Jackson Mississippi water system has failed. Did their Congressmen vote for infrastructure investment?

Says who? We have 50 state governments for a reason. Where is it written that local infrastructure is the responsibility of the federal government?

For years you people have been bitching about the red states allegedly taking from the blue states. Now, you're complaining that they aren't. Make up your minds.
So you’re saying Mississippi failed on their duty to take care of the basic infrastructure of their state.

Sounds like they need a change in leadership
So you’re saying Mississippi failed on their duty to take care of the basic infrastructure of their state.

Sounds like they need a change in leadership
It is the Village. Corrpted and bullshit artists with a mentality before Christs birth.
Yes, government does that so society and the economy can move forward.
The federal government or state and local? The onus of burden for infrastructure and financial responsibility remains with the state and local government not the Federal Government. The next thing you will be saying is that the Federal government is responsible for their bloated pensions as well. In a republic there is a distinct separation between state and federal oversight and responsibility. You can subscribe to your belief that all we need to do is print money to solve state and local incompetence yet the consequence is the further divide between the 1% and poor at the expense of the middle class, the very same people that are saddled with paying state, local, and federal taxes. Devaluation of one’s currency and Inflation.
Because you refuse to hold Democrats who run Jackson responsible. And Democrats have run the city for a long time.

Current mayor in his second term: Chokwe Antar Lumumba

Since the 1997 election, every mayor of Jackson has been black.
While I lived in Brandon and commuted into Jackson for work I'd listen to local radio and there were a couple of black on-air personalities that were of the Rush Limbaugh mold. I'll never forget them raising hell about the black council members and mayors blaming white politicians for all the problems. One of them said, "we've been in charge nearly two decades... when will WE be responsible for our problems?"

Needless to say, they were a minority within the majority in Jackson. I also recall, on the few occasions I shopped inside the city limits, being very clearly treated as a second class customer. When I realized what the customers and clerks were doing, I actually started laughing out loud and just walked away. Oh yeah, Jackson is a REALLY fine place to live. LOL
While I lived in Brandon and commuted into Jackson for work I'd listen to local radio and there were a couple of black on-air personalities that were of the Rush Limbaugh mold. I'll never forget them raising hell about the black council members and mayors blaming white politicians for all the problems. One of them said, "we've been in charge nearly two decades... when will WE be responsible for our problems?"

Needless to say, they were a minority within the majority in Jackson. I also recall, on the few occasions I shopped inside the city limits, being very clearly treated as a second class customer. When I realized what the customers and clerks were doing, I actually started laughing out loud and just walked away. Oh yeah, Jackson is a REALLY fine place to live. LOL

It is what happens over and over again.
50+ years of Democrat mayors caused the shit show that is Jackson, MS. The usual story. They cause the problems and then use those problems to stump for more federal government, in this case some porkulus "infrastructure" bill.
merica suffers from its the other persons fault. Most Americans view a person that accepts responsibility, accountability for
one’s actions and decisions, as a sucker
Exactly. Even more worrisome is the fact that the takers are looked at as somehow being heroic and dignified for “surviving” and “making it work” as they drain the public coffers dry while not putting in any effort to support themselves.
The city asked for $47 million to get ahead of the crisis with water and sewer repairs after the 2021 storm. The state's legislature gave Jackson only $3 million, according to a report from CNN in April.

Of Mississippi's four US House members, only one, Rep. Bennie Thompson, voted to spend money on things like water resources. In the Senate, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi was among the Republicans who helped the bill defeat a filibuster to become law. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith opposed the spending.

The biggest problem is that Jackson MS is majority black, so you know the folks at the State Capitol don't give a damn.
The city asked for $47 million to get ahead of the crisis with water and sewer repairs after the 2021 storm.

Let's assume, just for a moment, that they received those funds, even received them immediately when they asked for them, not after months of bureaucratic wrangling.

Let's also assume that they actually spent the entire $47 million on actual water and sewer projects.

Does anyone believe that in the intervening months between then end of the 2021 storm season and today they could have completed significant infrastructure projects sufficient enough to prevent water overflow?
Jackson Mississippi is in a crisis. They have no water for drinking, washing or toilets

”The water system has been troubled for years and the city already was under a boil-water notice since late July.”

EVERY Mississippi Congress member and Senator voted against the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill. A Bill that provides funding to upgrade water systems

Mississippi is one of our poorest states with crumbling infrastructure
Yet their Congressmen turned their back on struggling citizens and voted against public infrastructure investment

The democrats in charge had been given more than enough time and money to fix the problem…..they wasted both the time and all the money
The city asked for $47 million to get ahead of the crisis with water and sewer repairs after the 2021 storm. The state's legislature gave Jackson only $3 million, according to a report from CNN in April.

Of Mississippi's four US House members, only one, Rep. Bennie Thompson, voted to spend money on things like water resources. In the Senate, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi was among the Republicans who helped the bill defeat a filibuster to become law. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith opposed the spending.

The biggest problem is that Jackson MS is majority black, so you know the folks at the State Capitol don't give a damn.
ya the 30 years of neglect by the black leaders elected to run the city had NOTHING to do with it right?
ya the 30 years of neglect by the black leaders elected to run the city had NOTHING to do with it right?
So every other city in Mississippi has been run great, but good ole Jackson has just been run in the ground by black Mayors and city legislatures.

The Mississippi Legislature earlier this year decided to spend up to $750 million of the $1.8 billion it received in American Rescue Plan Act federal pandemic relief money on two of the state’s major problems: In many urban areas, most notably Jackson, antiquated water and sewerage systems are collapsing. In rural areas, such as where Barkley lives, 13% of the state’s population does not have public water service.

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