Democrat Party platform for 2020 election

Do you ever ask how do we pay for the continuous wars that we always seem to find the money to pay for?? at the cost of trillions.....

Do you ever ask how do we pay for the billionaire tax cuts that we consistently find the money to pay for?? at the cost of trillions.....all of which have exploded the deficit because for the 99th time -- billionaire tax cuts don't pay for themselves

But the minute you have a policy that has MAJORITY SUPPORT among Americans and will help the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS -- suddenly its, "but but but, how do we pay for it?? What about her emails!!! Benghazi Benghazi!!!"

"Hate Trump!!

That's all they got. ... :cool:

SS, healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, Clean air and water, and the economy.

On the backs of who?

Be wary of Socialism
We already have democratic socialism...

And the policies they produce usually end up being the most popular and successful policies in US history...

This is why whenever I bring up policies on a Trumper post -- YOU WILL NEVER SEE A TRUMPER COUNTER ANY OF THOSE POLICIES WITH A MORE POPULAR OR SUCCESSFUL TRUMPER POLICY.....because they do not exist....

Fearmongering and yelling "that's communist!!" is their only resort

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