value. Employees make all of the money for a company.

More fucking lies, employees are a dime a dozen and most can be replaced by temps. Good ones are offered full time, with benefits as an incentive to stay on. But no one is indispensable, not even the CEO. Employees are one of the largest liabilities a company has, supply chain and raw material costs are just as important to company profits as employees.

Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States:

I believe employers would have an easier time cultivating motivated employees rather than have to deal with "wage-slaves".

The cost savings could be tremendous, since the alternative is the rock bottom cost of compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You got an english translation for that BS?

don't need one. you need valid arguments or simply be, incompetent.

Sorry child, you can't argue with gibberish. Perhaps you should take a refresher ESL course.

dear, there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
If you make it to comfortable to be in poverty there is no incentive to get out of poverty

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