Did Republicans Who Voted For Infrastructure Bill Commit Treason?

Those Republicans were stupid but they didn't commit treason. They were more like Nancy Pelosi's capitol police who held the doors open for the Jan. 6 protestors.
They were sympathetic to Trump's lies? That makes no sense.
Debt is bad no matter who does it.

The Republicans that helped the goddamn treasonous Democrats pass this bill are just as guilty as the Democrats.

Stop with this silly ass childish playground shit of "Billy also did it".

This was a very irresponsible raiding of the treasury to fund stupid worthless Libtards special interests and it is despicable.

An example of how this government is totally out of control.
Debt is only bad when those who benefit from the policies are people you feel don't deserve to benefit...which is usually poor people, people of color...anyone outside of your circle jerk of fascist sycophants

You morons never keep that same energy for endless spending on the military, corporate subsidies, tax cuts for the rich, period...not a single one of you morons demonized Trump's blowing up the deficit as something evil....

You morons concern trolling about the debt and deficit is total and utter bullshit..always has been always will be...

Debt is only bad when those who benefit from the policies are people you feel don't deserve to benefit...which is usually poor people, people of color...anyone outside of your circle jerk of fascist sycophants

You morons never keep that same energy for endless spending on the military, corporate subsidies, tax cuts for the rich, period...not a single one of you morons demonized Trump's blowing up the deficit as something evil....

You morons concern trolling about the debt and deficit is total and utter bullshit..always has been always will be...

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You mean like when The Worthless Negro bailed out corporations and banks?

I am a real Conservative and I am against all welfare, bailouts, subsidies,, entilements and grants no matter who does it. We should never use debt to finance worthless shit like we see with every administration.

You are a stupid uneducated partisan Moon Bat that loves debt when the filthy ass Democrats do it and hate it when the Republicans do it.

Typical Libtard hypocrisy.
I disagree....

If the law itself is aimed at destroying America itself -- that is definitely treason...

Unless the whole "this bill will destroy America" thing is just hyperbolic performance art...

Instead of always resorting to over the top fearmongering, the opposition should just present better and more popular solutions....

The republicans said the same types things when Clinton raised taxes the rich.

The exact opposite happened.

The republicans said the same types of things about Obamacare.

The exact opposite happened.
Why not? These stupid threads would go away.
What's stupid about it??

Because that is EXACTLY what you dic suckers are claiming these Republicans did....

But you whine like the incessant little bitch you are at me because I point it out
You mean like when The Worthless Negro bailed out corporations and banks?

I am a real Conservative and I am against all welfare, bailouts, subsidies,, entilements and grants no matter who does it. We should never use debt to finance worthless shit like we see with every administration.

You are a stupid uneducated partisan Moon Bat that loves debt when the filthy ass Democrats do it and hate it when the Republicans do it.

Typical Libtard hypocrisy.
So you folks are against corporate bailouts now??


Because I was against them before Obama was even president.....

By the way, why did those corporations need to be bailed out....

Did they do something bad or something??

"President Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday, enacting a key piece of his domestic spending agenda that will funnel billions to states and local governments to upgrade outdated roads, bridges, transit systems and more. In the South Lawn ceremony, Biden said that people have heard "countless speeches and promises -- about the need to improve the nation's infrastructure. "But today, we are finally getting this done."

GOP Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, one of the bill's authors, also focused on bipartisanship.
"This is what can happen when Republicans and Democrats say we're going to work together to get something done," he said. "Finding common ground to advance the interests of the American people should be rewarded, not attacked," Portman said. Several Republicans who negotiated the bill attended the signing ceremony, including Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana."

These people are claiming that this is the first major infrastructure bill in 30 years....like Biden pulled off some major accomplishment...please....fact of the matter is; Trump passed 3 bigger infrastructure bills in his first week in office...nobody has done anything like that before...and the media doesn't report it -- why?? -- There are dozens of Republicans who voted for this satanic communist bill and they expect to be re-elected to office?? How can they think that?? Do they think Republican voters are stupid?? The voters know that these people have committed treason against not only their party not only their country but against God and Jesus.

First of all, these Republicans are going around talking about how this bill will repair damage bridges and roads in their home districts -- that is false...everyone knows that no money in this bill goes to fixing roads...second of all, Trump already passed 3 infrastructure bills, so all of the roads and bridges are already being repaired...All Biden's bill does is give billions of dollars to illegal aliens, millions more dollars go to fund Hillary's child sex trafficking operations, basically everything in this bill is evil.....if any road is built with money from this bill, that road itself is Satanic and if you drive on them; you are basically driving your soul to hell....
Portman is a traditional weakling.Never Ever appears hot under the collar.
He should know better.I think he's announced he won't be seeking another term.
He's just too polite to be effective.Like he's trying desperately to get along.
Like whimsically Ignoring the undisputed way Democrat go after Republicans
with avengence.That is no way to be a Senator.That doesn't even rise to the level
of being a Teacher's Pet.Like what Senator John Thune acts like.Who is the GOP
Minority Whip.Senator Patrick Leahy who just announced he won't be running for
Reelction is the President pro tempore of the Senate.
Portman is a traditional weakling.Never Ever appears hot under the collar.
He should know better.I think he's announced he won't be seeking another term.
He's just too polite to be effective.Like he's trying desperately to get along.
Like whimsically Ignoring the undisputed way Democrat go after Republicans
with avengence.That is no way to be a Senator.That doesn't even rise to the level
of being a Teacher's Pet.Like what Senator John Thune acts like.Who is the GOP
Minority Whip.Senator Patrick Leahy who just announced he won't be running for
Reelction is the President pro tempore of the Senate.
So you want Senators to be hot under the collar and call the other side evil and never pass any bills with bipartisan support?

Even tho the policies in said bill are popular with the majority of Americans??

Instead of governing, you just want politicians to be WWE wrestlers and yell goofy shit for your entertainment?

And you wonder why folks mock you like they do
So you folks are against corporate bailouts now??


Because I was against them before Obama was even president.....

By the way, why did those corporations need to be bailed out....

Did they do something bad or something??

I am against ALL corporate bailouts, not matter who does it just like I am against welfare, entilements, grants, subsidies and any government transfers. Are you?

Did you bitch when The Worthless Negro bailed out the Wall Street banks and GM and Chrysler? How about when the sonofabitch gave subsides to the Solyndra scammers?

You didn't, did you? That is because you are a filthy ass partisan Moon Bat. You really have no convicitions on anything. Just mindless partisan hate and that is despicable.
I am against ALL corporate bailouts, not matter who does it just like I am against welfare, entilements, grants, subsidies and any government transfers. Are you?

Did you bitch when The Worthless Negro bailed out the Wall Street banks and GM and Chrysler? How about when the sonofabitch gave subsides to the Solyndra scammers?

You didn't, did you? That is because you are a filthy ass partisan Moon Bat. You really have no convicitions on anything. Just mindless partisan hate and that is despicable.
I am against corporate welfare...

I am not against social safety nets for those among us with the least amount of power....

But since I suppose you are a fake Libertarian --out of all of the shit you claim to be against -- what you are MOST against is anything that helps those with the least amount of power...

Which is why none of you goofy muthafuckas will ever campaign on what you actually believe...

Instead, you weasel around the Republican party because they are the ones most aligned with imposing austerity on those with the least -- while lavishing luxuries on those with the most....

M_005-mlk.008 (15).jpg
I am against corporate welfare...

I am not against social safety nets for those among us with the least amount of power....

But since I suppose you are a fake Libertarian --out of all of the shit you claim to be against -- what you are MOST against is anything that helps those with the least amount of power...

Which is why none of you goofy muthafuckas will ever campaign on what you actually believe...

Instead, you weasel around the Republican party because they are the ones most aligned with imposing austerity on those with the least -- while lavishing luxuries on those with the most....

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So MLK was not a Marxist?

"President Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday, enacting a key piece of his domestic spending agenda that will funnel billions to states and local governments to upgrade outdated roads, bridges, transit systems and more. In the South Lawn ceremony, Biden said that people have heard "countless speeches and promises -- about the need to improve the nation's infrastructure. "But today, we are finally getting this done."

GOP Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, one of the bill's authors, also focused on bipartisanship.
"This is what can happen when Republicans and Democrats say we're going to work together to get something done," he said. "Finding common ground to advance the interests of the American people should be rewarded, not attacked," Portman said. Several Republicans who negotiated the bill attended the signing ceremony, including Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana."

These people are claiming that this is the first major infrastructure bill in 30 years....like Biden pulled off some major accomplishment...please....fact of the matter is; Trump passed 3 bigger infrastructure bills in his first week in office...nobody has done anything like that before...and the media doesn't report it -- why?? -- There are dozens of Republicans who voted for this satanic communist bill and they expect to be re-elected to office?? How can they think that?? Do they think Republican voters are stupid?? The voters know that these people have committed treason against not only their party not only their country but against God and Jesus.

First of all, these Republicans are going around talking about how this bill will repair damage bridges and roads in their home districts -- that is false...everyone knows that no money in this bill goes to fixing roads...second of all, Trump already passed 3 infrastructure bills, so all of the roads and bridges are already being repaired...All Biden's bill does is give billions of dollars to illegal aliens, millions more dollars go to fund Hillary's child sex trafficking operations, basically everything in this bill is evil.....if any road is built with money from this bill, that road itself is Satanic and if you drive on them; you are basically driving your soul to hell....
No, they represent a tiny minority of Republicans who understand sound, responsible governance.
I am against corporate welfare...

I am not against social safety nets for those among us with the least amount of power....

But since I suppose you are a fake Libertarian --out of all of the shit you claim to be against -- what you are MOST against is anything that helps those with the least amount of power...

Which is why none of you goofy muthafuckas will ever campaign on what you actually believe...

Instead, you weasel around the Republican party because they are the ones most aligned with imposing austerity on those with the least -- while lavishing luxuries on those with the most....

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So you are for the worthless shit that Democrats spend our money on even when it runs up the fucking debt and produces no good whasoever? You are for the Democrats stealing our money and giving it away to their filthy welfare special interest groups? That is despicable and you should be ashamed!

You sure as hell didn't bitch about the Worthless Negro giving welfare to corporations back then so you really have no convictions on anything.

You bitch about Republicans but it is the big Corporations that backed The Worthless Negro, Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead. You being an uneducated low information have no idea how the globalists mega rich support the Democrat's agenda, do you? Hell, one of the sonoabitches gave the Democrats almost half a billion dollars last year.

You bitch about the Republicans because you are a stupid partisan hack but the Republicans are just as much a party of big government as the filthy Democrats. You don't know that because CNN and Rachael Maddow haven't told you.

The Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. When the Democrats do something to fuck this country they are usually aided to some degree by weak minded Republicans. Just look at the RINO that voted along side this Democrat filth to pass this destructive debt ridden "infrastructure" bill.

Grow up. Stop being a stupid partisan idiot that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about the crap you spew.
Another one that got caught on Buffy hook once again.
Buffy hook?

Trump couldn’t get a bill passed with McConnell and Ryan controlling both the House and Senate in Trump first two years and Trump last two years McConnell still said no, so blame McConnell for not wanting to fix things…

As for Treason… Hell yeah and let get the rope but before that they wanted pepperoni on their Tombstone!!!
That is what you get for electing an non-politician to office, they don't know how things get done in DC. Trump was too ignorant or too lazy to get his own party in line and get something, anything done.

Morons like Mo Brooks is hard at work; racial fearmongering again...as I predicted....claiming the BBB bill will destroy the suburbs by moving those dirty darkies out to nice pure white neighborhoods....is that white replacement or something??

Buffy hook?

That is what you get for electing an non-politician to office, they don't know how things get done in DC. Trump was too ignorant or too lazy to get his own party in line and get something, anything done.

Hmmm, selective memory seem to be a real issue with the left and right these days.

As much as I disagreed with Trump on his handling of Mexico, Kurds, his daily bitch fest on Twitter and what I considered unethical behavior the fact is Trump did pass two stimulus packages in 2020 and got Warp Speed up and running, so he did do some things but infrastructure was always going to be an issue…

Trump would have been offer with a Democrat House and Senate so he could get his stuff passed.

We both know the border wall would have not been allowed, but much of his plans for NASA, Infrastructure and so on would have been passed…

McConnell has always been the damn issue for Obama and Trump and if the GOP win in 2022 then Biden will have to deal with that damn Turtle again!
McConnell has always been the damn issue for Obama and Trump and if the GOP win in 2022 then Biden will have to deal with that damn Turtle again!
Excuses, excuses. McConnell voted for Biden's infrastructure bill, what happened to Trump's bill?

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