Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?​

3 Apr 2023 ~~ Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.​
Why has the Republican Party ignored this?
Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme. This needs further investigation.

Again, excellent reporting by Joe Hoft. There needs to be subsequent investigations to identify the real sources and start prosecution.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are starting to operate more and more like an organized crime syndicate and could be subject to RICO indictments and prosecution. This kind of pay off, unlike that which Trump is accused of, truly is a felony.
But like a good crime syndicate, the Democrats control the justice department and all of the federal police.

Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?​

3 Apr 2023 ~~ Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.​
Why has the Republican Party ignored this?
Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme. This needs further investigation.

Again, excellent reporting by Joe Hoft. There needs to be subsequent investigations to identify the real sources and start prosecution.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are starting to operate more and more like an organized crime syndicate and could be subject to RICO indictments and prosecution. This kind of pay off, unlike that which Trump is accused of, truly is a felony.
But like a good crime syndicate, the Democrats control the justice department and all of the federal police.

Sooo...the party received half its donations from people who are out of work and really have no money to donate to political causes? They'll forgo rent, food, child care, and healthcare just to donate to a political party.
And we can't forget about all those mystery dead voter conspiracy theories...cause right now, we're in desperation mode. :) We're about to see the savior of the white race take down all his competitors and hand the White House to Democrats in 2024.
So...let's dig deep! :auiqs.jpg:

I mean, there's just no helping you if you believe this drivel from Jack Hoft's bird cage liner. You're too far gone to be reasoned with.
Where did it all go wrong?
Remember, Joy Xi Bai Dung told us: "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,"
Joey was not joking.
Remember, Joy Xi Bai Dung told us: "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,"
Joey was not joking.

Which...for the thousandth time....he didn't say.
But you keep repeating it like its truth. Maybe it will be true after a while.....
Which...for the thousandth time....he didn't say.
But you keep repeating it like its truth. Maybe it will be true after a while.....

That's an exact quote of what Biden said, you fucking idiot. You didn't see the video of him saying that?
Which...for the thousandth time....he didn't say.
But you keep repeating it like its truth. Maybe it will be true after a while.....

Joey Xi has admitted to extortion and voter-fraud yet the Quisling Media and Maoist Democrats like you ignore it. Add the overwhelming evidence of influence peddling and the fact that in spite of many failures that have harmed thousands he has never done one thing to benefit the nation or it people.

BTW, Joey was READING from prepared NOTES. That is NOT a Biden "gaffe". He is a) so medically compromised (which we can see he's a walking tragedy); or, b) his conscience is just so over-loaded with lies - it's compelled to speak to truth; or, finally c) both a & b.
Sooo...the party received half its donations from people who are out of work and really have no money to donate to political causes? They'll forgo rent, food, child care, and healthcare just to donate to a political party.

Yes, that's how stupid Democraps are.
That's an exact quote of what Biden said, you fucking idiot. You didn't see the video of him saying that?
Out of context. Out of sight. Out of in, you idiots have lost your mind.

But, just keep repeating that same bullshit. To me, it's like a hammer on the nail of your side's political coffin. :)
Out of context. Out of sight. Out of in, you idiots have lost your mind.

But, just keep repeating that same bullshit. To me, it's like a hammer on the nail of your side's political coffin. :)

If his statement was "out of context", I sure as hell don't hear you trying to explain whatever else he meant.

And yes, I will keep repeating it, because that's what he said.
Sooo...the party received half its donations from people who are out of work and really have no money to donate to political causes? They'll forgo rent, food, child care, and healthcare just to donate to a political party.
And we can't forget about all those mystery dead voter conspiracy theories...cause right now, we're in desperation mode. :) We're about to see the savior of the white race take down all his competitors and hand the White House to Democrats in 2024.
So...let's dig deep! :auiqs.jpg:

I mean, there's just no helping you if you believe this drivel from Jack Hoft's bird cage liner. You're too far gone to be reasoned with.
Where did it all go wrong?

... whereby elderly citizens he confronted had no idea they'd been donating hundreds of times a year to Democrat candidates. Turns out it was a massive national scam used to steal their identities and make ill-gotten donations in their names as cover for the whole slimy operation used to illegally move money into the bank accounts of corrupt politicians.


Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?​

3 Apr 2023 ~~ Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.​
Why has the Republican Party ignored this?
Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme. This needs further investigation.

Again, excellent reporting by Joe Hoft. There needs to be subsequent investigations to identify the real sources and start prosecution.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are starting to operate more and more like an organized crime syndicate and could be subject to RICO indictments and prosecution. This kind of pay off, unlike that which Trump is accused of, truly is a felony.
But like a good crime syndicate, the Democrats control the justice department and all of the federal police.

". . .Owens is wrong. The Black Lives Matter Global Network is incorporated in Delaware, but it’s a charity that’s fiscally sponsored by another nonprofit called Thousand Currents. The Black Lives Matter Global Network has chapters around the country.. ."


"As of June 2020, the vice chair of Thousand Currents board of directors was Susan Rosenberg, a former member of the Weather Underground and May 19th Communist Organization who spent 16 years in federal prison before having the remainder of her sentence commuted by President Bill Clinton in 2001.57"

Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?​

3 Apr 2023 ~~ Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.​
Why has the Republican Party ignored this?
Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme. This needs further investigation.

Again, excellent reporting by Joe Hoft. There needs to be subsequent investigations to identify the real sources and start prosecution.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are starting to operate more and more like an organized crime syndicate and could be subject to RICO indictments and prosecution. This kind of pay off, unlike that which Trump is accused of, truly is a felony.
But like a good crime syndicate, the Democrats control the justice department and all of the federal police.

Yet another ridiculous lie from Gateway Pundit.

Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From?​

3 Apr 2023 ~~ Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.​
Why has the Republican Party ignored this?
Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme. This needs further investigation.

Again, excellent reporting by Joe Hoft. There needs to be subsequent investigations to identify the real sources and start prosecution.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are starting to operate more and more like an organized crime syndicate and could be subject to RICO indictments and prosecution. This kind of pay off, unlike that which Trump is accused of, truly is a felony.
But like a good crime syndicate, the Democrats control the justice department and all of the federal police.

The entire Democrat structure is a corrupt enterprise...They should all be charged under RICO....
If that's all you got, then it just shows that Mr. Hoft was right on....

By now you should know better. Their lies are always outrageous. Trump cheated a lot of donors and had to pay them back. Same with his charities. So weak-minded.

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