Democrat in Virginia Governor Race Plays the Race Card in Desperation

We want to put them back in chains too!

How would Democrats ever win an election but for cheating?
The guy's a twit, a bipedal rubber-stamp for the McAuliffe crowd.

Unfortunately Northern Virginia, Richmond and Portsmouth are filled with twits.

We will see.
McAuliffe broke the law trying to make sure Hillary won Virginia. Virginia Supreme Court had to overturn his ILLEGAL action to allow all felons to vote.

Hillary loves those FELON votes. She is among her peeps!
the dems, for once, seem to be beating the pubs in identity politics
People don’t like Obamacare because “people won’t accept who he was” and the DNC chair seems to think every Virginian who owns a pick-up truck is a racist.

Does Ralph Northam Think 67% of Virginians are Racists?

What the DNC chair said (or didn't say) about pickup truck drivers is absolutely DISGUSTING
That is why the people should vote Republican. To shut the mouths of the Democrats, by letting them know that pulling out the race card cannot fool the people anymore. But here's Steve's pick for the day.

.Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon has cheered Gillespie’s embrace of the Trump agenda, saying it shows a way for Republicans to succeed in future elections. Spotlight is on governor's races in Virginia, New Jersey

Dems need to realize the tactic of screaming "RACIST!!!!!!!" at anyone with which whom you disagree doesnt work anymore.
^^ Weatherman still does not know the dif between predictive and opinion polls.

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