Your lame talking points are lame.

This is a well-deserved impeachment. Trump is a lifelong criminal.

There's no need for personal attacks. Mainly because, they will never change the Dem's lies into true facts.

The Dems 1)broke the (FISA) laws to get Mueller's investigation launched and they 2)disregarded the (anti-corruption) Laws in order to claim quid pro quo re: Ukraine. Therefore the only criminal minds at work here, are the ones that have no problem with the illegalities executed by Dems in order to concoct the impeachment hoax.

This is a well-deserved impeachment. Trump is a lifelong criminal.

There's no need for personal attacks. Mainly because, they will never change the Dem's lies into true facts.

The Dems 1)broke the (FISA) laws to get Mueller's investigation launched and they 2)disregarded the Law is n order to claim quid pro quo in Ukraine. Therefore the only criminal minds at work here, are the ones that have no problem with the illegalities executed by Dems in order to concoct the impeachment hoax.
Something happened with your post, but I think you meant to say:

Your lame talking points are lame.
Why should the Democratic Party be different?

Why? You ask

Well IMHO it is because America is not a political party. Political parties hate national cohesion and Unity

So therefore when a political party represents a deceitful agenda, like the Dem's Impeachment hoax is, then it is incumbent upon Congressmembers to do the moral and ethical thing ---just like these 20 Dems are doing.
Your lame talking points are lame.

This is a well-deserved impeachment. Trump is a lifelong criminal.
The Dem party is now a party of criminals.............Whose ABUSE OF POWER is EPIC.

Many of your side deserves to be in Prison...........some may end up going there.......doubt the big dogs will get tried........but they deserve to be.

You can play this we are SAINTS to Hell freezes over. That dog doesn't hunt...........The American people see this for what it really is now. They are sick of it. And your side will pay for it in the next election. The Dem party needs to RESTORE INTEGRITY to it's party.............and stop this abuse of power...........or BE CRUSHED because the people are sick of your shit.
Here is my honest opinion:

Despite the fact that this grates on my eyes and ear like fingernails across a chalkboard...... America still needs The Democrat Party. Just not the one that we have now.

If they could go through some kind of Holistic Reformation, and completely rid themselves of all of this corruption, communism, globalism and all their "isms", and go back to The Party of JFK, then we could work on things together like Deficit and Debt Reduction, getting rid of The Federal Reserve and National Debt, and make sensible fiscally conservative yet still compassionate reforms to our exponentially growing out of control Social Safety Net.

We do all of that, and heck, we'd have money to colonize Mars, or do all kinds of fantastic things. But when you sink $23 Trillion in a Communist Socialist War on Poverty and get nothing in return but $23 Trillion in Debt, throwing money at morally defective human beings, or people that legitimately need help is not the answer.

Maybe if The Democrats get their asses kicked so bad, that they learn a lesson from it, they boot their Saul Alinsky Radical Leadership, and promote Patriotic Americans who do not want to Fundamentally Change America, but want to promote those things that made America the Shinning City on The Hill, and do that, before The Beacon of Hope is extinguished by The Burden of Oppressive Socialism, then America can return to even better days than we have right now.

Imagine for instance The Infrastructure you could build with $23 Trillion Dollars we wasted. Imagine anything at all you could do with that kind of capital if you could recover it.
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Of all the democrat candidates Bloomberg would make the best president, but he's old and rich, and democrat voters hate old, rich, Jewish white guys.
I like business guys who know how to run large business enterprises for president, not senators who have never even run a lemonade stand. Trump for all his personal flaws has a good grip on the business aspects of the US economy. If you've never seen Trump's holdings, please glance thru these and know that he has a grip on the business models and personnel in all of them:
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

I entirely agree with you: I want someone with business and/or other relevant experience, not pols who can't do anything but hang out on Capitol Hill. I think a lot of people understand this and it's why governors are nominated much more often than senators.

I'll be voting for Trump, of course, but I do think Bloomberg is a lot more plausible than anyone but Hillary. And since he's evidently going to pretty much fund the Democratic Party and pay his own way, I doubt they'll openly disrespect him for long.

But no -- Jewish, VERY old (older than Biden), rich-rich-rich ($54 billion and a billion is a thousand million...just saying), no, Bloomberg IS buying the election, or at least trying to. But all that, never mind: I will personally never forgive him for the Nanny Nudge business of forbidding New Yorkers from drinking Big Slurpees. That just goes wildly into totalitarianism. I know it sounds funny, but I don't want to be controlled cradle to grave, and you KNOW the guy will confiscate guns, too.
America still needs The Democrat Party. Just not the one that we have now...

I agree.

The current Dem party is on a mission to 'hand over the USA' to [all light-skinned] HISP & MiddleEast migrants as well as allow our LGBT brethren to subjugate the society.
What The Democrat Party needs to do is get rid of people like Adam Schiff, Nadler and Obama Sycophants like we saw in THE FBI.

IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning
Of all the democrat candidates Bloomberg would make the best president, but he's old and rich, and democrat voters hate old, rich, Jewish white guys.
I like business guys who know how to run large business enterprises for president, not senators who have never even run a lemonade stand. Trump for all his personal flaws has a good grip on the business aspects of the US economy. If you've never seen Trump's holdings, please glance thru these and know that he has a grip on the business models and personnel in all of them:
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

I entirely agree with you: I want someone with business and/or other relevant experience, not pols who can't do anything but hang out on Capitol Hill. I think a lot of people understand this and it's why governors are nominated much more often than senators.

I'll be voting for Trump, of course, but I do think Bloomberg is a lot more plausible than anyone but Hillary. And since he's evidently going to pretty much fund the Democratic Party and pay his own way, I doubt they'll openly disrespect him for long.

But no -- Jewish, VERY old (older than Biden), rich-rich-rich ($54 billion and a billion is a thousand million...just saying), no, Bloomberg IS buying the election, or at least trying to. But all that, never mind: I will personally never forgive him for the Nanny Nudge business of forbidding New Yorkers from drinking Big Slurpees. That just goes wildly into totalitarianism. I know it sounds funny, but I don't want to be controlled cradle to grave, and you KNOW the guy will confiscate guns, too.
Bloomberg and Steyer were two Leftist Billionaires The Democrat Party had to recruit because they are on the verge of a Financial Collapse and cannot afford Advertising, so the only way around the rules is to let these two run Fake Campaigns and inject Millions of their own money in to running Negative Attack Ads against President Trump, because The Democrat Party is $7 Million in debt just 11 months from the election.

That is unheard of and UNREAL, and it speaks to HOW DESPERATE they must be to turn their sinking ship around.

Desperate enough to launch a COUP and a 3 year siege on The White House based on Russian Propaganda that they paid for, and that their cronies, like McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, Baker, Strozk and Page all used to File Multiple False Affidavits in FISA to spy on The Trump Campaign and use anything they could to Smear The President and Remove him from Office if they could.
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A few Democrats will not vote to impeach, and they will be primaried in November. You can’t be okay with Trump committing Constitutional crimes (and now, also, statutory crimes) and expect to remain a Democrat in Congress in 2021. Van Drew is switching parties. The guy in Minnesota has always been Republican-Lite. Who else? I think even Max Rose will vote for it. And he represents policemen and firemen who overwhelmingly live on Staten Island.
How TOTALITARIAN OF YOU.............If any of yours refuse to toe the will take out your own........

We already knew that about you and your party. You WILL OBEY..........The motto of the Dem party???
Correct. If you don’t want to abide by the rules and the principles of the Shriners, don’t become a Shriner. If you don’t believe in the policies and values of the Freedom Caucus, don’t join the Freedom Caucus.

Why should the Democratic Party be different?
Synth sez: "Why should the (sic) Democratic Party be different?"​
With criminal leadership that has been the bane of the FBI, the CIA, the American voters, the President of the United States...? The Democrat Party is not "democratic." If you think it is, where your brain be is lower than your head, sugar. :290968001256257790-final:
First articles of impeachment in the history of our nation that do not include a single crime.

That's why this entire circus is a hoax. Why are we letting the Democrats parade around nude just because the law doesn't prevent representatives from being crooks. The Democrats want all the rules thrown out so they can take over and apply the rules to others while not applying the rules to themselves.

Oh, wait. They're already applying rules to everyone else except themselves at whim. And the American public is sick of Democrat excuses why others have to carry baggage for them.
A few Democrats will not vote to impeach, and they will be primaried in November. You can’t be okay with Trump committing Constitutional crimes (and now, also, statutory crimes) and expect to remain a Democrat in Congress in 2021. Van Drew is switching parties. The guy in Minnesota has always been Republican-Lite. Who else? I think even Max Rose will vote for it. And he represents policemen and firemen who overwhelmingly live on Staten Island.
How TOTALITARIAN OF YOU.............If any of yours refuse to toe the will take out your own........

We already knew that about you and your party. You WILL OBEY..........The motto of the Dem party???
Correct. If you don’t want to abide by the rules and the principles of the Shriners, don’t become a Shriner. If you don’t believe in the policies and values of the Freedom Caucus, don’t join the Freedom Caucus.

Why should the Democratic Party be different?

Because the "Party" will lose the House.

You just have to understand the spin.

It's not about some moderate saying they are putting "country over party." Give me a fucking break.
They aren't elected to serve the country they are elected to represent their voters. That's their only

Yes the dems can primary a moderate in a Trump district and beat him/her. But, the person that wins
that primary will be mauled in the General Election. Thus, they still lose the seat.

The Dems are up against this.

One thing that we will discover tomorrow is that it will be bipartisan against impeaching the President.
That will resonate across the entire country.
If they lose the House they do so while retaining their principles.

Democrats have integrity. They’re not Republicans.

Riddle me this:
1. Who paid Russians for "dirt" on a political opponent?
2. Who used the Federal agencies to illegally spy on an opponent's campaign?
3. Who used the IRS to target political opponent's donors?
4. Who broke House rules to illegally impeach a president they can't beat at the ballot box?
5. Who used the intel agencies as an "insurance policy" to disrupt a president's admin?

If democrats even speak the word "integrity" their tongues would turn to fire. <g>
A few Democrats will not vote to impeach, and they will be primaried in November. You can’t be okay with Trump committing Constitutional crimes (and now, also, statutory crimes) and expect to remain a Democrat in Congress in 2021. Van Drew is switching parties. The guy in Minnesota has always been Republican-Lite. Who else? I think even Max Rose will vote for it. And he represents policemen and firemen who overwhelmingly live on Staten Island.
How TOTALITARIAN OF YOU.............If any of yours refuse to toe the will take out your own........

We already knew that about you and your party. You WILL OBEY..........The motto of the Dem party???

Correct. If you don’t want to abide by the rules and the principles of the Shriners, don’t become a Shriner. If you don’t believe in the policies and values of the Freedom Caucus, don’t join the Freedom Caucus.

Why should the Democratic Party be different?

Thank you for posting this. I needed an illustration of the concept of putting one's party over the good of the country and the rule of law. This is absolutely perfect. I was having trouble coming up with something since my brain doesn't function like it's made out of non-working spare parts and duct tape like you guys on the left.
A few Democrats will not vote to impeach, and they will be primaried in November. You can’t be okay with Trump committing Constitutional crimes (and now, also, statutory crimes) and expect to remain a Democrat in Congress in 2021. Van Drew is switching parties. The guy in Minnesota has always been Republican-Lite. Who else? I think even Max Rose will vote for it. And he represents policemen and firemen who overwhelmingly live on Staten Island.
How TOTALITARIAN OF YOU.............If any of yours refuse to toe the will take out your own........

We already knew that about you and your party. You WILL OBEY..........The motto of the Dem party???
Correct. If you don’t want to abide by the rules and the principles of the Shriners, don’t become a Shriner. If you don’t believe in the policies and values of the Freedom Caucus, don’t join the Freedom Caucus.

Why should the Democratic Party be different?

Because the "Party" will lose the House.

You just have to understand the spin.

It's not about some moderate saying they are putting "country over party." Give me a fucking break.
They aren't elected to serve the country they are elected to represent their voters. That's their only

Yes the dems can primary a moderate in a Trump district and beat him/her. But, the person that wins
that primary will be mauled in the General Election. Thus, they still lose the seat.

The Dems are up against this.

One thing that we will discover tomorrow is that it will be bipartisan against impeaching the President.
That will resonate across the entire country.
If they lose the House they do so while retaining their principles.

Democrats have integrity. They’re not Republicans.

They do not have integrity...People with integrity vote the way the majority of their electorate want them
to vote. Their electorate sent them to Washington to represent them...not anybody else.

Today President Trump delivered a blistering six-page letter to Nancy Pelosi, attacking the Democrats’ misconduct dating from the election campaign of 2016 and culminating in the current impeachment farce.

With genuine emotion, he tells Pelosi and the Democrats that

“you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are you are declaring open war on American Democracy.”​

This is the president’s conclusion:

It is time for you and the highly partisan Democrats in Congress to immediately cease this impeachment fantasy and get back to work for the American People. While I have no expectation that you will do so, I write this letter to you for the purpose of history and to put my thoughts on a permanent and indelible record.​

One hundred years from now, when people look back at this affair, I want them to understand it, and learn from it, so that it can never happen to another President again.​

I think President Trump is correct in believing that history will judge the Democratic Party harshly. The Letter is at the link.

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.

His disapproval is high because he is polarizing. Disapproval is not high on how he is handling the economy.
The Week started out with 10 Democrats signing an official letter and sending it to Pelosi that she drop impeachment, and instead settle for a Censure of The President.

Then things got heated for numerous Democrats when they went home, with their phone lines being blown up, offices inundated with letters, and being shouted down in public all threats from their constituents to vote them out of office if they vote to impeach The President over a 3 year long nothing burger and witch hunt.

Then we hear another 5-7 Dems are strictly opposed to impeachment, and will vote no on top of the previous 10 mentioned.

And Now not 1 but 2 Democrats are leaving The Democrat Party over Impeachement.

So far we have about 20 Democrats giving the Middle Finger to Pelosi and more than Half The Country doing the same.

And More, MORE pain and suffering for The Democrat Party is on the horizon, as Trump is kicking ass with trade deals and his popularity is surging as people grow hostile towards impeachment and Pelosi's Propaganda.

Democrat Congressman Leaving Party Over Impeachment, Becoming Republican

Trump supporter grabs spotlight at Sanders event with a message for the president

State Senator Quits PA’s Democratic Party

Black Senator from Deep South Leaves Democratic Party to Become a Republican
From your first link, Mr. Tree: "New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who has strongly opposed the Democrats’ impeachment efforts, is leaving the Democratic Party and becoming a member of the Republican Party after meeting with President Donald Trump."​

I'd just like to give a warm welcome to Jeff Van Drew for his courage of leaving the liars behind. The article said 20 others are contemplating leaving the Democrat's little hatefest. They're good Americans for seeing that lying is a bad idea in American politics. For a while, I thought none of them would see the light, but there are 20 good people in the Democrat Party after all. For all their majority, these few are the ones most like my parents where all were welcome in each others' homes, regardless of political party, and people voted their conscience. I am truly happy to see there are good people walking away from the insane phony impeachment. And I also wondered how people could stand all Pelosi's threats to defund them if they didn't lockstep their vote her way, regardless of what they thought was right.
By my count there are so far 20 Democrats who are breaking rank with Pelosi's Personal Partisan Impeachment.
Well, not every Democrat has to worry that they don't get a handout from Soros through Pelosi. I can't think of a meaner Cruella than Nancy Pelosi, even at Christmas. It's really kinda pathetic when you think about it...

Bloomberg just donated $10m to help House democrats. They will need all the help they can get.
This is what he and Steyer should have been doing all along.
All the money in the world can't bail out the Democrats who decided Hell and high water wouldn't stand in their way of impeaching President Trump. I have a hunch Democrats find that a few million dollars is not going to pay for the expenses they inflicted on taxpayers in enquiries that found exculpatory truths about President Trump, but not to worry, the Democrat ignoramuses soldiered on, leading up to their ultimate impeachment fiasco. Every stinkin' last one of 'em is gonna need body guards to protect them for the rest of their miserable lives. Mark my words.

President Trump was, is and always will remain a friend of America. In the meantime, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have some explaining to do about concocting libel through the documents pawned off on British spy Steel's alleged Dossier aka Steel's Dossier. It is actually Hillary's war room participants baby, which makes Hillary Clinton the very colluder with Russia she and her colleagues heavily projected onto President Trump with Hillary's hellions painting quite a brilliant lie that had him naked jumping on a bed with prostitutes in a room Hillary had stayed in, with him humiliating the bed with ordering the prostitutes to pee on her bed that she slept in in contempt for her. This made her look like little Bo Peep the innocent instead of the black-hearted Dowager she is to have demanded such theater to get President Trump in forever trouble with the vivid retellings of this on Prime Time news of about 250 Democrat television stations with mainstream infotainment specialists posing as reporters.

There has never been a more hateful calumny that what Hillary proffered on the world, and evidence has it she colluded with the Russians to go along with her little nightmare of a lie.
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Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.
Liar. People like you Synth repeated libelous prevarications about President Trump and his family. You should have stuck with the truth and avoided the trainwreck that is ahead for the Democrat Party and its scandalmongering members.

Quite simple, Synthabolic: the impeachment hurts everyone, especially the nation. There are absolutely no winners in this and the whole thing is just one last ditch effort to hurt Trump and drag him down enough in the eyes of voters because the Left knows they will lose again to him next year in a fair fight.

Or do you think for a second the Democrats EVER thought the Senate would remove Trump from office for a nit?
Trump needs no help in dragging himself down in the eyes of voters. This is why his disapproval ratings are so high.

An impeached Trump is no longer eligible for a pardon from Pence or any future Republican President.

Trump cannot possibly drag himself down in the eyes of a Tard like you, for before he was even elected, you already had him pegged as lower than a worm! Then the ultimate insult: your crooked candidate lost to the worm! :21:

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