Dem Talking Point Failure: America's Poorest Are Richer Than 60% of Developed Countries

And you were expecting more from a stupid-ass question?

You wrote that you are "well off." How much is "well off?"

While I do consider myself quite well off, I'm not seeing where I wrote that I'm well off.

Right here:
View attachment 277218
Looks like it says twice as well off.

Define "well off."

Better than most, not as good as some.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.
Millions of Chinese peasants disagree.
China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

China has a billion fucking slanteyes working for a quarter an hour.

Haiti has 10.9 million people.

To compare the two is completely asinine.

Does Haiti have to install anti-suicide nets outside of the rooms where the iPhone workers work so they don't kill themselves by jumping out of windows because of the awful work and living conditions they have to endure? Only liberals would consider THIS successful.
You sound like a racist Nazi. China used to be the poorest country on earth, that is no longer the case.
Because America has a strong welfare state, and good education. Africa, India, Latin America don't have good education, or a strong welfare state. So they suffer because of the lack of socialism.

While it maybe true that Chinese has risen. They also have risen in the United States, and else where like Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, even Russia. It seems Chinese are just more intelligent, educated, and harder working than a lot of other groups.
Chinese do value education, but it is probably cultural.

Transracial adoption studies show that East Asians still score higher IQ's when adopted into White families.

Cultural my @$$.
Judge people as individuals you racist Nazi.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

And you make a good argument for a $25.00 Big Mac and a $100.00 Skirt Steak. Why do you hate people on a fixed income?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

But the America-centric left doesn't understand that electricity and indoor plumbing and refrigerators are unimaginable luxuries to much of the world.

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?
China has been the biggest threat. The USA should've been slapping sanctions on China, rather than d*cking off with Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan.

But, of course the USA is a vassal state of you know who.

Yet Corporate America makes profit on all that is imported from China.
Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

And you make a good argument for a $25.00 Big Mac and a $100.00 Skirt Steak. Why do you hate people on a fixed income?

I'm not the one making the argument, that was YOU!
Again, "poor" is a relative term. Your inability to to understand that "poor" means very different things in different countries proves nothing but that your appalling ignorance is consistent on every subject.

The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

But the America-centric left doesn't understand that electricity and indoor plumbing and refrigerators are unimaginable luxuries to much of the world.

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?

Poor being they have an iPhone 5 and their DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.

The fact that 80% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Some American Workers have to have a second or third job to make ends meet.

Or the immoral lie of employers can't afford to pay a living wage.

Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?

It's greed and mo' profit that moved jobs off-shore. Why should an employer pay a living wage when he/she can off-shore the job for fifty-cents per day?

Nixon allowed Japan to product dump, Reagan moved us into a world economy and daddy Bush signed foreign worker visas into law taking Americans jobs, yet you blame Democrats?
Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?

It's greed and mo' profit that moved jobs off-shore. Why should an employer pay a living wage when he/she can off-shore the job for fifty-cents per day?

Nixon allowed Japan to product dump, Reagan moved us into a world economy and daddy Bush signed foreign worker visas into law taking Americans jobs, yet you blame Democrats?

How do you not blame Democrats? When union demands made our labor a dollar more an hour, overseas labor went up two cents. When unions made labor another dollar more an hour, foreign labor went up another three cents.

Eventually we outpriced ourselves out of jobs with the support of the Democrat party. Now that unions are virtually non existent, Democrats want to continue the trend with huge minimum wage increases.
Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?

It's greed and mo' profit that moved jobs off-shore. Why should an employer pay a living wage when he/she can off-shore the job for fifty-cents per day?

Nixon allowed Japan to product dump, Reagan moved us into a world economy and daddy Bush signed foreign worker visas into law taking Americans jobs, yet you blame Democrats?

How do you not blame Democrats? When union demands made our labor a dollar more an hour, overseas labor went up two cents. When unions made labor another dollar more an hour, foreign labor went up another three cents.

Eventually we outpriced ourselves out of jobs with the support of the Democrat party. Now that unions are virtually non existent, Democrats want to continue the trend with huge minimum wage increases.

Democrats haven't been Union-basher's since the late 50's.

Employees pay has been fixed for decades while prices for products and service have risen.

Hear about the $102k Chevy Silverado assembled by $16.00/hr Union members? Mooo' profit!!!!!
The Poor in America live in climate controlled homes, have electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, watch big screen TVs, have mobile phones and automobiles...and have a high rate of obesity (and Type II diabetes).

The Real Poor in other countries and earlier in history starved and lived in squalor.

But the America-centric left doesn't understand that electricity and indoor plumbing and refrigerators are unimaginable luxuries to much of the world.

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

They think they are just things to be redistributed from better off people to less well off ones. Magic!

Under tRumps tariffs, you are now paying up to $1000.00/yr in higher prices, while I, a billionaire, received a 50% reduction in tax liability. Magic!

But wait, there's more. October 1st, the second round of tRumps tariff's take effect. More magic!
So now you are a billionaire?

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?


Doubtful. I don't think any of us has wanted to be deranged and hallucinating, so you have nothing we desire.
Perhaps they should learn to budget.

Employers should pay a living wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

And you make a good argument for a $25.00 Big Mac and a $100.00 Skirt Steak. Why do you hate people on a fixed income?

I'm not the one making the argument, that was YOU!

Wrong again commie, I never mentioned a specific wage.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?

It's greed and mo' profit that moved jobs off-shore. Why should an employer pay a living wage when he/she can off-shore the job for fifty-cents per day?

Nixon allowed Japan to product dump, Reagan moved us into a world economy and daddy Bush signed foreign worker visas into law taking Americans jobs, yet you blame Democrats?

How do you not blame Democrats? When union demands made our labor a dollar more an hour, overseas labor went up two cents. When unions made labor another dollar more an hour, foreign labor went up another three cents.

Eventually we outpriced ourselves out of jobs with the support of the Democrat party. Now that unions are virtually non existent, Democrats want to continue the trend with huge minimum wage increases.

Democrats haven't been Union-basher's since the late 50's.

Employees pay has been fixed for decades while prices for products and service have risen.

Hear about the $102k Chevy Silverado assembled by $16.00/hr Union members? Mooo' profit!!!!!

The union owns 40% of GM dumb ass.

Employees should have the skills to earn one. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. As I've said many times, people are the sum total of their own choices. The moral of the story is, make good choices and there are no limits, make bad ones and accept the life you chose. No one has an obligation to pay someone more than their skills are worth. Some jobs are entry level and not intended to live on.

You make a great argument for a $23.50/hr minimum wage.

Why is that? Didn't you on the left chase enough jobs out of the country with your union support, taxation and regulations?

It's greed and mo' profit that moved jobs off-shore. Why should an employer pay a living wage when he/she can off-shore the job for fifty-cents per day?

Nixon allowed Japan to product dump, Reagan moved us into a world economy and daddy Bush signed foreign worker visas into law taking Americans jobs, yet you blame Democrats?

How do you not blame Democrats? When union demands made our labor a dollar more an hour, overseas labor went up two cents. When unions made labor another dollar more an hour, foreign labor went up another three cents.

Eventually we outpriced ourselves out of jobs with the support of the Democrat party. Now that unions are virtually non existent, Democrats want to continue the trend with huge minimum wage increases.

Democrats haven't been Union-basher's since the late 50's.

Employees pay has been fixed for decades while prices for products and service have risen.

Hear about the $102k Chevy Silverado assembled by $16.00/hr Union members? Mooo' profit!!!!!

Legacy costs for one. Remember that all those workers that retired in their early to mid 50's are supported by the money you spend on US vehicles. Two are the benefits that far outweigh the pay. While benefits were always a major cost for any company, the benefits packages for UAW workers are the best in the country.

And no, they are not working for 16 bucks an hour either.

Are Ford Workers Really Paid $73 per Hour?

And how does one accomplish that, by government taking more money from those who have it? All that does is make government richer--not you.
I would start by eliminating government corruption. We need to get rid of corporate socialism. Corruption is no doubt creating some inequality.

When you find a way to do that, let me know, because we have been looking for a way to do that the last 100 years or so.
Unless one is born into money one has next to a zero chance of becoming wealthy. If one is born into poverty one has a next to zero chance of becoming middle class. And work ethic won't change the equation.

that is bullshit mister. where in the hell are you from?
The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Why is that supprising? we are a large country, full of people who immigrated here at different times in history. Broken families, intact families, wars fought, ... hell, you can have five kids with two wonderful parents, three of the kids might end up being doctors, lawyers or business owners, yet the other two may end up being criminals or grifters, all by the same parents. The fact is, those five kids would never be equal for they are all individuals with different birth order, and different pressures, insecurities..... yet they all had equal opportunity perhaps living under the same roof. was that a Republicans fault? a Democrats? or is it just the way it is?
Why is that everything has to be equal? And why do you think it's the governments job to make everything equal outcome?

Again; The United States of America is the richest country in the world and yet we have poor people.

Anywhere you go in the world your going to have at least two types of people. You have the ones who spring up every morning at 5AM and are looking forward to the day, whether that be work or educating themselves, and then you have the ones who cant seem to get up until 10 or 11. OK maybe not as drastic of an example but you get the idea. Some personality types are meant to be successful and leading edge, others are meant to support, other types are followers, other types are just lost until someone helps them go the right direction. Thus, you are always going to have your rich and your poor. This whole thing about poor people in the US is overblown.
So what? there is a side benefit to being poor and that is that it makes you want more. It makes you want to try harder. It gives you hunger, It makes you want to advance when you see other people who are wealthy around you and you are NOT. This doesnt mean you need to hate the rich.... That my friend is a Marxist Ideology... that you have to take from one to give to another.
But in the United States, the poor do not have to remain poor. that is one of the great things still about the US. pretty much anyone can still go to college, and pretty much anyone can be very successful if it is within themself to do so.

Example Who is Joe Lacob? Everything You Need to Know

This guy is a billionaire who started out poor. Now, if he lived in a Socialist country where he and his parents were always kept fat and happy then he probably would not have accomplished all that he did.
You might argue that it is better to keep everyone closer to even... no one really rich.. and no one really poor. Well, as people have already pointed out, the poor here in the US are still way better of than most countries of the world... and again, they don't have to stay poor. In the US there is always hope to advance. For those who dont like the way the US is , I say, don't try to change us into a European model, just move to Europe where you can feel comfortable and safe.

Lacob was raised in a middle class family and used student loans for his education. Far from the rags to riches deception you bloviate.

He also dumped his wife for a younger model. Yeah baby!!!!!!!

Middle class is very far from being a billionaire . and if he was middle class it was because both parents were working, so I would definately call that rags to riches. whats your problem with facing the reality that people don't need to remain poor in the US? Is your desire for class envy so strong?

And what the hell does him taking out student loans have to do with anything? except that probably shows his parents couldnt afford to send him to college?

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