Democrat mayor of San Antonio compares illegal aliens to slaves


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
So now you're a victim of slavery when you illegally invade a foreign country??? Democrats are traitors and should be hung,.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Compares Illegal Immigrants to African Slaves

17 Jan 2014,

On MSNBC Wednesday, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, regarded as a rising star by the Democratic Party, compared the status of illegal immigrants in America to that of black slaves before the Civil War.

Castro, the keynote speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, was joined by his brother Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and was responding to a statement by host Alex Wagner that Democrats condoned extending legal residence or citizenship to America’s eleven million illegal immigrants.

Joaquin agreed, “We’re pushing for full-fledged citizenship. A path to citizenship.” Then Julian chimed in, saying, “It would be unprecedented in American history for us to create a permanent class of folks who are not citizens outside of slavery. And we certainly learned our lesson from that.”

Julian immediately realized the implications of his comparison, and hurriedly added, “I’m not comparing the two in any other sense except to say that we want – we want, in the United States, for folks to be fully invested in our nation.”
Excuse me but Blacks were brought here against their will and enslaved for over 400 hundred years which were their contribution to this country while illegal aliens came here agaisnt the will of this nation and took and took what hard working Americans had given. That is a direct insult to all Americans as well as Blacks. Illegal immigration is not a civil ritght. When business chose to hiire illegal aliens instead of Blacks that is further insulting a down troden group of people. And illegal immigration hurt Black economically more than any ohter group of Americans.
The Castros are right.

Enfranchise the illegals, tighten the border even more, punish businesses that knowingly hire illegals.
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Excuse me but Blacks were brought here against their will and enslaved for over 400 hundred years which were their contribution to this country while illegal aliens came here agaisnt the will of this nation and took and took what hard working Americans had given. That is a direct insult to all Americans as well as Blacks. Illegal immigration is not a civil ritght. When business chose to hiire illegal aliens instead of Blacks that is further insulting a down troden group of people. And illegal immigration hurt Black economically more than any ohter group of Americans.

Illegal immigration is not a civil right? Of course that's true and it's amazing that we have politicians who say it is. Might as well say robbing banks is a civil right. Illegals are criminals.
Illegal aliens fall thru the cracks and have little to no protections.. Not sure I would call them 'slaves' but certainly they are a vulnerable population.
Illegal aliens fall thru the cracks and have little to no protections.. Not sure I would call them 'slaves' but certainly they are a vulnerable population.

They can always not come here illegally.

This is what happens when a hispanic is elected to office. When faced with the choice of being hispanic or being an American, they choose to be hispanic.
Illegal aliens fall thru the cracks and have little to no protections.

False. Illegal aliens risk their lives and pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to criminals to navigate through the cracks, where they can hide from the law and pillage the American taxpayer.
We created this problem. "Republicans want cheap labor, Democrats want cheap votes and Americans want cheap lettuce."

Like the drug war, this is a demand problem. As long as Americans demand illegal drugs, a supplier will provide. Same with cheap, pliable labor. If you want to get rid of mosquitoes, you have to dry up the swamp.

We have three solutions readily available. Two from our neighbors and one to curb demand:
1. Adopt Mexico's immigrations laws.
Mexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try It Here at Home | Human Events
2. Adopt Canada's guest worker program.
Canada?s guest worker program could become model for U.S. immigration changes - The Washington Post
3. Harsh penalties against employers hiring illegals.
How to prevent businesses from hiring illegal immigrants

Won't happen. It behooves both political parties to have a large, uneducated, poor lower class. Votes for one party. Keep the cost of labor down for the other.
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The Castros are right.

Enfranchise the illegals, tighten the border even more, punish businesses that knowingly hire illegals.

Does that mean all you non Indian invaders must all go back to your ancestors countries of origin and apply for citizenship? Sounds good to me. :thup:
Illegal aliens fall thru the cracks and have little to no protections.. Not sure I would call them 'slaves' but certainly they are a vulnerable population.

They can always not come here illegally.

This is what happens when a hispanic is elected to office. When faced with the choice of being hispanic or being an American, they choose to be hispanic.

Seems to be.
Mind you, they're not the only ones seemingly doing it.
Illegal aliens fall thru the cracks and have little to no protections.. Not sure I would call them 'slaves' but certainly they are a vulnerable population.

They can always not come here illegally.

This is what happens when a hispanic is elected to office. When faced with the choice of being hispanic or being an American, they choose to be hispanic.

Its not just Hispanics.. There are some 65,000 illegal Iranians... and large illegal populations of Iraqis and Israelis.
I laugh when you talk about integration.
There is no integration, will not exist.
By creating a law for integration is an obligation to accept the "foreign"
This shows that there is no integration, it will never exist.
The Castros are right.

Enfranchise the illegals, tighten the border even more, punish businesses that knowingly hire illegals.

You stupid moron. You contradict yourself in the same sentence.
HA HA. True. True. Isn't it strange how some people what to punish employers for hiring illegal aliens and tighten the border, but simultaneously allow (permanently) the effects of that loose border and illegal hiring.

EARTH TO JakeS: If you're ultimately going to allow situation to exist, why are you taking steps to stop it from existing ? If you're going to allow your house to be overrun with rats, why are you getting a cat and putting out mousetraps ? Maybe the cat and mousetraps are to have your house be free of rats ? Huh ? You think ? :eusa_whistle: (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)
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