Dembulbs on serious spending cuts : Contniued War on Women


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Fresh from my ThinkProgress "Progress Report:

Republicans Just Can’t Help Themselves

While of course the war on women never really went away, Republicans have been slightly quieter in recent weeks about their attacks on women, women’s health care, and equal rights in the workplace. Well, House Republicans just launched another big offensive in their war on women’s health.

They go on about the evil cuts to women's health and vaguely mention:
The bill is also chock full of attacks on workers, students, and others!
The highlighted words are a link to this report:
Most of the recommendations are serious cuts, of course:
Corporation for National & Community Service: The bill provides $271.5 million total, -$777.4 million below the FY2012 enacted level and -$791.2 million below the President’s request. This represents a 74% cut below last year and terminates a long list of community service programs including Americorps, VISTA, the Social Innovation Fund and the National Civilian Community Corps. Funding is only preserved for the Senior Corps programs which are maintained at the FY12 level.
(more at link)

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