Democrat Cities Don’t Need Clean Water


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Democratic mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, promised to make the capital “the most radical city on the planet” during his 2017 campaign, but so far he’s been unable to even solve even the city’s basic infrastructure problems and the city’s running water is now unsafe to drink.

Everything Democrats touch turns to ashes…..

Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."
Yesterday I heard some white assistant FEMA director going on about how they (FEMA) needs to treat "areas of color" differently than other areas due to their "special needs".....Why aren't blacks insulted to the bone by that?

Given the many hundreds of millions in Katrina loans given to blacks that were forgiven during every election cycle for years I thought that they already did that.

LOL.....The wife would come home from work (FEMA finance) during one of those forgiveness spells and I would ask how many millions in our tax money she spent today.....She was not amused. :laughing0301:

Jokes aside....In contrast FEMA went after Sandy loans with a vengeance and would turn them over to Treasury for non-payment and the ensuing wage garnishment/property liens/tax refund rake-back.
Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."

The poorer people you call them are the ones who built the country, literally. Most conservatives are blue collar people. We work. We build buildings and we're the engineers that maintain those buildings. They drive the trucks that keep the supply chains moving. The pour the concrete for roads, build the bridges, cut the grass, do plumbing and electrical work, pick up the garbage, and repair the production equipment that makes your cookies and crackers.

The working blue collar types make the country run and because we have to work, earn everything we have with our hands, skill and knowledge we appreciate and respect the work and the money more. When you respect something and have to work to earn it you tend to be more protective of things because you earned by using your brains or your muscle. Same thing for the country, we built it, we live in it, we even fight for it in the military. We're in the field and on the ground for our homes, communities and country and just like when you work for your home and work to maintain it you love it and respect it so you by nature want to protect it.

Far as your last paragraph. Show me a hardcore big democratic city that is a utopia of prosperity and perfection, free of crime and corruption. Right now, show me some of these mecas of pure democratic rule where everything is amazing and wonderful.

Where? Portland? San Francisco? New York City? Chicago? Where crime, gun violence, theft, homelessness and more run rampant?
Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."
your boy showered and followed his daughter to the bathroom to piss when she was a child.
Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Democratic mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, promised to make the capital “the most radical city on the planet” during his 2017 campaign, but so far he’s been unable to even solve even the city’s basic infrastructure problems and the city’s running water is now unsafe to drink.

Everything Democrats touch turns to ashes…..

Hilarious watching all those Obama lovers having to live like this........LOLOLOL

This is so great
Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."
You people suck at governing dooshalot. Decades of you fuktards make Thunderdomes
Yesterday I heard some white assistant FEMA director going on about how they (FEMA) needs to treat "areas of color" differently than other areas due to their "special needs".....Why aren't blacks insulted to the bone by that?

Given the many hundreds of millions in Katrina loans given to blacks that were forgiven during every election cycle for years I thought that they already did that.

LOL.....The wife would come home from work (FEMA finance) during one of those forgiveness spells and I would ask how many millions in our tax money she spent today.....She was not amused. :laughing0301:

Jokes aside....In contrast FEMA went after Sandy loans with a vengeance and would turn them over to Treasury for non-payment and the ensuing wage garnishment/property liens/tax refund rake-back.
Maybe they should move to Flint Michigan
Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."
This man ran on knowing better. His superior thinking and such things. Running on theories and bravado of bullshit. The people have to get onboard. And they rarely ever do. It's what can they do for me. So the city budgets come out and viola, the special payoffs come first. The trickle-down theory is the reality, and the basic functions get the least crumbs. Same thing in Flint, Michigan and the destruction of New Orleans occurred with billions of dollars not accounted for designated for the levees and pumps over the years. Our nation cannot keep affording this corruption and letting politician slide because of not being really qualified.
Mississippi is a backward state, it is going to take time as its education is among the worst in the nation. But rural areas amaze me today, they are usually conservative Christian but they support the Trump administration which is full of corruption on many levels. Why is that? One quick answer is hate for the different.

'Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry'

'Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections."
Yet it is the democratic run cities: Detroit, Chicago, Flint, Baltimore, St Louis, Memphis, and others that continually have the basic issues. You must be blind, deaf, and dumb
Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Democratic mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, promised to make the capital “the most radical city on the planet” during his 2017 campaign, but so far he’s been unable to even solve even the city’s basic infrastructure problems and the city’s running water is now unsafe to drink.

Everything Democrats touch turns to ashes…..

President Biden included Clean Water investment in his Infrastructure bill

Mississippi Republican Congress members voted against it
President Biden included Clean Water investment in his Infrastructure bill

Mississippi Republican Congress members voted against it
The City along with the State can and should fix this problem seeing it is a local issue and not a Federal issue.
The City along with the State can and should fix this problem seeing it is a local issue and not a Federal issue.

No way can they afford the billion dollars to rebuild their water system

That is why we have a Federal Government
To help with projects that are too big for local economies to support
No way can they afford the billion dollars to rebuild their water system

That is why we have a Federal Government
To help with projects that are too big for local economies to support
State can do it and that is why I wrote State and Local Government and not just Local.

California and Texas can do it and Mississippi can but idiots will be idiots as usual and want Big Brother to do it for them!
If any city struggles with clean water it is a reflection of the entire nation. Fail.
Last year, at least two bills aimed at helping raise money for water-system repairs died in the legislature. And in June 2020, Reeves, a Republican, vetoed bipartisan legislation designed to help residents with overdue water bills which, in turn, would have enabled the city to collect sorely needed water revenue.

In vetoing the bill, the governor acknowledged that residents "got overcharged in the past," but said the legislation would allow "politicians to say that individuals are not responsible for paying their water bill." Reeves also said there were "no safeguards in place" to ensure aid would go only to "the impoverished or needy."

Mayor Lumumba has estimated that modernizing the city's infrastructure could cost as much as $2 billion. Mississippi received $75 million from the federal infrastructure bill signed by President Biden last year for water and sewage needs, but that money is for the entire state, not Jackson alone.


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