Democrat-Filthy Filner- PERVERT- resigns

When is Vitter going to do the same?

When is Vitter going to do the same?


Never. Dumbasses like ladycumguzzler think it's perfectly fine for those with an (R) next to their name to be adulterers and perverts. I'm sure she will show she's not a partisan hack by calling him out as well,...
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He should have stayed like vitter

Don't worry, Weiner has pitched his tent and is still sticking it out. Then of course you have that child rapist Sen. Bob Menendez who is still in office.

NEWSFLASH: The Daily Caller was LYING about Bob Menendez.

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Now you if you repost this are lying.

By the way..I real child throat fucker..Ted Nugent is a hero to Ted Cruz.

And was it Santorum that gave kiddie ass raper Sandusky an award?

Professional politicians, by and large, appear to have ego issues that somehow make them think a) they're above the law, and/or b) people are somehow afraid of them and won't report them for wrongdoings. To make it worse, they appear to think that they are somehow "special" and that we simply can't live without them. And to make THAT even worse, they're surrounded and supported by sycophants who tell them how wonderful they are no matter what. They're narcissists who calculate every breath as to how it will help them alone.

Just another example of why we need term limits at every political level. Hopefully at some point we'll decide to stop being played for fools.

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