Zone1 Democrat "Defund The Police" movement: More than half of Black murders go unsolved.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Just keep voting Democrat because if you don't "You ain't Black"! After all, The Democrats have done SO MUCH for poor Blacks like their Defund the Police movement.

Just keep voting Democrat because if you don't "You ain't Black"! After all, The Democrats have done SO MUCH for poor Blacks like their Defund the Police movement.

The unsolved murder rate predates BLM or "defund". It's actually a good argument in favor to defund the police. Virtually no police have been defunded, though. Stop just Boomer posting stupid, baseless shit.
Just keep voting Democrat because if you don't "You ain't Black"! After all, The Democrats have done SO MUCH for poor Blacks like their Defund the Police movement.

You're not taking into account the positive spinoff of defunding the police. No doubt that some crime will go unpunished and an increase in crime will result.

But the positive effect of black people experiencing 'equality' will likely offset the negative.

You can't forget that racism has been the cause of the 'race' problem that nobody denies, but nearly everybody acknowledges to themselves at least.

Defunding the police can carry a message that the status quo can no longer be tolerated.
Wow! I'm thinking the poor Black people living in drug/gang war zones without adequate police support would disagree with you Donald.
I can acknowledge all the problems with facing the music mike, but I can't visualize the current situation not soon erupting into a race war.

I address few of the extremists but I address you because you have demonstrated that you're capable of carrying on a discussion.

Don't destroy that trust. I'm through with offering second chances!
I can acknowledge all the problems with facing the music mike, but I can't visualize the current situation not soon erupting into a race war.

I address few of the extremists but I address you because you have demonstrated that you're capable of carrying on a discussion.

Don't destroy that trust. I'm through with offering second chances!
Was there anything offensive in what I replied to you? I said nothing personal and made a point about the poor people in those communities desperately wanting more police presence. That is a documented fact.
The unsolved murder rate predates BLM or "defund". It's actually a good argument in favor to defund the police. Virtually no police have been defunded, though. Stop just Boomer posting stupid, baseless shit.
What a stupid post

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