democrat Attorney Donald Tokowitz' Girlfriend


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
V. Stiviano Donald Sterling: Clippers owner blasts GF, 'no blacks' at games - Portland Pop Culture |

News outlets everywhere, including News One, has cited the audio of the Stiviano - Sterling argument. What makes all of this so confusing is that V. Stiviano is part black and Latino.

Is part Black and part Mexican.

But he hates both races? Wow.

Talk about cognitive dissonance and democrats. I always knew it existed in virtually everything they believe in and everything they do but for it to be this obvious is astounding.

And, it's nothing new. It's been going on for quite some time.

From five years ago --

The Sordid Life Of Clippers Owner Donald Sterling


hysterical coming from the wing nuts who melted down because sawah bawwacuda bonked a black guy

More fact free/content free posting by the queen of poseur.

I dont care what some sports team owner thinks. Marge Schott was a total bitch. So what?
hysterical coming from the wing nuts who melted down because sawah bawwacuda bonked a black guy

You really are a petty little girl, aren't you?

The man is a dimocrap and he is a racist pig.

dimocrap debating tactics when one of theirs is caught being a dimocrap --

Step 1). Ignore it and hope it goes away.
50% effective

Step II). Lie and try to deflect. Try to deflect onto Republicans or other Patriots, try a Tu Quoque ('You Too') moral fallacy. If that doesn't work, try the 'bandwagon' approach (everybody does it).
10% effective. Once it gets to this stage, it has momentum. Hard to change momentum

Step III). Attack. Call names, insult, try to pick a fight.
40% effective. Once the dimocrap scum outrage gets this far, a fair amount of time has passed. Hopefully, during that period of time Republicans have been caught doing something wrong.... Like trying to save the Country or something. Failing that, bring up old lies about Republicans

All the while egging your friendly mods into moving the threads somewhere they won't be viewed by more than one person a day. And then, only by accident.

Your shit is tired. Way tired

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