Democracy in this country...


Jun 8, 2012
Democracy in this country is just sort of eye candy imho. Dig into it guys. We've got some weird democracy actually. And I'm now facing real problems in my family due to it. My grandpa, a Vietnam vet, rather an aged and sick man, was suspected as a non-citizen in that voter purging program here in Florida as you should know. That "awkward gaffe" (the officials put it so for us) hurt him so strongly that he was taken hospital with a sudden heart attack.
Don't you think voting is just transforming into some show unfolding before our eyes in this country reputed to be acme democracy in the world? What's up actually? The Republicans in Florida have been making the voter rolls up to their liking, wella.... in the proportions they need! And I'm dead sure now there was no gaffe relating my grandpa John. He's just a big fan of Democrats, which can't make Republicans happy. That's it! They just found the way to exempt both my grandpa and his like from the voting process! They did it rather cynically, I should say.
And how is it going to be next time, I wonder? Kicking some voters out of the country or putting them into prisons or what.....?
If Grand Pa is having a problem getting proper ID, quit whining and take the time to help him straighten out the problem. :)
Democracy in this country is just sort of eye candy imho. Dig into it guys. We've got some weird democracy actually. And I'm now facing real problems in my family due to it. My grandpa, a Vietnam vet, rather an aged and sick man, was suspected as a non-citizen in that voter purging program here in Florida as you should know. That "awkward gaffe" (the officials put it so for us) hurt him so strongly that he was taken hospital with a sudden heart attack.
Don't you think voting is just transforming into some show unfolding before our eyes in this country reputed to be acme democracy in the world? What's up actually? The Republicans in Florida have been making the voter rolls up to their liking, wella.... in the proportions they need! And I'm dead sure now there was no gaffe relating my grandpa John. He's just a big fan of Democrats, which can't make Republicans happy. That's it! They just found the way to exempt both my grandpa and his like from the voting process! They did it rather cynically, I should say.
And how is it going to be next time, I wonder? Kicking some voters out of the country or putting them into prisons or what.....?


Sounds like a bunch of rubbish

1) We do not have a democracy, we have a republic
2) Nobody has been making up voter rolls
3) Anyone exempted would be found to not be a citizen, a felon, etc.. you know, those who are actually ineligible to vote and should not be on the voter rolls to begin with
4) Your next leap is absolutely ridiculous

Make up a better story and rant next time
We don't live in a democracy, we live in a republic that has an increasingly dim view of democracy. It's already gone so far that these fine Americans around here think that democracy is some commie thing that only democratic commies like.
Damn good thing this is a republic then......Our schools keep spiting out fucking dummies who dont know what our own country is.
Damn good thing this is a republic then......Our schools keep spiting out fucking dummies who dont know what our own country is.

Yes Hitler hated democracy too. He felt that the masses were too stupid to know what's good for them.
Damn good thing this is a republic then......Our schools keep spiting out fucking dummies who dont know what our own country is.

Yes Hitler hated democracy too. He felt that the masses were too stupid to know what's good for them.

You do know socialist does not mean republic too right??????

You do know that a country calling itself a republic is no guarantee of freedom unless democracy is protected don't you? Germany was a republic as well as the Soviet Union.
Yes Hitler hated democracy too. He felt that the masses were too stupid to know what's good for them.

You do know socialist does not mean republic too right??????

You do know that a country calling itself a republic is no guarantee of freedom unless democracy is protected don't you? Germany was a republic as well as the Soviet Union.

Whole different kind of government you fucking dummy. the USSR is a Socialist republic . I am shocked you can read.
The definition of a republic is a nation that is ruled by a charter. That is a written document. China is a republic, Iran is a republic. Any country that has as its highest law a written document is a republic. A republican form of government means a representative democracy. Representatives are elected democratically who then govern the country.
The definition of a republic is a nation that is ruled by a charter. That is a written document. China is a republic, Iran is a republic. Any country that has as its highest law a written document is a republic. A republican form of government means a representative democracy. Representatives are elected democratically who then govern the country.

LMAO So cause China says it a republic we are like them?
How did the OP know that we're only purging Dems from the voter rolls?


It was supposed to be a secret
You do know socialist does not mean republic too right??????

You do know that a country calling itself a republic is no guarantee of freedom unless democracy is protected don't you? Germany was a republic as well as the Soviet Union.

Whole different kind of government you fucking dummy. the USSR is a Socialist republic . I am shocked you can read.

Quit trying to act smart on this with a bunch of Beck-shit, a republic is nothing more than a representative form of government that sometimes only represents one view, that the people need to be led and are too stupid to know what's best for the country. When this happens, when democracy is systematically repressed, it means the people have no voice and tyranny has no obstacle. This hatred of democracy itself is a new development on the American landscape and the same old reactionary elements seem to hate it as happened in other countries that slid into tyranny without a fight.
You do know that a country calling itself a republic is no guarantee of freedom unless democracy is protected don't you? Germany was a republic as well as the Soviet Union.

Whole different kind of government you fucking dummy. the USSR is a Socialist republic . I am shocked you can read.

Quit trying to act smart on this with a bunch of Beck-shit, a republic is nothing more than a representative form of government that sometimes only represents one view, that the people need to be led and are too stupid to know what's best for the country. When this happens, when democracy is systematically repressed, it means the people have no voice and tyranny has no obstacle. This hatred of democracy itself is a new development on the American landscape and the same old reactionary elements seem to hate it as happened in other countries that slid into tyranny without a fight.

You need to go back to school and actually learn about government, what certain types of government are, and what our government was set up to be
Quit trying to act smart on this with a bunch of Beck-shit, a republic is nothing more than a representative form of government that sometimes only represents one view, that the people need to be led and are too stupid to know what's best for the country. When this happens, when democracy is systematically repressed, it means the people have no voice and tyranny has no obstacle. This hatred of democracy itself is a new development on the American landscape and the same old reactionary elements seem to hate it as happened in other countries that slid into tyranny without a fight.

It is an important distinction. The left NEEDS it to be the same in order to provide their services. Those services are to create "fairness", "equity" and "compassion". Never mind a democratic republic is set up to do that without all the political manipulation by a party.

A true democracy would just run liberals out of existence. You need to thank the Founders everyday you live in a republic.
The republicans dont care about Americans getting the right to vote.

They cheat non stop in elections and have done so for decades
Quit trying to act smart on this with a bunch of Beck-shit, a republic is nothing more than a representative form of government that sometimes only represents one view, that the people need to be led and are too stupid to know what's best for the country. When this happens, when democracy is systematically repressed, it means the people have no voice and tyranny has no obstacle. This hatred of democracy itself is a new development on the American landscape and the same old reactionary elements seem to hate it as happened in other countries that slid into tyranny without a fight.

It is an important distinction. The left NEEDS it to be the same in order to provide their services. Those services are to create "fairness", "equity" and "compassion". Never mind a democratic republic is set up to do that without all the political manipulation by a party.

A true democracy would just run liberals out of existence. You need to thank the Founders everyday you live in a republic.

The introduction of this new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; Thomas Jefferson

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