Zone1 Systemic Racism-Jackson Mississippi

That's because the well run suburbs are Republican Whites and Jackson (mini Detroit) is Black Democrats that are corrupt.
You have been shown the racism. Face it and stop lying to yourself.

The Jackson Water Crisis Is a Public Health Failure Rooted in Systemic Racism​

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Residents of Jackson, Mississippi, started boiling their water when, at the end of July, local health officials warned the cityā€™s water supply was cloudy. That was already an unacceptable ask, but the situation imploded this week when a local river flooded and caused problems at the OB Curtis Water Plant, resulting in a water shortage.

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves issued a statement announcing a state of emergency on August 30. However, the statement didnā€™t outline plans to restore the water supply to the cityā€™s capital, nor did it provide updates on when Jacksonā€™s nearly 150,000 residents can expect the shortage to end. Instead, they have been told theyā€™ll be without clean water ā€œindefinitely,ā€ local news outlets report.

Having clean water is very obviously a public health matter: Aside from having to boil water in order to safely drink it, people in Jackson donā€™t currently have the water pressure needed to flush toilets or fight fires, per the statement from Governor Tateā€™s office. The situation is so dire that the city temporarily ran out of bottled water to hand out to residents earlier this week, CNN reported. President Biden has officially declared a state of emergency for the state of Mississippi, which means urgent federal assistance is now on its way to Jackson, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted.

Itā€™s important to note that more than 80% of Jacksonā€™s residents are Blackā€”and this crisis is a painfully clear case of environmental racism. This term is used to describe ā€œthe disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color,ā€ according to Greenaction, a nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental justice initiatives. Some experts are comparing the current situation in Jackson to the 2014 water crisis in Flint, Michigan, during which the cityā€™s primarily Black residents didnā€™t have access to clean water due to lead contamination for years.

ā€œItā€™s not a coincidence. [Jackson] is a disproportionately Black city where people knew there was a problem,ā€ and didnā€™t spend the money to fix it, Colin Jerolmack, PhD, professor of sociology and environmental studies at NYU, tells SELF. ā€œItā€™s a result of a legacy of racism. You could draw a straight line [from] prior racist acts, such as discrimination, to environmental racism.ā€

The Jackson water crisis is only the latest example of the devastating impacts of environmental racism. It can be particularly insidious and hard to combat because thereā€™s rarely one person to blame, Jerolmack says. Itā€™s the result of years and years of discrimination and neglect, and people in power often rely on the publicā€™s apathy toward racism, coupled with plausible deniability, to get away with it. ā€œYou canā€™t find some white lawmaker who said, ā€˜We donā€™t want to provide water to Black people,ā€™ā€ Jerolmack explains, but you can find examples of lawmakers who have voted against helping these very communities. ā€œ

ā€œYou canā€™t find some white lawmaker who said, ā€˜We donā€™t want to provide water to Black people,ā€™ā€ Jerolmack explains, but you can find examples of lawmakers who have voted against helping these very communities. ā€œ

Last year, at least two bills aimed at helping raise money for water-system repairs died in the legislature. And in June 2020, Reeves, a Republican, vetoed bipartisan legislation designed to help residents with overdue water bills which, in turn, would have enabled the city to collect sorely needed water revenue.

In vetoing the bill, the governor acknowledged that residents "got overcharged in the past," but said the legislation would allow "politicians to say that individuals are not responsible for paying their water bill." Reeves also said there were "no safeguards in place" to ensure aid would go only to "the impoverished or needy."

This is an example of systemic racism. The white communities around Jackson and in Mississippi do not have this problem.

If it was systemic racism whites would not be affected. Quit making everything about race when itā€™s not.
You have been shown the racism. Face it and stop lying to yourself.
There are NO first world black countries. Let that sink in. NONE. You mooch scam cheat steal and add nothing of value. You are turbo violent anti family anti W Civ. Your only hope is to keep countries white.
There are NO first world black countries. Let that sink in. NONE. You mooch scam cheat steal and add nothing of value. You are turbo violent anti family anti W Civ. Your only hope is to keep countries white.
I have to laugh when somebody white says what you do.

For example African car companies were producing electric vehicles long ago. In fact, they have a company that produces solar powered cars.

Kiira Motors​


Country: Uganda

Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC) is a car manufacturing corporation that was revved up and bought to life by Makerere University in 2014. Today KMC is owned by the Uganda Development Corporation and Makerere University.

A company of the future, the innovative arm of KMC has designed three vehicles powered by electricity and the sun. These cars are the Kayoola Solar Bus, the Kiira EV, 2011, a two-seater electric car, the Kiira EV SMACK, 2014, a five-seater sedan.

The car that is considered to be the safest car on earth is made in Africa.

Saroukh el-Jamahiriya​


Country: Libya

The Saroukh el-Jamahiriya (Libyan rocket) was invented by Libyan Leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for safety reasons. The prototype was revealed on September 7, 1999.

This car is unique in that its front and rear ends are rocket-shaped. The interior is built to protect its passengers with airbags, an electronic defense system, and a collapsible bumper. It is said to be the safest car on earth.

The west steals from Africa. So you really need to not bring Africa into a conversation about the inaction of white state government leaders that has caused the capital city to not have drinking water.
LOL. I guess these White people in appalachian Virginia are victims of "Systemic Racism" too right? You are so busted!

False equivalence. You've been shown the racism in this situation so just face it.

The reality of life in America is that whites don't face racism and trying to compare a situation with whites and blacks in order to try denying racism is just stupid.
You have been shown the racism. There will be no debating this with you.
Letā€™s see, city government totally controlled by black politicians for decades. Water treatment system in disrepair for decades. Water treatment system is city property, controlled by said black politicians who were elected by a largely black population. City government controlled by black politicians fails to either borrow money, or pass a ballot measure raising taxes to pay for a new water treatment system. Unseasonable heavy rainfall causes old, badly operating water treatment system to fail. Somehow you try to put the blame on the white governor who doesnā€™t control city functions or property instead of the black city government that does. Oh yes, you also call the state government racist because it hasnā€™t fixed the problems with the CITYā€™S water treatment plant.
I have to laugh when somebody white says what you do.

For example African car companies were producing electric vehicles long ago. In fact, they have a company that produces solar powered cars.

Kiira Motors​


Country: Uganda

Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC) is a car manufacturing corporation that was revved up and bought to life by Makerere University in 2014. Today KMC is owned by the Uganda Development Corporation and Makerere University.

A company of the future, the innovative arm of KMC has designed three vehicles powered by electricity and the sun. These cars are the Kayoola Solar Bus, the Kiira EV, 2011, a two-seater electric car, the Kiira EV SMACK, 2014, a five-seater sedan.

The car that is considered to be the safest car on earth is made in Africa.

Saroukh el-Jamahiriya​


Country: Libya

The Saroukh el-Jamahiriya (Libyan rocket) was invented by Libyan Leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for safety reasons. The prototype was revealed on September 7, 1999.

This car is unique in that its front and rear ends are rocket-shaped. The interior is built to protect its passengers with airbags, an electronic defense system, and a collapsible bumper. It is said to be the safest car on earth.

The west steals from Africa. So you really need to not bring Africa into a conversation about the inaction of white state government leaders that has caused the capital city to not have drinking water.
Youā€™ve tried to play this card before. Kiira motors hasnā€™t produced a single production vehicle in its eleven year existence. None of the African car builders are producing meaningful numbers of vehicle. The last time you posted this bull I wasted my time posting the actual records of the companies which showed they all were just corrupt ways for African leaders to steal even more money from their countries. Just like the California High Speed Rail Project has been used to loot the public treasury for the benefit of democratic politicians and rich campaign donors without laying a single mile of powered track or acquiring a single piece of rolling stock.
False equivalence. You've been shown the racism in this situation so just face it.

The reality of life in America is that whites don't face racism and trying to compare a situation with whites and blacks in order to try denying racism is just stupid.
How about EXACT equivalence. You can't claim "Systemic Racism" for Black poor people denied water rights and then ignore White poor people that suffer the EXACT SAME FATE as the Black people in Jackson. Your latest systemic racism argument is busted again. It isn't skin color it's about money, or lack thereof.
How about EXACT equivalence. You can't claim "Systemic Racism" for Black poor people denied water rights and then ignore White poor people that suffer the EXACT SAME FATE as the Black people in Jackson. Your latest systemic racism argument is busted again. It isn't skin color it's about money, or lack thereof.
Because it's a false equivalence. The situation you're talking about is not in Mississippi, and similar things can happen to whites and blacks that are caused by different factors. For example, the police can pull over a white and black person and racism could still be a factor in the stop of that black person. What you were shown was an example of systemic racism.
Because it's a false equivalence. The situation you're talking about is not in Mississippi, and similar things can happen to whites and blacks that are caused by different factors. For example, the police can pull over a white and black person and racism could still be a factor in the stop of that black person. What you were shown was an example of systemic racism.
So, black people cant get pulled over unless race is involved? Black people do no wrong? Your entire response is bullshit. Whites and blacks faced the SAME dilemma for the SAME reasons. You insert the word RACISM in anything negative in a black persons existence. Stop looking stupid with your nonsense.
False equivalence. You've been shown the racism in this situation so just face it.

The reality of life in America is that whites don't face racism and trying to compare a situation with whites and blacks in order to try denying racism is just stupid.
I posted the info showing that for 30 years the democrats running that city have refused to pay for maintenance and repairs,
I posted the info showing that for 30 years the democrats running that city have refused to pay for maintenance and repairs,
Stop trying to put everything on democrats. Your information is inaccurate. My information comes from people who live in Jackson.
Stop trying to put everything on democrats. Your information is inaccurate. My information comes from people who live in Jackson.
LOL my information is Not inaccurate you lying weasel, it is reported by all sources and ADMITTED to by current mayor.
LOL my information is Not inaccurate you lying weasel, it is reported by all sources and ADMITTED to by current mayor.
My information is from people who are from Jackson and they have described what went on before this mayor. They had a mayor prior to this one who spent 200 million on this and who warned the state that more work was needed. So your source, wherever it is can't be completely accurate.

The columnist added that "torrential rains" had "overwhelmed the cityā€™s largest water treatment plant," though the problem had been magnified because "the cityā€™s water system was already failing, the result of years of neglect."

even in this leftwing hit piece they admit to years of neglect. Remind me who ran the city for alll those years?
Problems for a decade. The EPA has cited Jackson multiple times over the past decade, including most recently in July 2021 demanding plans to fix the water system.


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