Democrat Party supporters please explain this.

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.
Your opinions aren’t facts. You’re Canadian. Please stop interfering in our elections.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.
Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.

Most of them have been peaceful... but you can't be shocked some are, since peaceful protests were largely ignored for 10 years.

They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.

Of course, you are privileged for being white.... but no one has taken away your free speech.

They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?

Will you also have them watch Roots or some other show about slavery... so they can see how bad that is?

As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.

Here's the thing. Why does America have to keep spilling blood and treasure for the Zionists, who refuse to live peacefully with their neighbors?

I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.

I'm sure you do. But frankly, if you became a doctor to get a big house and a boat, you probably became a doctor for the wrong reasons. Lots of women go to nursing school, and they pay nurses shit money.

From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.

Yawn, you guys keep claiming this, every time they raise minimum wage, and it never happens... Labor is a very small part of the costs of providing goods and services...

Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

And still not seeing why this is a big deal. The only reason why we have "Girls' sports" is to give girls access to sports scholarships.... which make no sense to start with. Sports scholarships for sports people want to watch- that makes sense...

The fact is, you are very unlikely to encounter a trans person in your life, and if you did, you'd probably never know you did.

70 years ago, white people made the SAME complaints about letting black guys into professional sports. It's unfair to make us compete with blacks!
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.
Your opinions aren’t facts. You’re Canadian. Please stop interfering in our elections.

I post facts. Not “opinion” or bullshit talking points.

Your whole line of reasoning about “nobody becoming a doctor” shows your great reasoning skills. We have thousands of doctors in every other first world country in the world and better health care than the USA.

You have daughters but you’re voting for the most anti-woman policies in the world.

As a “consultant” you seem spectacularly lacking in basic common sense.
Last edited:
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.
Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.

Most of them have been peaceful... but you can't be shocked some are, since peaceful protests were largely ignored for 10 years.

They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.

Of course, you are privileged for being white.... but no one has taken away your free speech.

They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?

Will you also have them watch Roots or some other show about slavery... so they can see how bad that is?

As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.

Here's the thing. Why does America have to keep spilling blood and treasure for the Zionists, who refuse to live peacefully with their neighbors?

I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.

I'm sure you do. But frankly, if you became a doctor to get a big house and a boat, you probably became a doctor for the wrong reasons. Lots of women go to nursing school, and they pay nurses shit money.

From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.

Yawn, you guys keep claiming this, every time they raise minimum wage, and it never happens... Labor is a very small part of the costs of providing goods and services...

Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

And still not seeing why this is a big deal. The only reason why we have "Girls' sports" is to give girls access to sports scholarships.... which make no sense to start with. Sports scholarships for sports people want to watch- that makes sense...

The fact is, you are very unlikely to encounter a trans person in your life, and if you did, you'd probably never know you did.

70 years ago, white people made the SAME complaints about letting black guys into professional sports. It's unfair to make us compete with blacks!
We have girls sports so that they develop confidence, stay in shape and develop teamwork. Student athletes get a leg up on just regular students when applying to schools. Blacks don't have an advantage or Asians. But MEN have advantage over WOMEN. You're an idiot. Don't care if the MODS slap me down on this. Your posts are the most idiotic on this board. If someone punches you in the face and your left eye closes. Do I have dual eye privilege or do you have one eye disadvantage. Please STFU and stop responding to my threads, you waste of freaking space loser.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.

GIs wanted to use the whore, they weren't seduced LOL. Did you even see the movie? All politicians rip off the citizens. 21% approval rating in Congress. Let me guess, you are only critical of the GOP Legislative Branch. You are a partisan hack. Illogical. Stupid.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.
Your opinions aren’t facts. You’re Canadian. Please stop interfering in our elections.

I post facts. Not “opinion” or bullshit talking points.

Your whole line of reasoning about “nobody becoming a doctor” shows your great reasoning skills. We have thousands of doctors in every other first world country in the world and better health care than the USA.

You have daughters but you’re voting for the most anti-woman policies in the world.

As a “consultant” you seem spectacularly lacking in basic common sense.
When did I say "nobody"? I said fewer people. It is happening to nursing now. More people going into business, marketing and tech. Average age for a nurse in the US is 45. Same thing would happen with doctors. We are in a highly capitalist country. Education costs a lot but generally the benefits are great in terms of compensation. You start limiting MDs compensation and you will have significantly fewer of them IMO.

Most anti woman policies = allowing trans girls to play sports with my biological girls.

PS - one of my clients is a travel nurses company. I know a little bit more about the subject matter than some unemployed Canadian, living alone and likely dying alone.
My responses :

  • Biden denounced rioting but the reason you don’t think so is that is ALL you wanted him to do. The biggest issue was a justice system that isn’t always just. That’s what needed attention. That’s what is broken. Rioting happens after frocking Eagles wins for God sakes. It’s not systemically broken.
  • Your COVID view is tunnel vision. Populous dense places with lots of international travel got hit the hardest early why you’d make that a red blue issue is nuts. Now you have red states getting it much worse. The issue was a coordinated action plan failed early.
  • Half of Democrats are white. There is no “white” culture so what are you looking for? There is only Irish or polish or whatever people are. There is no yellow culture or Asian culture, it’s Japanese or Indian culture or whatever. There is Black culture because that’s the only enslaved people who have no idea where they are from. They have a unique experience thats worthy of considering when you get up in arms about not being special for being white.
  • ANTIFA is an idea like racists are an idea. Go fight racists. Almost all deaths from extremists in 2019 were right wing racists groups. Every death from extremists in 2018 were right wing racist groups. Go get them.
  • Calling out Police brutality that is sanctioned by the state and regularly unpunished isnt disrespecting the police.
  • The trophy comment is bull shit. Every generation thinks the current one is dumb and lazy. You’re not unique in your age bigotry.
  • More race comments by you. Not sure I can add to your self reflective journey of acceptance
  • More Jews are Democrats. Democrats are generally accepting of other cultures like Jews...and yea, Muslims.
  • Students don’t go into medicine only for the money but regardless single payer or nationalized healthcare doesn’t stop Doctors from making money - Canadian doctors make 90% of what US doctors make. My sons in med school.
  • Only racists ideas are racist. Don’t raise racists. I didn’t
  • Come on. If minimum wage rose with productivity since 1968 it would be $18 per hour. Companies just pocketed all the savings. More for the haves. Less for the have nots.
  • More white sad story? Come on. Democrats who are white must have bigger balls.
  • Bad ideas are bad ideas. Conservative views are dog whistle for xenophobic or homophobic ideas at times. Is that what you mean? Or are you afraid small government and fiscal responsibility is going to be racist? Come on now.
  • Sports competitions have a real challenge on competitive play but seriously that is not a culture problem to die on a sword about. We’ll figure it out. Bathrooms are safe. They always are. Hell I’ve used ladies rooms before due to plumbing issues or whatever. No one was injured.
couldnt get past your first lie. we never heard xiden condemn the riots, or peaceful protests as the demonrats called them.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
im sure you praise any demonrat station though ....huh? rush is one of the best. youre just brain washed
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.
Your opinions aren’t facts. You’re Canadian. Please stop interfering in our elections.

I post facts. Not “opinion” or bullshit talking points.

Your whole line of reasoning about “nobody becoming a doctor” shows your great reasoning skills. We have thousands of doctors in every other first world country in the world and better health care than the USA.

You have daughters but you’re voting for the most anti-woman policies in the world.

As a “consultant” you seem spectacularly lacking in basic common sense.
When did I say "nobody"? I said fewer people. It is happening to nursing now. More people going into business, marketing and tech. Average age for a nurse in the US is 45. Same thing would happen with doctors. We are in a highly capitalist country. Education costs a lot but generally the benefits are great in terms of compensation. You start limiting MDs compensation and you will have significantly fewer of them IMO.

Most anti woman policies = allowing trans girls to play sports with my biological girls.

PS - one of my clients is a travel nurses company. I know a little bit more about the subject matter than some unemployed Canadian, living alone and likely dying alone.

I'm not unemployed, I'm retired. When I was your age, I didn't have time to spend hours posting on a message board. I was working for Bay Street law firms, as a free lance law clerk, and polishing my resume. I have a small home business now and my little home crafting business must be doing better than yours, because I don't have the time you do to post here. I have clients with orders I'm going to work on when I finish this post.

I live alone by choice and because I have the resources to do so, and the good health to live a healthy active life I have always loved. I still spend time with Toronto friends several time a year, and have a whole new group of friends here. Your vision of and elderly, lonely woman made me laugh. Of course you've also called me "fat" on more than one occasion so your assumptions about me have always been utterly laughable.

Last but not least, before the last election, I sat down and went through the Conservative Party platform line by line, to see what they were offering. Then I did the financial analysis of what impact, if any, their platform would have on my income, and what they were offering to my children and their families. I didn't ask a bunch of stangers on a message board to do the work for me.

What kind of "consultant" are you that you need to ask others to give you reasons to vote democrat. Aren't you capable of reading the platform, doing the analysis and coming to your own decision? What kind of a consultant needs to ask others to help him decide?

Gotta go. I have orders to complete.

You - the big time "consultant" are having to ask others why you should vote
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.
Your opinions aren’t facts. You’re Canadian. Please stop interfering in our elections.

I post facts. Not “opinion” or bullshit talking points.

Your whole line of reasoning about “nobody becoming a doctor” shows your great reasoning skills. We have thousands of doctors in every other first world country in the world and better health care than the USA.

You have daughters but you’re voting for the most anti-woman policies in the world.

As a “consultant” you seem spectacularly lacking in basic common sense.
When did I say "nobody"? I said fewer people. It is happening to nursing now. More people going into business, marketing and tech. Average age for a nurse in the US is 45. Same thing would happen with doctors. We are in a highly capitalist country. Education costs a lot but generally the benefits are great in terms of compensation. You start limiting MDs compensation and you will have significantly fewer of them IMO.

Most anti woman policies = allowing trans girls to play sports with my biological girls.

PS - one of my clients is a travel nurses company. I know a little bit more about the subject matter than some unemployed Canadian, living alone and likely dying alone.

I'm not unemployed, I'm retired. When I was your age, I didn't have time to spend hours posting on a message board. I was working for Bay Street law firms, as a free lance law clerk, and polishing my resume. I have a small home business now and my little home crafting business must be doing better than yours, because I don't have the time you do to post here. I have clients with orders I'm going to work on when I finish this post.

I live alone by choice and because I have the resources to do so, and the good health to live a healthy active life I have always loved. I still spend time with Toronto friends several time a year, and have a whole new group of friends here. Your vision of and elderly, lonely woman made me laugh. Of course you've also called me "fat" on more than one occasion so your assumptions about me have always been utterly laughable.

Last but not least, before the last election, I sat down and went through the Conservative Party platform line by line, to see what they were offering. Then I did the financial analysis of what impact, if any, their platform would have on my income, and what they were offering to my children and their families. I didn't ask a bunch of stangers on a message board to do the work for me.

What kind of "consultant" are you that you need to ask others to give you reasons to vote democrat. Aren't you capable of reading the platform, doing the analysis and coming to your own decision? What kind of a consultant needs to ask others to help him decide?

Gotta go. I have orders to complete.

You - the big time "consultant" are having to ask others why you should vote
I do not provide voting advice. Although my clients know the way I lean. It is called management consulting. M&A, restructuring, debt raise, consolidation, etc.

And my post isn’t literal. I know why I should and will not. It’s like me asking my daughter, why should I buy you that new smart phone you want? I know the answer but I want her to tell me in her own words. Again, IDC about Canadian politics why do you care about US politics?
We have girls sports so that they develop confidence, stay in shape and develop teamwork. Student athletes get a leg up on just regular students when applying to schools.

And why should they? Colleges are there for the mind, not the body, and to prepare people for the working world.

It shouldn't be about "winning scholarships", which is the only reason they'd care if some tranny ran a little faster.

Blacks don't have an advantage or Asians.

Which isn't why the racists of the 1940's wanted them kept out. It was about irrational fear, just like Transphobia.

But MEN have advantage over WOMEN.

Some men have an advantage over some women. Again, it's really not about that, is it? It's about your irrational fears...of a person you'll probably live your whole life and never encounter.

The rest was just you ranting, so I ignored it.
We have girls sports so that they develop confidence, stay in shape and develop teamwork. Student athletes get a leg up on just regular students when applying to schools.

And why should they? Colleges are there for the mind, not the body, and to prepare people for the working world.

It shouldn't be about "winning scholarships", which is the only reason they'd care if some tranny ran a little faster.

Blacks don't have an advantage or Asians.

Which isn't why the racists of the 1940's wanted them kept out. It was about irrational fear, just like Transphobia.

But MEN have advantage over WOMEN.

Some men have an advantage over some women. Again, it's really not about that, is it? It's about your irrational fears...of a person you'll probably live your whole life and never encounter.

The rest was just you ranting, so I ignored it.
Joe, shut the fuck up. You’re a loser. Why should they? Are you serious. Fatso. Go write some resumes.
Joe, shut the fuck up. You’re a loser. Why should they? Are you serious. Fatso. Go write some resumes.

Why shouldn't they? Frankly, your bigotries aren't a good reason to deny someone an opportunity.

Get over yourself.
Because well rounded people are generally better employees and represent the schools better. Your ignorance is noted. You fat troll.
Because well rounded people are generally better employees and represent the schools better.

I see what the schools are producing these days....

Of all my customers, Milenials are the least prepared.

Our colleges shouldn't be wasting ANY money on athletics... Other than Basketball and Football, nobody cares about them.

Frankly, TItle IX is the kind of Government Meddling you so-called Conservatives are upset about. Schools have to create all these athletic scholarships for sports no one watches or cares about, and the weight has to be carried by the people who are actually there to get an education.

Honestly, I knew a gal in college who was on the Women's Swim Team. Dumber than a stump... the experience was wasted on her. But she had a full scholarship while I had to work two part time jobs and join the National Guard.

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