Democrat "Liberalism" is entirely based on Lies


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Think about it. This is what drives "conservatives" up the wall. All of the memes and themes of contemporary Liberalism or Progressivism, or whatever you want call it, they are all based on demonstrable, provable lies.

A few examples:

"Women make only seventy-five percent of what a man would make for comparable work." This is a known, demonstrated lie. The difference in earnings can be completely explained by hours worked, career choices, and time on the job. Sure, there are sporadic examples of companies blatantly paying less to women for comparable work, but it is not a broad-based problem, and hasn't been for more than a generation. The 75c line is a lie, plain and simple. Find me some women college grads who are being offered substantially less than men grads for the same positions. They don't exist, and if they did, they would be Front Page News.

"Racism is holding Black people back in this country." Again, this hasn't been true for at least 40 years. The income and wealth gaps can be completely explained by cultural and lifestyle differences (illegitimacy, school drop-out rates, criminality, etc). The fact is that "affirmative action" in its various mutations MORE THAN OFFSETS any detriment to Black people that the occasional racist employee or manager or administrator might impose.

"The criminal justice system is skewed against Blacks." Demonstrably false. The percentage of Blacks in jails and prisons actually UNDER-REPRESENTS Black criminality, based on victimization surveys and crime statistics. And while police often presume that a young Black male on the streets is up to no good, this presumption is more than justified by their experience and by the relevant statistics.

"The Rich aren't paying their Fair Share!" Bullshit. We have tax code where the lowest earners pay either nothing or less than nothing in Federal Income Taxes, and the highest earners pay at least 40% of their earnings and in some states more than half of their total earnings in Federal, state and local taxes. Fair? No. Not fair to the highest earners.

The whole "Inequality" meme is a cornucopia of lies and distortions. Yes, the rich are getting richer, largely due to technology, which permits entrepreneurs and investors to leverage their wealth to achieve more things. But the Poor aren't getting any poorer, and in fact the increasing wealth of the richest few in the population has nothing to do with the plight of poor people. More importantly, "The Rich" is not a static group of individuals. The top 5% or whatever, changes year after year, and always has. The hollowness of the "Inequality" theme is demonstrated by the fact that Liberals no longer even talk about fighting poverty (which is something everyone could agree on), but rather fighting "inequality," which is nothing more than trading on the human failing of jealousy.

Obviously, the whole transgender "movement" is a pack of lies. Men are men and women are women. To suppose anything else is a ridiculous lie, and to base public policy on the fiction that people can voluntarily change genders? Insanity.

On a more serious topic, the Democrats promote the lie that everyone can somehow have cradle to grave healthcare, and it won't cost (you) anything. Or it won't increase your insurance premiums. Do you remember the Soetoro promise that every family would save $2,500 a year in health insurance premiums. I didn't make it up.

Worst of all are the lies associated with abortion, and the supposition that it is "pro-woman" to be pro-abortion. It's a kid in there, you know; and even if there is some doubt about it, the EXISTENCE OF THAT DOUBT should be sufficient to avoid abortion in all but the most extreme cases of danger to the life of the MOTHER.

Lies, lies, nothing but lies.

And they expect us to be excited about whether President Trump "lied" about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. Gimmeafukkinbreak.
"Democrat liberalism" doesnt exist.
Real liberals arent Democrats.
You should change the title to "regressives" or "bedwetters" Its more accurate

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