Democrat/Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein, officially accused of rape by women

Devils Advocate -

Who remembers back in the late 70s - 80s when it was a "known" thing that all women had to "climb the corporate ladder on their knees"? We don't hear about that anymore because by the 90s that ideology had been stamped out by bipartisan pressure.

How about the left do the same on this Hollywood thing?
How about Fox news clean up it's act?
Devils Advocate -

Who remembers back in the late 70s - 80s when it was a "known" thing that all women had to "climb the corporate ladder on their knees"? We don't hear about that anymore because by the 90s that ideology had been stamped out by bipartisan pressure.

How about the left do the same on this Hollywood thing?
How about Fox news clean up it's act?

I don't pay attention to Fox news, but if you're talking about O'riley or whatever his name is, he got canned yea?
For 8 years Obama had $40,000 a plate fund raisers with rich donors whilst telling the poor uneducated Democrat Voters that the Democratic Party is fighting for equality.
Orwell, some animals are more equal than others
Who cares if they have expensive fund raisers for their rich donors. Double standard much?

Bernie Bros care, which is partially why Hillary got schlonged.

Well how stupid are voters who want Democrats to take on Republicans with one hand tied behind their backs?

Remember you schlubs had a problem with Hillary taking money from Wallstreet? Remember you didn't like it that the CEO of GE was on Obama's team? Well it doesn't seem to bother you that Trump is working with Wallstreet and the CEO of Exxon is now Secretary of State.

And by the way, I love Rex Tillerson. He should be POTUS not the POS Trump.
Devils Advocate -

Who remembers back in the late 70s - 80s when it was a "known" thing that all women had to "climb the corporate ladder on their knees"? We don't hear about that anymore because by the 90s that ideology had been stamped out by bipartisan pressure.

How about the left do the same on this Hollywood thing?
How about Fox news clean up it's act?

I don't pay attention to Fox news, but if you're talking about O'riley or whatever his name is, he got canned yea?
So did Roger Ailes. I just think it's funny you are putting Harvey on the Democratic party but you can't seem to realize that Fox News is the propoganda channel for the GOP. And at your beloved HQ rich white conservative white men were making women at Fox News get on their knees.

We knew this is how Republicans treat women. But unfortunately the women at Fox News kept it a secret for all that time.

Lets face it you cons are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever. Your POTUS is a rapist and your number one News channel is run by rapists. Got to love the hypocricy yea?
Devils Advocate -

Who remembers back in the late 70s - 80s when it was a "known" thing that all women had to "climb the corporate ladder on their knees"? We don't hear about that anymore because by the 90s that ideology had been stamped out by bipartisan pressure.

How about the left do the same on this Hollywood thing?
How about Fox news clean up it's act?

I don't pay attention to Fox news, but if you're talking about O'riley or whatever his name is, he got canned yea?
So did Roger Ailes. I just think it's funny you are putting Harvey on the Democratic party but you can't seem to realize that Fox News is the propoganda channel for the GOP. And at your beloved HQ rich white conservative white men were making women at Fox News get on their knees.

We knew this is how Republicans treat women. But unfortunately the women at Fox News kept it a secret for all that time.

Lets face it you cons are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever. Your POTUS is a rapist and your number one News channel is run by rapists. Got to love the hypocricy yea?

Partisan much?

What I said is how about the left and right get together and do the same thing to hollywood as we did the corporate game...
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)
Devils Advocate -

Who remembers back in the late 70s - 80s when it was a "known" thing that all women had to "climb the corporate ladder on their knees"? We don't hear about that anymore because by the 90s that ideology had been stamped out by bipartisan pressure.

How about the left do the same on this Hollywood thing?
How about Fox news clean up it's act?

I don't pay attention to Fox news, but if you're talking about O'riley or whatever his name is, he got canned yea?
So did Roger Ailes. I just think it's funny you are putting Harvey on the Democratic party but you can't seem to realize that Fox News is the propoganda channel for the GOP. And at your beloved HQ rich white conservative white men were making women at Fox News get on their knees.

We knew this is how Republicans treat women. But unfortunately the women at Fox News kept it a secret for all that time.

Lets face it you cons are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever. Your POTUS is a rapist and your number one News channel is run by rapists. Got to love the hypocricy yea?

Partisan much?

What I said is how about the left and right get together and do the same thing to hollywood as we did the corporate game...

You know what was funny? I heard the other day Merryl Streep, Glen Close and a few other ugly actresses came forward to say Harvey Weinstein never made sexual advances towards them. LOL.

Anyways, I don't think there is a difference between corporate America and Hollywood. If the CEO gets caught sexually harassing or abusing an employee they get in trouble. Unfortunately people in Hollywood and Fox News knew what Harvey and Roger Ailes were doing and they just let it continue.
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.
For 8 years Obama had $40,000 a plate fund raisers with rich donors whilst telling the poor uneducated Democrat Voters that the Democratic Party is fighting for equality.
Orwell, some animals are more equal than others
Who cares if they have expensive fund raisers for their rich donors. Double standard much?

Bernie Bros care, which is partially why Hillary got schlonged.

Isn't it funny Republicans didn't like Obama working with the CEO of GE but then Trump appointed Rex who was CEO of Exxon and Republicans don't mind one bit.

I don't mind Rex either but I find it funny the Republicans help Hillary and Obama to a much higher standard than they hold Republicans.

Donald Trump used to hate Wall Street. Now he embraces it
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.

Actually that was my sig last year yea... 11%-20% isn't that much of a difference son, and /all/ of it is social/moral issues - as I said.

Again, Partisan much? Here I am saying I'm a classical liberal and my shit reflects that I supported well over half of D's positions in 2016 - aka I am on the left's side on a good number of issues - and you're calling me "retarded" for not being 100% on 'your' side... Son, this is why your side loses elections, reflect on that for a while.
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.

Actually that was my sig last year yea... 11%-20% isn't that much of a difference son, and /all/ of it is social/moral issues - as I said.

Again, Partisan much? Here I am saying I'm a classical liberal and my shit reflects that I supported well over half of D's positions in 2016 - aka I am on the left's side on a good number of issues - and you're calling me "retarded" for not being 100% on 'your' side... Son, this is why your side loses elections, reflect on that for a while.
You're just proving how easily duped you are. If that's all it takes to get you to either not vote or vote Republican.

And you said you didn't even vote in the last election so I don't give a fuck what you think. Was that in 2012, 14 or 2016?

You remind me of the stupid black people who take a knee but then don't show up to vote.
He finally made the grade!

Donations to The Democrat Party do not, of themselves, entitle you to full party membership.

But rape!

Ah, yes, his bones are made.

Congratulations, Harv, you are now a full-fledged Democrat!
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.

Actually that was my sig last year yea... 11%-20% isn't that much of a difference son, and /all/ of it is social/moral issues - as I said.

Again, Partisan much? Here I am saying I'm a classical liberal and my shit reflects that I supported well over half of D's positions in 2016 - aka I am on the left's side on a good number of issues - and you're calling me "retarded" for not being 100% on 'your' side... Son, this is why your side loses elections, reflect on that for a while.
You're just proving how easily duped you are. If that's all it takes to get you to either not vote or vote Republican.

And you said you didn't even vote in the last election so I don't give a fuck what you think. Was that in 2012, 14 or 2016?

You remind me of the stupid black people who take a knee but then don't show up to vote.

I did not vote in 2012 because I wasn't informed on the candidates, and? I did vote this year, for Donald Trump, who I know from having watched him for some 30+ years is an independent.

Clearly you've never been an independent before, and this next paragraph will probably be lost in your partisan take on politics... You seem to be unable to understand that viewpoints on specific issues can bridge the parties. Just because I voted R in 2016 doesn't mean I agree with everything on the R platform... It just means that was my best option that year. Independents like me vote on a win/loss ratio; there are issues that we find are "most important" and we have to kind of "sacrifice" other issues that we might disagree with the person we vote for on. There is no such thing as a "perfect candidate" for people like me, we always end up losing on something. You do get used to filtering through everything and sorting out the pros and cons of those running, but it takes a lot of time and effort to do - which is a lot of why I ended up not voting in 2012, because I was disheartened by who was on the ticket, of having to chose between beliefs (right and left) that were /both/ important to me each time, and yea, because OWS was very disturbing for me in particular ( as a capitalist ), especially when the R's were caving into D's instead of standing up for capitalism ( in my opinion anyway. )
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.

Actually that was my sig last year yea... 11%-20% isn't that much of a difference son, and /all/ of it is social/moral issues - as I said.

Again, Partisan much? Here I am saying I'm a classical liberal and my shit reflects that I supported well over half of D's positions in 2016 - aka I am on the left's side on a good number of issues - and you're calling me "retarded" for not being 100% on 'your' side... Son, this is why your side loses elections, reflect on that for a while.
I'm actually a Republican now. Not socially but fiscally. I've recently got a huge raise. I got it individually bargaining not collective bargaining. So suddenly I see the benefits of being an exceptional employee under Republican rule vs. being an exceptional employee under Democratic rule. Under the Democrats the best employees get squat. But the masses who are below average benefit greatly.

Also because stupid poor, gay, black, young, women, mexican, muslims. They didn't show up so I'm done caring for them. I hope gays can't adopt or serve in the military. I hope blacks lose affirmative action. I hope the poor lose welfare and foodstamps. I hope college costs skyrocket. I hope women keep making 70 cents for every $1 a man makes. I hope Republicans make this a christian nation, even though I'm an atheist. I want all the fools who voted for Trump or didn't vote Hillary to see the difference.

I hope they bring back pre existing conditions. Stupid Americans.
Also, for the record, see my sig. I'm an LGBT capitalist, not a conservative. In fact, I'm closer to a classical liberal than I am to a conservative (on social/moral issues anyway.)

You're one of those fools who Trump has convinced that the media is lying to you. Not him of course, the media. LOL. And don't lie. You aren't close to a classical liberal. Here is what you told us 3 years ago affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist.

Libertarians are retarded. Especially the ones who take dicks in the ass.

Actually that was my sig last year yea... 11%-20% isn't that much of a difference son, and /all/ of it is social/moral issues - as I said.

Again, Partisan much? Here I am saying I'm a classical liberal and my shit reflects that I supported well over half of D's positions in 2016 - aka I am on the left's side on a good number of issues - and you're calling me "retarded" for not being 100% on 'your' side... Son, this is why your side loses elections, reflect on that for a while.
You're just proving how easily duped you are. If that's all it takes to get you to either not vote or vote Republican.

And you said you didn't even vote in the last election so I don't give a fuck what you think. Was that in 2012, 14 or 2016?

You remind me of the stupid black people who take a knee but then don't show up to vote.

I did not vote in 2012 because I wasn't informed on the candidates, and? I did vote this year, for Donald Trump, who I know from having watched him for some 30+ years is an independent.

Clearly you've never been an independent before, and this next paragraph will probably be lost in your partisan take on politics... You seem to be unable to understand that viewpoints on specific issues can bridge the parties. Just because I voted R in 2016 doesn't mean I agree with everything on the R platform... It just means that was my best option that year. Independents like me vote on a win/loss ratio; there are issues that we find are "most important" and we have to kind of "sacrifice" other issues that we might disagree with the person we vote for on. There is no such thing as a "perfect candidate" for people like me, we always end up losing on something. You do get used to filtering through everything and sorting out the pros and cons of those running, but it takes a lot of time and effort to do - which is a lot of why I ended up not voting in 2012, because I was disheartened by who was on the ticket, of having to chose between beliefs (right and left) that were /both/ important to me each time, and yea, because OWS was very disturbing for me in particular ( as a capitalist ), especially when the R's were caving into D's instead of standing up for capitalism ( in my opinion anyway. )

How do you think the Republican way is going to benefit you? What do you do for a living? Me? I'm rich (sort of), white, college educated, no kids, a man, straight. The GOP will screw everyone else before they screw me.
He finally made the grade!

Donations to The Democrat Party do not, of themselves, entitle you to full party membership.

But rape!

Ah, yes, his bones are made.

Congratulations, Harv, you are now a full-fledged Democrat!
If he wanted to be a Republican he just needed to rape young boys like Dennis Hastert did. Don't forget that guy was 3rd in line to be POTUS. Fast forward a few years later you have a rapist in the white house.

Isn't it funny just a few years ago you guys cried that Clinton might be a rapist and now your own boy is almost a mirror image of Bill.

And Trump isn't a Republican either. His rapist side must the liberal in him.
He finally made the grade!

Donations to The Democrat Party do not, of themselves, entitle you to full party membership.

But rape!

Ah, yes, his bones are made.

Congratulations, Harv, you are now a full-fledged Democrat!
If he wanted to be a Republican he just needed to rape young boys like Dennis Hastert did. Don't forget that guy was 3rd in line to be POTUS. Fast forward a few years later you have a rapist in the white house.

Isn't it funny just a few years ago you guys cried that Clinton might be a rapist and now your own boy is almost a mirror image of Bill.

And Trump isn't a Republican either. His rapist side must the liberal in him.

Lie much?

What am I saying, you're a dem, of course you do
Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Bombshell New Yorker Piece Alleges Mogul Raped Women

The New Yorker published a bombshell report on Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday, that alleges the embattled mogul raped three women, including actress Asia Argento.

The story, written by Ronan Farrow, claims Weinstein forcibly performed or received oral sex and also forced vaginal sex on women. It also contains on-the-record accounts from Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette of encounters or business meetings with Weinstein that devolved into being propositioned sexually. The deeply reported story will likely exacerbate Weinstein’s problems at a time when reports of previous instances of harassment have left him ostracized in Hollywood and fighting for his professional life.

“I know he has crushed a lot of people before,” Argento said in the story. “That’s why this story—in my case, it’s twenty years old, some of them are older—has never come out.”

Sorvino, who won an Oscar appearing in “Mighty Aphrodite” for Miramax, Weinstein’s company, also told Farrow that Weinstein “harassed her” and pressured her to have a sexual relationship while she appeared in films for his company, Miramax. At the Toronto Film Festival in 1995, she claims he propositioned her, and later showed up weeks later at her apartment.

In Toronto, Sorvino said Weinstein “…started massaging my shoulders, which made me very uncomfortable, and then tried to get more physical, sort of chasing me around.” Arquette describes encountering a bathrobe-wearing Weinstein in his hotel room, where he tried to intimidate her into sexual contact. Both Sorvino and Arquette claim that after they rejected Weinstein’s advances, their careers suffered...

...In addition, the New Yorker piece also reports that four women experienced unwanted physical contact with Weinstein, that “could be classified as an assault.” Weinstein also allegedly exposed himself to women or masturbated in their presence....

Another Democrat, Bill Clinton, raped women and managed to stay out of prison. Will Harvey be able to do the same?


The Harvey Weinstein revelations suggest that The Fappening, the 2014 leak of celebrity nude photos and videos, may have actually been a “casting couch” compilation of lewd content Hollywood execs were forcing up-and-coming actresses to submit in exchange for the hottest roles.

Weinstein Scandal: Was The Fappening a Hollywood ‘Casting Couch’ Leak?

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