Democrat in GA Senate runoff, Raphael Warnock is a straight up Marxist.

Please post the facts that allow you to conclude that ("Warnock is a straight up Marxist " ) Have no problem with people posting their opinion, get tired of people posting opinions as Fact.
It's not the first time this line's been used. (-:
Sorry, Dems, you are not winning the Senate with this guy.

As Newt, who knows GA Politics as well as anyone, said: If we assure accuracy is vote counting, we can win the campaign and lose the election.

This is why Trump soldiers on: It's no longer about him winning, it's about the integrity of our voting systems.

THE WRIGHT STUFF. Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock: ‘Nobody Can Serve God and the Military.’
Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock said in a 2011 sermon that Americans cannot serve God while also serving in the U.S. military.
Dangerous Extremist
The newly unearthed comments threaten to complicate Warnock’s candidacy in a tight Georgia Senate race: Georgia is home to the fifth largest active duty military population in the country, according to a 2018 Department of Defense report.
In “Warnock’s Wright Stuff,” Scott Johnson writes,

“The Reverend Raphael Warnock is working his Ossoff to revive memories of Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright is a toxic figure who served as an omen of the future of the Democrat Party. Back in 2008, Wright proved so toxic that Obama implausibly sought to distance himself from Wright with Obama’s ridiculous speech on race, another sign of things to come. As a Senate candidate, Warnock needs to distance himself from himself. That should be a task with a higher degree of difficulty than the one Obama pulled off in 2008.”​

In 2008 we were dumb enough to fall for Barack's meaningless offer of "racial absolution." Now we know that it was nothing more than an electoral con.
The "Reverend" is your typical Jackson-Sharpton wolf in sheep's clothing that Jesus warned us about.
That's the new mantra of Republicans


Pure bullshit but hey...they got nothin else

It's pretty simple, socialist = someone who believes he is entitled to other people's shit.

It has never worked anywhere.

Germany was the First Nation to have Socialized Medicine. That was done under the Kaiser. Germany has progressive taxes and is successful no matter how you measure the metric. China who is enemy number one is Socialized. Yet they have a strong economy and industrial base. So they seem to have mastered the craft.

So what is the difference between the first world production by the Germans and China? Germany has Social Programs. Those are nothing more than Government offering the citizens assistance in time of need. Unemployment. Welfare. Medical. And the list goes on. It is called a Social Democracy. People vote for parliamentary parties.

So how does China succeed? China’s Government is absolutely socialist. That should indicate eventual failure. But failure seems to be absent. Why?

the answer is that their economy is set up along Capitalist Ideals. Products cost versus profit. And that profit drives the economy and allows the grand construction projects that have stunned the world.

Let’s be honest shall we? Libertarian ideals work in a society up to perhaps a million. After that it is unable to manage needs. Pure Democracy or Communist if you like where everyone gets an equal say about every decision works in smaller groups than even the Libertarians.

A Republic works up to a couple hundred million. After that the stresses of regional ideology strains the social fabric. The US is well past that obviously.

Socialism works on every social sized of society. It makes people equally miserable. It makes people feel like nobody is really any better. The questions get answers. After long waits. Usually no. But you get answers. The only way Socialism works is if the System can manage the basic needs. Food, medical, and shelter. Security is that everyone is under the same regime.

There is actually a slim variation of Socialism that can work. China has demonstrated the truth. Capitalists will sell you the rope you use to hang them with. Old Marxist saying.

It is an economic system that encourages and rewards innovation. Coupled with Social programs to provide for the people. And sufficient resources to provide security.

Pure unrestrained Capitalism leads to revolution every single time. Just as monarchies lead to discontent and rebellion every single time. The Have Nots will get annoyed and then angry and then act. And the process starts all over again.

So the goal is obviously to find a balance. Sufficient social programs to satisfy the people. Enough regulations and taxation to restrain the urges of the powerful, and protection of the common workers. You do not need socialism to achieve this. You do need to provide it though.

Watch the documentary on China’s impossible railroad.

Do I really believe nobody died in building the railroad? Not even close. Is it an astonishing achievement? Hell yes. The Americans could never do it. European Nations could never do it.
If Georgia elects that Cop hating, Rev. Wright loving anarchist, they deserve to have their cities ransacked.

Yes, they'd be so much better off with that racist, rich bitch trophy wife, who spent her time trading stocks on insider information, over a Pastor who would work for the people of Georgia, not is own interests. She got her WBA team taken away when black players refused to work for her. The only reason she's a senator is she was appointed.

Quality people you support.
If Georgia elects that Cop hating, Rev. Wright loving anarchist, they deserve to have their cities ransacked.

Yes, they'd be so much better off with that racist, rich bitch trophy wife, who spent her time trading stocks on insider information, over a Pastor who would work for the people of Georgia, not is own interests. She got her WBA team taken away when black players refused to work for her. The only reason she's a senator is she was appointed.

Quality people you support.
Every dollar that the taxpayer and private concerns provide to help others, must be accounted for. To many people getting their "cut" in the name of humanity and compassion.
Sorry, Dems, you are not winning the Senate with this guy.

Better than average shot to take the completely useless tool Loeffler. Of the two races, Warnock has the best chance.

Y'know, it's okay to not support the Communist. You won't burst into flame. I promise.

if you havent burst into flames voting for donald, the biggest commi in US history, handing over the biggest amount of free cash out of taxpayer pockets, trust me, nobody will...
Sorry, Dems, you are not winning the Senate with this guy.

Better than average shot to take the completely useless tool Loeffler. Of the two races, Warnock has the best chance.

Y'know, it's okay to not support the Communist. You won't burst into flame. I promise.

if you havent burst into flames voting for donald, the biggest commi in US history, handing over the biggest amount of free cash out of taxpayer pockets, trust me, nobody will...

Uh huh. So, you simply can't imagine criticizing the Democrat Communist.

Don't project your intellectual failure on me.
Sorry, Dems, you are not winning the Senate with this guy.

Better than average shot to take the completely useless tool Loeffler. Of the two races, Warnock has the best chance.

Whatever you say....comrade.
Sorry, Dems, you are not winning the Senate with this guy.

“I’ll tell you what I understand: I understand why Kelly Loeffler is trying to change the subject,” Mr. Warnock said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I was a youth pastor. I had nothing to do with that program. I did not make any decisions regarding the program. I’ve never met the Cuban dictator and so I’m not connected to him.”
I hope the marxist chimp wins steals it.

We need a couple years of venezuela to purge the gop....

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