Democrat Party supporters please explain this.

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

blah, blah, blah, I'm sure you spent a great deal of time writing all this stupid crap, your life must be really pathetic, I guess this is what life in a trailer must be...

View attachment 401202
List the nations where Blacks are overwhelmingly successful.

i prefer to see a list of successful trailer trash countries... :p :p :p :p

View attachment 401206

Here is your Democrat filth

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get
democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Last edited:
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.
I am in total agreement with the OP. The Democratic Party is so far out of the mainstream on so many issues it makes me wonder how they think they can keep going on this way.
I’ll happily debate any of those issues with you since the OP seems to have posted and bailed. Pick one and let’s go
You start with the one you are most ardent about
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.
Then the GOP is the Republicant Party that can't seem to manage the economy when dey be in power.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

blah, blah, blah, I'm sure you spent a great deal of time writing all this stupid crap, your life must be really pathetic, I guess this is what life in a trailer must be...

View attachment 401202
List the nations where Blacks are overwhelmingly successful.

i prefer to see a list of successful trailer trash countries... :p :p :p :p

View attachment 401206

Here is your Democrat filth

View attachment 401416
Yeah that is what you say about anyone not in the GOP...
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.
Then the GOP is the Republicant Party that can't seem to manage the economy when dey be in power.
ZERO to do with the OP. This is why you get banned. Stick to the topic please.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.

lol ... be proud of your stubborn ignorance.

it's what donny wants from you.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.

lol ... be proud of your stubborn ignorance.

it's what donny wants from you.
Whatever helps you and your Democrat party sleep at night. Ms. "Indy"....LMAO!
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.

lol ... be proud of your stubborn ignorance.

it's what donny wants from you.
Whatever helps you and your Democrat party sleep at night. Ms. "Indy"....LMAO!

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
Rush isn't 150 years old

hopefully he won't last another year. i hope he croaks the day biden is inaugurated.

anyhoo - the democratIC party has never been called the 'democrat' party.

research it.
Wishing for someone to die because of their political views is interesting. I have heard it called the Democrat party many times.

noooooooooooooooo............. not because of his political views per say... but because oxyboy is a simply a horrible disgusting 'human' being & a hypocrite of the highest order.

OF COURSE you have heard it called that plenty of times ... because you listen to those that spew rw talking points that use that term to denigrate.

ignorance is no way to go thru life. since you want to remain ignorant - here, i'll throw this freebie in for you:

Democratic Party
political party, United States

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
See Article History
Alternative Title: Jacksonian Party
Democratic Party, in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Republican Party.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world. It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name Republican to emphasize their anti-monarchical views. The Republican Party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, advocated a decentralized government with limited powers.
Democratic Party | History, Definition, & Beliefs

oh hell, one more:

Democratic Party Editors

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic Party
Democratic Party

if you search ' democrat party ', you STILL only get democraTIC party, except for these explanations:

You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'
February 07, 2019
You May Have Heard Republicans Use The Term 'Democrat Party'

Democrat Party (epithet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators.[1]

the only thing i was wrong about was thinking oxyboy coined the phrase - because the first time i ever heard it said that way was from him. but apparently his spew is old spew & he, along with other spewsters just parrot each other.

you're welcome for the education, zogster.
Seriously? It’s the Democrat party. Don’t care if it’s slang, jargon or whatever. Only old stooges call it the Democratic Party LOL. I am old now as well. Turned 40 yday.

So to me it will always be the Democrat party. Even better if it’s a disparaging remark.

lol ... be proud of your stubborn ignorance.

it's what donny wants from you.
Whatever helps you and your Democrat party sleep at night. Ms. "Indy"....LMAO!

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

You bet he is, I've been all over Canada, and one thing you never hear is intellectual and social midgets like you, and rest of trashy deplorables in our country...

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

You bet he is, I've been all over Canada, and one thing you never hear is intellectual and social midgets like you, and rest of trashy deplorables in our country...

View attachment 402075
No one cares what you think Miguel.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you

As the father of daughters, I don't know how you can support a party which will do so much harm to their future.

Access to birth control, access to universal health care are both more important for women than it is for men, because we have babies. So are reproductive rights. Republicans have done NOTHING for women, but undercut their rights, and their access to health care.

One poster here posted that forcing young people to buy health insurance was stupid. Who needs health care before age 50? Women do. I spent more time at the doctors office and in hospital during my 20's and 30's than at any other time in my life. 3 lives births, prenatal and postnatal care for all, 2 miscarriages, 7 different hospitalizations for live births, D&C's and "female troubles". My experience is not unusual, and I even had vaginal births - no C-Sections.

In regards to doctors salaries - there are no income caps for doctors in single payer countries. Doctors in Canada are mostly in private practice and are not employed by hospitals or the government. Doctors in Canada make less money than they do in the USA, but with single payer, they don't need to hire a third party billing and collection agency to process their insurance claims and collect co-pays. The Receptionist in a medical office prepares the monthly invoice to OHIP, and deposits the check. Administration costs in the USA are in excess of 30% versus less than 7% in Canada.

Our pediatrician had his private practice, with admitting privileges at Sick Kids, but he also taught at the University of Toronto Medical School, and was part owner of a children's after hours clinic not far from where we lived. My GP was older, semi-retired and not taking new patients when I retired. He was my doctor for more than 30 years. His offices were in the Sheraton Hotel, and he had a high end Bay Street, business clientelle.

Many Canadian doctors leave for the USA and come back, saying they make more money in the USA but they keep more of it in Canada, and many doctors here are billing in excess of $1 million, especially those who are part owners in private after hours clinics (better, cheaper faster than hospital emergency wards) or labs.
You’re Canadian.

That doesn't negate the value or the truth of the information provided.

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