Demand that obamacare cover sexual reassignment

If anything, it's the other way around...the insurance companies own the government. Just follow the money.
Which will assure that there will be no repeal of the law nor a single payer system. The ACA is at best a compromise between government run health insurance and federally regulated private insurance. Recently CEO's from Atena and United Health spoke of the growth potential for individual insurance over the next 5 years.

Higher premiums paid to insurance companies, across the board. People who cannot afford the higher premiums will have them subsidized by the government, subsidies paid to the insurers. Higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for everybody enrolled in the program. Those who can't afford that, subsidized again. The equates to much less likelihood that the insurers will have to pay anything unless catastrophic treatment is called for. The risk to insurers is minimized, the bottom line is increased exponentially. Those who do not qualify for subsidies will definitely be footing the bill for those who will qualify by paying higher premiums, higher taxes, and fines when they cannot afford to enroll.
You are correct, those with higher incomes will pay more and those lower incomes will pay less. This is a cornerstone of the law. Obama said it many times, those that can afford to pay more will and those that can't will pay less.

It's not likely that increases in premiums in the individual healthcare market will spur any changes in the law. Healthcare plans in the individual market have always been overpriced due primarily to a lack of competition. If the employee sponsored plans increase substantially, then there could be additional subsidies.
You have no compelling evidence that will convince me that people who imagine themselves to be some other gender are normal. I understand biology very well. I understand animals very well (humans are animals, by-the-way). The plumbing you are born with is the uncontrollable element that cannot be changed. What puzzles me is that some people insist that an entirely controllable intellectual choice is "uncontrollable".
I've said this before, I don't care what a person might choose to represent themselves as, but I request that they refrain from trying to compel me to accept their intellectual dishonesty and that their self-deception as something "natural".
AND: I don't want to have to foot the bill for them to fulfill their little fantasy changeover.

Its not about what you are born with, its about what happens BEFORE you are born. Hormones that the mothers body sends to the fetus - estrogen if its a girl, and testosterone if its to be a boy. If a male fetus gets too much estrogen, and not enough testosterone, what do you think can happen? Its not a matter of just injecting the kid with enough testosterone to 'fix' him. The kid is born with a body that has developed as a male and a brain which has developed as the opposite sex.

There are differences between the female and male brain, as we well know, as studies have been done on this. If a male has a totally female brain, how do you suggest we change that? We cannot alter the brain to change its way of thinking, certainly not with counseling or medication, but we can alter the body. All that does is 'confuse' the brain into believing it and the body are the same sex, thus the person, or patient, is happier.

Makes perfect sense to me, but others are just closed minded.

Whatever. There's no way in hell I should have to foot the bill for these poor, thoroughly confused individuals to realize their dreams of becoming what they are not. Even worse, there's no way in hell that male plumbing (or female, as the case may be) should be forced on children with original plumbing. I'm talking about allowing these wanna-be's to use very personal, intimate facilities intended for use by those of the opposite plumbing. You have a dick, you go to the "bloke's", if you don't, you go to the "Sheila's". Regardless of what you might really, truly, want to be.

They are not confused.
Its not about what you are born with, its about what happens BEFORE you are born. Hormones that the mothers body sends to the fetus - estrogen if its a girl, and testosterone if its to be a boy. If a male fetus gets too much estrogen, and not enough testosterone, what do you think can happen? Its not a matter of just injecting the kid with enough testosterone to 'fix' him. The kid is born with a body that has developed as a male and a brain which has developed as the opposite sex.

There are differences between the female and male brain, as we well know, as studies have been done on this. If a male has a totally female brain, how do you suggest we change that? We cannot alter the brain to change its way of thinking, certainly not with counseling or medication, but we can alter the body. All that does is 'confuse' the brain into believing it and the body are the same sex, thus the person, or patient, is happier.

Makes perfect sense to me, but others are just closed minded.

Whatever. There's no way in hell I should have to foot the bill for these poor, thoroughly confused individuals to realize their dreams of becoming what they are not. Even worse, there's no way in hell that male plumbing (or female, as the case may be) should be forced on children with original plumbing. I'm talking about allowing these wanna-be's to use very personal, intimate facilities intended for use by those of the opposite plumbing. You have a dick, you go to the "bloke's", if you don't, you go to the "Sheila's". Regardless of what you might really, truly, want to be.

They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.
Whatever. There's no way in hell I should have to foot the bill for these poor, thoroughly confused individuals to realize their dreams of becoming what they are not. Even worse, there's no way in hell that male plumbing (or female, as the case may be) should be forced on children with original plumbing. I'm talking about allowing these wanna-be's to use very personal, intimate facilities intended for use by those of the opposite plumbing. You have a dick, you go to the "bloke's", if you don't, you go to the "Sheila's". Regardless of what you might really, truly, want to be.

They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.
That's true. If you look at insurance carriers such as Aetna, you will see the first step in getting approval is a recommendation from one or two mental health professional. If approved, insurance companies only cover the sexual reassignment surgery. Everything else is cosmetic surgery which is not normally covered. Applicants must also be 18 years old or older.

Gender Reassignment Surgery
They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.
That's true. If you look at insurance carriers such as Aetna, you will see the first step in getting approval is a recommendation from one or two mental health professional. If approved, insurance companies only cover the sexual reassignment surgery. Everything else is cosmetic surgery which is not normally covered. Applicants must also be 18 years old or older.

Gender Reassignment Surgery

That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
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Whatever. There's no way in hell I should have to foot the bill for these poor, thoroughly confused individuals to realize their dreams of becoming what they are not. Even worse, there's no way in hell that male plumbing (or female, as the case may be) should be forced on children with original plumbing. I'm talking about allowing these wanna-be's to use very personal, intimate facilities intended for use by those of the opposite plumbing. You have a dick, you go to the "bloke's", if you don't, you go to the "Sheila's". Regardless of what you might really, truly, want to be.

They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.

Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.
They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.

Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.

Are you "transgendered"? Or perhaps you're a medical professional who deals with this type of mental illness? No? Then anything you have to say about the topic is nothing more than an opinion.
They are not confused.

They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.

Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.

Yep, sure do, that is what led to my research on the subject. I didn't just listen to the persons thoughts and feelings, I went to the library, I went to a medical university to look up information and studies.
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They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.
That's true. If you look at insurance carriers such as Aetna, you will see the first step in getting approval is a recommendation from one or two mental health professional. If approved, insurance companies only cover the sexual reassignment surgery. Everything else is cosmetic surgery which is not normally covered. Applicants must also be 18 years old or older.

Gender Reassignment Surgery

That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
Which is one of the reasons why insurance companies don't automatically approve the procedures. There is a lot of treatment involved, mostly mental health counseling. Anytime there is a question as whether a procedure is medically necessary, the insurance company has special requirements.
That's true. If you look at insurance carriers such as Aetna, you will see the first step in getting approval is a recommendation from one or two mental health professional. If approved, insurance companies only cover the sexual reassignment surgery. Everything else is cosmetic surgery which is not normally covered. Applicants must also be 18 years old or older.

Gender Reassignment Surgery

That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
Which is one of the reasons why insurance companies don't automatically approve the procedures. There is a lot of treatment involved, mostly mental health counseling. Anytime there is a question as whether a procedure is medically necessary, the insurance company has special requirements.

So, then it should not be done by insurance companies, very high cost, very low success rate.
That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
Which is one of the reasons why insurance companies don't automatically approve the procedures. There is a lot of treatment involved, mostly mental health counseling. Anytime there is a question as whether a procedure is medically necessary, the insurance company has special requirements.

So, then it should not be done by insurance companies, very high cost, very low success rate.
I don't think you can make blanket statement about Gender Identity Disorder. In some cases the person can live with the condition without major problems. In other cases the person develops other serious medical conditions or is driven to suicide.

Sexual reassignment surgery is usually successfully. Success rate of the surgery is reported as 68% to 86%. However, treatment of the disorder usually requires much more than surgery, mental health counseling, cosmetic surgery, and hormone therapy.

Unless a recognized medical condition, mental or physical is specifically denied in the insurance plan, the company must have a documented procedure for evaluating the patients condition to determine whether treatment is medically necessary. If the insurance company deems it not medically necessary, it won't be covered.
This makes me furious. Govt Health insurance should not cover trangender crap or mental health care or cosmetic surgery or birth control or abortion. If people want insurance on stuff like that, buy it privately.

Let all liberal men become women OR the liberal women become men. Either way, stops reproduction of liberals. OR we could pay to have all liberals sterilized?
Isn't typical that the rw's still don't know that "ObamaCare" aka ACA is NOT a product, is not "govt health insurance" and does not "cover" anything at all.

How many links have been posted and how many threads have explained ObamaCare and they STILL have no frikken clue what it really is.

Is there any reason to think they will ever understand this?

Well its plain you don't get it ether,The feds mandate coverages its not that hard even for a brain dead fuck up like yourself.
Today there are over 1,968 benefit mandates across all 50 states. There're about a dozen in the ACA and a number of these are already required by state laws.
That's true. If you look at insurance carriers such as Aetna, you will see the first step in getting approval is a recommendation from one or two mental health professional. If approved, insurance companies only cover the sexual reassignment surgery. Everything else is cosmetic surgery which is not normally covered. Applicants must also be 18 years old or older.

Gender Reassignment Surgery

That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
Which is one of the reasons why insurance companies don't automatically approve the procedures. There is a lot of treatment involved, mostly mental health counseling. Anytime there is a question as whether a procedure is medically necessary, the insurance company has special requirements.

That may be so under the recent coverage options that were available. I'm not familiar with all the different policy options one might choose from, but if gender reassignment were listed as one of the covered procedure (provided the patient met certain established criteria), then the patient and the insurance company entered into a contract for which the patient paid premiums.
The discussion here is about making "gender reassignment" surgery one of the mandatory procedures included in the list of "must haves" in all obamacare coverage programs. Programs that will be paid for primarily by people who have greater incomes, subsidizing those who lack equivalent incomes. If the self-mutilation procedure commonly described as "gender reassignment" falls into the category of mandated coverage, then perhaps all other forms of elective, alterative surgery should also be included. Personally, unless the condition is life-threatening, it should not be mandatory under program coverage.
They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.

Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.

Are you "transgendered"? Or perhaps you're a medical professional who deals with this type of mental illness? No? Then anything you have to say about the topic is nothing more than an opinion.

I have personal experience. I have met with transgendered people, spoken to them, and can say without a doubt that they are not confused.

I also have an open mind, which helps.
They are very confused, I did a lot of research and most of the medical community believe it is a mental and emotional issue. That is the drive to have a physical surgery.

Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.

Yep, sure do, that is what led to my research on the subject. I didn't just listen to the persons thoughts and feelings, I went to the library, I went to a medical university to look up information and studies.

You have obviously read different books than I have.
Not the case. Do you even know a single transgendered person? If you did, you might be qualified to speak of the issue.

Yep, sure do, that is what led to my research on the subject. I didn't just listen to the persons thoughts and feelings, I went to the library, I went to a medical university to look up information and studies.

You have obviously read different books than I have.

I wouldn't know, I don't know what racists and bigots read.
That is if it is covered in a policy. I don't think the government requires insurance companies to carry that elective surgery. That is why people are crying.

Again, the patient is rarely happy after the surgery. Their is a lot of self hatred.

Surgery masks the symptoms and never takes care of the persons real issues.
Which is one of the reasons why insurance companies don't automatically approve the procedures. There is a lot of treatment involved, mostly mental health counseling. Anytime there is a question as whether a procedure is medically necessary, the insurance company has special requirements.

That may be so under the recent coverage options that were available. I'm not familiar with all the different policy options one might choose from, but if gender reassignment were listed as one of the covered procedure (provided the patient met certain established criteria), then the patient and the insurance company entered into a contract for which the patient paid premiums.
The discussion here is about making "gender reassignment" surgery one of the mandatory procedures included in the list of "must haves" in all obamacare coverage programs. Programs that will be paid for primarily by people who have greater incomes, subsidizing those who lack equivalent incomes. If the self-mutilation procedure commonly described as "gender reassignment" falls into the category of mandated coverage, then perhaps all other forms of elective, alterative surgery should also be included. Personally, unless the condition is life-threatening, it should not be mandatory under program coverage.

There is absolutely nothing in the law that requires insurance companies to offer gender reassignment as a benefit. In all health insurance plans there is a statement saying the policy will cover medically necessary treatments with exceptions listed and the insurance company makes the decision as to what is medically necessary. If the patient disagrees, he can appeal to the company and with the passage of the ACA, he additional appeal options.

State and federal laws specify certain benefits that must be included in all plans. In addition all treatments judged medically necessary are included except for those that have been specifically excluded. In most plans, Gender Reassignment falls into the category of "if medically necessary so the insurance company must reviews the data submitted by the patient and makes the decision.

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