Democrat party controls the police


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities - Ballotpedia

Mayors are at the head of police departments in cities across the country.

In fact, when you break cities down by population, the first 40 cities are run by all democrats EXCEPT one, which is Jacksonville Florida coming it at # 14. Now how many bad racist police do we hear about in Jacksonville Florida? Hmm?

These democrat Mayors have full control over their police departments. They have the power to set policy regarding who they hire, how the police act, and virtually everything they do.

Why then are we continually told that:

1. The police force across the country are all full of systemic racism

2. The democrat party is the only party to stop they systemic racism within the police departments.

I guess I can agree with with #2. If they are in control and if there is systemic racism, only the democrat can fix it because these major cities never vote Republican and never will.
If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.
If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.
Do you think what's going on in Portland would be tolerated under a Republican Mayor, or Republican Governor?
You think De Santis would tolerate a CHAD zone in Florida?
Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities - Ballotpedia

Mayors are at the head of police departments in cities across the country.

In fact, when you break cities down by population, the first 40 cities are run by all democrats EXCEPT one, which is Jacksonville Florida coming it at # 14. Now how many bad racist police do we hear about in Jacksonville Florida? Hmm?

These democrat Mayors have full control over their police departments. They have the power to set policy regarding who they hire, how the police act, and virtually everything they do.

Why then are we continually told that:

1. The police force across the country are all full of systemic racism

2. The democrat party is the only party to stop they systemic racism within the police departments.

I guess I can agree with with #2. If they are in control and if there is systemic racism, only the democrat can fix it because these major cities never vote Republican and never will.
good call --great call
and, sometimes the police chief/comptroller/councilmen/etc are black
If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.
really, there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times...I have a thread on it
..THE problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates
If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.

All of the violence is happening in liberal cities.
Let me see now. In our major cities:

Who hires people to work in the police dept? => democrats

Who fires people that work in the police dept for misconduct? => democrats

So, who is primarily responsible for any systemic racism in the police dept? => democrats
Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities - Ballotpedia

Mayors are at the head of police departments in cities across the country.

In fact, when you break cities down by population, the first 40 cities are run by all democrats EXCEPT one, which is Jacksonville Florida coming it at # 14. Now how many bad racist police do we hear about in Jacksonville Florida? Hmm?

These democrat Mayors have full control over their police departments. They have the power to set policy regarding who they hire, how the police act, and virtually everything they do.

Why then are we continually told that:

1. The police force across the country are all full of systemic racism

2. The democrat party is the only party to stop they systemic racism within the police departments.

I guess I can agree with with #2. If they are in control and if there is systemic racism, only the democrat can fix it because these major cities never vote Republican and never will.
The Facts on Race, Crime, and Policing in America - Barry Latzer (

Here is an excellent article

The Floyd incident has raised anew the issue of police use of force, especially against people of color. Most Americans, black and white, believe that the criminal justice system treats blacks less fairly than whites. A 2019 Pew Research poll found that 84 percent of blacks and 63 percent of whites support this view. Those numbers may rise in the wake of the George Floyd episode.

Numerous proposals to reduce police violence are now being offered, but I’m skeptical that these will change things in the short or medium term. The reason for my lack of optimism is not that American police are incurably racist. Police are probably no more racist than the average American. Rather, it is that African Americans—low-income, young, male, urban African Americans, to be precise—engage in violent misconduct at higher rates than other groups, and violent crime begets police violence. As I will show, the more a group engages in violent crime, the more the police will use violence against members of the group.

So why do blacks have higher crime rates?

If you ask a democrat, it is because the police intentionally focus on black crime and ignore white crime, or it is because they are poorer, which can be traced once again to racism, etc.

However, if the later, how can the black community overcome poverty when about 75% of all black households are run by young black mothers, many who are teenagers? And will their father not be someone on the streets doing thigs that are illegal just to try and make ends meet?

The article covers evidence like the following that this has NOTHING to do with racism since black and white police officers seem to be reacting to black and white crime in the EXACT same way

As it turns out, when it comes to the use of force, the race of the police officer may not be significant. A study of 270 police shootings in Chicago from 2006 to 2014 found that the demographics of the officers who fired their weapons matched the demographics of the police department. Whites were 51 percent of the shooters and 53 percent of the force; blacks were 23 percent of the shooters and 25 percent of the force. In other words, there is no evidence that white police were more likely to discharge their weapons or that African American officers were less likely. This is especially noteworthy given the demographics of the shooting victims: 5 percent were white, 14 percent Hispanic, and an eye-popping 80 percent were black.
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Let me see now. In our major cities:

Who hires people to work in the police dept? => democrats

Who fires people that work in the police dept for misconduct? => democrats

So, who is primarily responsible for any systemic racism in the police dept? => democrats
Nope, Orange man's fault.

The democrats desperately need a new boogie man to blame all our problems on.

Since they don't, all they have is to convince America that America is systemically bad. This decreases the need to allow any Republicans winning elections who would otherwise be blamed.

Trouble is, if elections are fair, and if America is really systemically racist, then why are Republicans not winning assuming that they are all racist like we are led to believe?

I will attempt to slow down a bit so democrats can follow the logic here

Here is the democrat narrative premises

1. America is systemically racist

2. The DNC is the only organization that is not systemically racist.

3. Elections are fair

4. Racist America votes democrats to end their systemic racism because, although they will always be racist, they really want to change.
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If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.
It is clear cut on a partisan divide. Dem run shit holes are crime ridden shit holes and the police have to deal with droves of criminals, most of which are black. Dems keep blacks on welfare and poverty, which keeps them on drugs and committing crimes. There was a time when blacks had lower divorce rates and single parent home rates than whites, back before they started voting for KKK Dems in the 1930’s. Perhaps if they went back to their conservative roots, putting family first, things might turn around for them. But they won’t, because holier than thou white liberals tell them that all things conservative are bad.
If the problem of policing was as clear cut as our partisan divide It would be much easier to address. Make no mistake, the police are only there to protect wealth and commerce. Every city and town has a group of people who own most the real estate and large businesses that actually run things. They are the ones who control the police. Because of this it is very hard for mere politicians to overcome the institutional inertia inherent in law enforcement. Attempting to tamper with the taxpayer funded security force that the elites have built for themselves just might mean the end of a political career.
It is clear cut on a partisan divide. Dem run shit holes are crime ridden shit holes and the police have to deal with droves of criminals, most of which are black. Dems keep blacks on welfare and poverty, which keeps them on drugs and committing crimes. There was a time when blacks had lower divorce rates and single parent home rates than whites, back before they started voting for KKK Dems in the 1930’s. Perhaps if they went back to their conservative roots, putting family first, things might turn around for them. But they won’t, because holier than thou white liberals tell them that all things conservative are bad.
Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers | Afro

According to the Census Bureau, when looking at single parent homes by race, with whites it is 25.7%, but with blacks it is 61.3%

How can a single woman, most likely a teenager, be able to escape poverty in such high numbers?

What is happening is, teenagers are given checks by the government to enable them to survive having kids out of wedlock, albeit, in poverty. So as long as they can survive, they have less initiative to change.

But more importantly, these young black men have no father figure other than someone in a gang.

The government can throw all the money they want at it, it never will change the way things are set in stone now. In fact, the money they are giving now is really driving the poverty and violence within the black community. Without those government checks, blacks would have to change their reproduction habits in order to survive.

But I'm sure the Left would just push abortion as a solution, which is really want they want anyway. In fact, 86% of abortion centers are strategically located in black neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods |

And in New York City, there have been more black abortions than births

More African-American Babies are Aborted Than Born Alive in New York City |

The party of slavery and Jim Crow may have changes their tactics, but they seem to be about the same as they were.
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How can Biden talk about systemic racism when the Dems control the entire system??
"Systemic Racism" is just another large facet of the Democrat Party's crown jewel consisting of problems they systematically enable in order to promise exchange for votes.

Poverty (the foundation of the Democrat Plantation) is another. It promotes racism in being heavily applied to blacks and browns.

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