Dem Thugs beat up man who removes Dem signs from his OWN YARD

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.

As far a spinning backpedals are concerned, this one is pretty good. But you are still assuming facts that have yet to come to light.

Dude, was it in front of his property? No one argues that!

Did they beat him up. YES. Read the article. His doctor confirms it.

More facts come to light my ass!

Regardless of where the signs were posted, there is NO justification to beat the guy. NONE! NADA! Those responsible for the beating should be brought to justice, period.
IDIOT libs keep tellng us the GOP is the part of racists, bigots, violence, blah blah blah, but every time REAL VIOLENCE happens, it's alway one the Democrat side and the Libs turn a blind eye. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Taos Police continue probe into political sign fracas - The Taos News: News

Now, get this! This was a "meet and greet for a Dem judge. This man was being beaten. THE POLICE WERE THERE AND DID NOTHING!

They put these signs on this man property and when he went to remove them, they BEAT HIM??????

And the police were there and claim they saw nothing while this man was beaten?

THIS is the face of the Democrat party. It has thrown off the mask that makes it out like they are the "nice" party that defends the poor and the "middle class." And the police won't help you, because they fear it will hurt their jobs as well.

They have revealed themselves to be RADICAL MARXIST/FASCIST THUGS!

THIS is what we need to vote COMPLETELY OUT OF OFFICE come November.

From the Dog catcher to the President.


Yeah, I read this on this morning....

I would love to see them try that shit on me..... The tables would turn real quick....

Not to mention those dudes in the story were sissies - 3 people vs one - not to mention another MAN grabbed the guys wife and held her back...

Typical progressives, and typical progressive tactics.

Remember back in 2010 when that progressive bit that Tea Party guys finger off at a town hall event??

If someone had done that to my wife (now ex) it would not have ended well for anyone there.

Heck, my hubby bench presses (oh gosh, I think he's up to 200 pounds now. I keep telling him at his age he's going to hurt himself but he doesn't listen).

If someone started beating me up, the'd be real sorry when my husband came charging out of the house. ;)

And BTW guys, MY HUSBAND IS A DEMOCRAT who says Obama is going to win. And he would NEVER LET ANY PARTY put a sign in front of our house.

It's got nothing to do with politics, it's got to do with property rights.

And we get along great!

(obviously we don't talk politics) :eusa_shhh:


If the signs are ON your property, you can remove them. If they are IN FRONT OF, but not actually ON your property, you're SOL.

Admittedly, I live in a suburban neighborhood in Southern California: Still, I'm trying to figure out how you put a sign in front of someone's property without putting it on their property?

Once past my property, you have concrete and asphalt - neither of which are conducive to putting signs in.

The thugs drove the sign posts in his lawn - simple as that.
So everyone is accepting this story at face value?

The police ignored a 3 vs 1 fight. They ignored a man physically assaulting a woman. All of this commotion and they didn't notice?

Dude, this happens.

An Ohio Supreme Court judge (Dem of course) drove drunk in my state and I had to see it on the "Smoking Gun" to find out about it.

The local media kept quiet.

This is no surprise.
Not for nothing folks but it's simple common courtesy to put up signs in front of the houses of only the people who support your cause. Putting them in front of people's houses that you don't know is a sleazy move.

Well they had cameras there and they wanted to make it out like everyone supported this judge.

Funny how the cameras went off when this guy got beat up.
TPS motto: Whenever facts are in short supply, make them up to conform to your bias.

Seriously, it serves her quite well, just ask her.

If the signs are ON your property, you can remove them. If they are IN FRONT OF, but not actually ON your property, you're SOL.

Admittedly, I live in a suburban neighborhood in Southern California: Still, I'm trying to figure out how you put a sign in front of someone's property without putting it on their property?

Once past my property, you have concrete and asphalt - neither of which are conducive to putting signs in.

The thugs drove the sign posts in his lawn - simple as that.
Not every property is like that. In some places, the land between the city sidewalk and the street belongs to the some places it belongs to the property owner. In someplaces there is no sidewalk. Taos is New Mexico...the desert. It wouldn't surprise me that there is no grass there...only dirt or stones like so many in the desert use to save water.

I look forward to finding out the truth:
1. Was it on the guys property or not?

2. How many "assaulted" him?

3. Why didn't the police see or intervene?

4. Were charges filed...and if not, why not?

5. Did this even happen?
I am a CON, but anything that comes from the blaze will have to be confirmed before I believe it.

I didn't source the Blaze in the op. I sourced the LOCAL PAPER. READ THE OP BEFORE YOU MAKE THE CALL!
Guess what dickhead - sticking signs on private property you don't own is fucked up.

If someone stuck a political sign on my lawn I would kick their ass with the fucking sign itself.

I'm not joking either.

It's called tresspass (hopefully AFTER you have given them warning to remove the violation)...But then when did the left give a crap of someone else's property?

That is the problem with these psycho's they believe they own everything.... They're nearly full blown delusional socialists.... It's not my house or his house our your house - it's "our house or property" to them - their idea of entitlement is disgusting.

"It takes a Village." Which is liberal for "they OWN the village."
It's called tresspass (hopefully AFTER you have given them warning to remove the violation)...But then when did the left give a crap of someone else's property?

That is the problem with these psycho's they believe they own everything.... They're nearly full blown delusional socialists.... It's not my house or his house our your house - it's "our house or property" to them - their idea of entitlement is disgusting.

"It takes a Village." Which is liberal for "they OWN the village."

Replace villiage with 'Plantation'.
Not for nothing folks but it's simple common courtesy to put up signs in front of the houses of only the people who support your cause. Putting them in front of people's houses that you don't know is a sleazy move.

Well they had cameras there and they wanted to make it out like everyone supported this judge.

Funny how the cameras went off when this guy got beat up.

I would like the TRUTH about this incident.

1. Where were the cameras?

2. Were they truly turned off when this guy got beat up?

3. Who owned the cameras? What is their explanation for turning said cameras off?

4. Where is the footage now?

5. Where were the police?
More facts come to light my ass!
"We were setting them in the car "

If you tried to steal mys signs I'd kick your ass too


If you stuck the fuckers in MY yard... I'd destroy them right in front of you - while standing in MY yard that is.... and then I'd DARE you step foot on MY property again.

Yep, "all 3 of you" might kick my ass, but you would be on MY property and guess who would go to jail.

I look forward to finding out the TRUTH of this incident.

No you don't - you're a partisan hack who pimps anything favorable to your shameful party and attacks anything that exposes it.

{Police in Taos, New Mexico have spent close to a month investigating a case where a man was allegedly beaten after removing political signs placed on his property without his permission.}

Apparently you are so afraid of the TRUTH in this incident, you want to put words in my mouth.

I look forward to finding out the TRUTH of this incident even if you don't.

1. Why are we just hearing about this if it happened a month ago?

2. Were the signs placed on his property or not?

3. If signs were placed on his property without his permission, who placed them there?

4. Where are the charges?

5. Where were the police?
Isn't the edge of most people's property next to the street owned by the govt? It is here.

Not in California.

I own all of the property to the gutter, including the sidewalk. The sidewalk is owned by the city, but the land under it is owned by me. Therefore, if I have a tree that grows roots under that sidewalk, I am responsible for damage - unlike if the same tree damaged the street.

Reading the article, the signs were on his property.

If that's the case NO signs should be there.

I just don't get the beating while police ignored it. If photos or video surface ill be swayed but until then this seems a he said she said.

Police are public employees and in SEIU. The surprise is only that they weren't beating the man along with the other democrat thugs.

EXACTLY! I live here in Ohio and I am responsible for the maintenence of the sidewalk.

I own the property right up to the curb.

If you put a sign in my grass, it's MY PROPERTY and you need to ask permission.

The only exception to that is if the city puts up a sign, like the "No stopping" sign I have in the grass right at the curb.

But someone puts political signs on my property. Heck yes, I can remove them!
More facts come to light my ass!
"We were setting them in the car "

If you tried to steal mys signs I'd kick your ass too


If you stuck the fuckers in MY yard... I'd destroy them right in front of you - while standing in MY yard that is.... and then I'd DARE you step foot on MY property again.

Yep, "all 3 of you" might kick my ass, but you would be on MY property and guess who would go to jail.


I want to know the TRUTH about this incident.

1. If this guy was beat up on his own property...why aren't his assailants in jail?
the key distinction here is 'on his property' or 'in front of his property'.

If the signs were actually ON his property, he had every right to remove them.
If the signs were not ON, but IN FRONT OF his property, then he had no right to remove them.

Which means they would be using a jack hammer to put them in the street where I live.

Otherwise, if they stuck them in the grass, it's my property!
Just a thought....did this guy have a backwards "B" carved into his face?

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