Democrat Opposition To Pelosi's Impeachment Growing


If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
Trump won’t be removed by spineless Republicans in Senate.

It’s also true that he has been impeached.
It’ll be in his obituary and history books.
Future generations of Americans will read about the unfit, unethical, criminal 45th President.
It is his shameful lasting legacy.
Yes and you cheered to day the towers fell on 9-11. Today is a day of Joy and celebration for you, and you should be Happy as Putin is Happy and you share your joy with all The Enemies of America.

Congratulations on your success, and your new found glee and joy that you have in your heart for taking a petty shot at America, and her people.

Proclaim your joy throughout the land for your success in plunging a dagger in to The Hearts of The American Infidel and Great Satan!

Democrat Opposition To Pelosi's Impeachment Growing



Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.
Liar. People like you Synth repeated libelous prevarications about President Trump and his family. You should have stuck with the truth and avoided the trainwreck that is ahead for the Democrat Party and its scandalmongering members.
What did I lie about, wingnut?

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.

Trump cannot possibly drag himself down in the eyes of a Tard like you, for before he was even elected, you already had him pegged as lower than a worm! Then the ultimate insult: your crooked candidate lost to the worm! :21:
Yes, because even before he was elected he asked for Putin’s help, mocked a disabled reporter, mocked POWs,, mocked a Gold Star family, and refused to release his tax returns.

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.
Liar. People like you Synth repeated libelous prevarications about President Trump and his family. You should have stuck with the truth and avoided the trainwreck that is ahead for the Democrat Party and its scandalmongering members.
What did I lie about, wingnut?
Synth sez: "What did I lie about, wingnut?"​

Which one of your naughty lies are you referring to, screwball?

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.

Trump cannot possibly drag himself down in the eyes of a Tard like you, for before he was even elected, you already had him pegged as lower than a worm! Then the ultimate insult: your crooked candidate lost to the worm! :21:
Yes, because even before he was elected he asked for Putin’s help, mocked a disabled reporter, mocked POWs,, mocked a Gold Star family, and refused to release his tax returns.
Nope and
Nope. Never happened, in a pig's eye, you must be smoking shit and go get a life, snowflake. Amazing how you turds ignore mountains of crime while chasing after ant hills.

The whole world knows it.

comic demos2.jpg

If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
The claim was that the House would have nothing to do if not for the impeachment.

I just blew that bullshit out of the water.

The end.
If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
The claim was that the House would have nothing to do if not for the impeachment.

I just blew that bullshit out of the water.

The end.
And here I thought your side loved all that paper........

A bunch of green bs laws..............yeah.......that is about doing NOTHING.

When is your side gonna have the balls to put those BS charges into a trial?? When you can't manipulate the Narrative........................gonna suck for your side now isn't it..................

But hey...........the Oscars are coming up sometime and your side might get best performance trophies.
If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
The response of the poorly educated.
If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
The response of the poorly educated.
The response of an American who says we have too many laws. Yeah we need more laws and regulations.
Like the Green Money making machine of the left. You are here by ORDERED to install Solar Panels on your house.

Kinda like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.
If it wasn't for the impeachment scam, the leftist traitor house would have nothing to do.
The House has passed 400 bills this year. 275 of them are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk.
Karma is a bitch now isn't it.

Too bad........we have enough stinking laws already..........about time they stop passing more dang garbage laws. my view Gridlock forever is a good thing.
The response of the poorly educated.
The response of an American who says we have too many laws. Yeah we need more laws and regulations.
Like the Green Money making machine of the left. You are here by ORDERED to install Solar Panels on your house.

Kinda like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.
You live your life in fear, like a coward. “The Democrats are going to make me!”.

What a pussy.
Pelosi has no exit strategy and neither has Schiff. This hold up on the articles is just the dumbest thing Pelosi has done yet. She will lose her speakership before the election as well if she doesn't cave soon.
Bloomberg just donated $10m to help House democrats. They will need all the help they can get.

Bloomberg will finance his own campaign, too, and so all the money that would normally go to promote the Dem candidate for president can go to Senate and House candidates. For that reason -- and his direct contributions to general party funds -- Bloomberg is my prediction to end up the candidate. Him or Hillary. True, I'm a bad predictor: I supposed Hillary would win last time, because everybody said she would. But the money thing about Bloomberg is big.

Of all the democrat candidates Bloomberg would make the best president, but he's old and rich, and democrat voters hate old, rich, Jewish white guys.
I like business guys who know how to run large business enterprises for president, not senators who have never even run a lemonade stand. Trump for all his personal flaws has a good grip on the business aspects of the US economy. If you've never seen Trump's holdings, please glance thru these and know that he has a grip on the business models and personnel in all of them:
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Maybe Elon Musk or Marc Cuban would take a shot at politics some day?
I get my lefty Billionaires mixed up. Its Bloomberg that wants to Ban Guns, and it's Steyer that wants to Ban Coal?

Of the two, I think Steyer is a whole lot more scarier to our Democratic Republic than Bloomberg, but Bloomberg is still a Socialist.

Relax, the democrats would sooner write-in Hillary or AOC before a billionaire white guy.
You have them right, Bloomberg wants to ban soda and straws too!

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