Democrat Party thinks the more abortions the better, and we should pay for it


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.
The Democrat Party, like the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, has murdered tens of millions and one day historians will look back and ask, why did so many people allow this genocide to occur in our midst and do nothing about it?
Millions of people, perhaps tens of millions, are now burning in hell because of abortion.

I have no idea what has happened to all the murdered babies, they weren't baptized so my Catholic Church does not know their fate.
Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.
It does have consequences, blackrook. For the first time that I know of in human history, women on a mass scale are killing their own babies, and from what I've seen, there is a gross devaluation of human life from doing so. Crazy laws have been passed to reward medical doctors for engaging in abortion procedures with caustic penalties in some states for refusing to practice abortion. Congress fears retaliation if it declares the unborn to be living citizens and goes with the "they're only a bunch of bloody cells thrown together that are not human beings. (a lie.) Human life starts somewhere, and traditionaly, that has been in the womb of women.

I've even heard in some circles, abortion is a rite of passage into female adulthood, but until Congress protects human life, this life-ending nightmare will continue. May you be on the team that stops this nasty practice someday. Goodnight. It's way past my bedtime.

Prayers up for women to want their children again. :eusa_pray:
It is an easy step for a leader of one of our political parties to call a Border Security Wall amoral and the then fund Planned Parenthood over 500 Million U.S. Dollars a year... :bang3:
Abortionists are closeted eugenicists....Heinous, evil people.
Dear, dear Oddball, I don't know if this has changed over the years, but the last I heard was that in some states, they will revoke a physician's license to practice medicine if he even once refuses to perform an abortion. That was my understanding about 30 years ago, but I try not to think about things that make me cry, so I don't know if that remains a cornerstone of being a physician in today's world or if a physician can still practice medicine in states that force the issue, which could be against the physician's first amendment privileges. It's just to legally way over my head to think how calloused some state legislatures can be, and the children catch on at about age 13 or 14, maybe sooner.

So, if a practitioner does only abortions, the government will make them very, very rich according to the US Law that funds this unfortunate practice that has reduced the ethnic population of our actual founders, including black, white, and all others who were residents before 1776 or whenever else they became a state of this union.

If I were a physician who was so unnerved by taking the life of an unborn American citizen, I'd change to becoming a homeopathic care provider who does not have to perform surgeries, but whose herbal knowledge brings him or her sufficient wisdom to prevent medicine's strange affinity to pathology rather than prevention. Bless you, though for expressing an anger at the situation of our national loss of young men and young women who've suffered brutal pain at having their brains liquified and removed at the time of their planned deaths and heartless and also very bloody removal from their mother's womb.
It is an easy step for a leader of one of our political parties to call a Border Security Wall amoral and the then fund Planned Parenthood over 500 Million U.S. Dollars a year... :bang3:

Ridgerunner, I, too, don't understand how they figured out a way to skip religious freedom through a tax that makes those who believe that killing their own unborn child would kill off their own soul at the same time. It's a breach of their First Amendment guarantee that their religious freedom will not have laws placed against religion.

How can we let our legislators get away with making innocent people pay for something as indecent as the cruel ending of an unborn American citizen in a place that used to be sacred and safe for a child to come into this world and welcomed by a loving family.

How dare they make people who disbelieve in abortion pay for this crime against the founders, who prayed for posterity to be always blessed by God and believed that Americans would win through their faith in God's mercy.

Our Courts and Congress came down on the side of mercilessness to those not yet born when they legalized the wanton killing of unborn children at the whim of its mother, who now is taught that to be a good female, one must have an abortion to show that she will not obligate a father to pay for his pleasure in any way.

What were those jurists we placed in the high courts thinking when they destroyed the hopes of our founders whose only prayers were to bless posterity with eternal life after living a religious choice life that would not result in such things as Christians (or any other religion) being thrown to the lions as a sport for the idle rich.

At one point in this phase, parents did not have to be informed if their daughter was routed to an abortion clinic by a public school counsellor. Yet, if a person under the age of 18 to this day commits a heinous act, a parent can be sued for what his teenaged child did. And the abortion political proponents had a plan: raise taxes against somebody else. What a bummer.
I was thinking that a few more than 40,000,000 (forty million) babies had died since Roe v. Wade, and have mentioned that from time to time. Well, I was wrong, way wrong.

The actual count, not including private abortions that are never reported at a patient's request are here: 58,586,256 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 |

I apologize to the additional 18,586,256 dead unborn Americans (likely 20 million since that article was written) I excluded from my low count.

Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

Just 50?

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

Assuming you meant 50 million, here's the thing. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe. v. Wade than after it. The birth rate didn't drop. All Roe did was legalize what was already widely being done becuase the laws didn't work. Kind of like Prohibition didn't stop anyone from drinking.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Actually, it's "ZERO" murder, since fetuses aren't people. Since only 1 out of three pregnancies actually gestates, God clearly doesn't want them all to grow up, either. And let's not even talk about all the famine and disease in the third world God is too busy not existing to do anything about.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

We have shootings because crazy people can get guns. No God required.

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.

Has a mass shooter every screamed, "I"m shooting these kids because I hate abortion?" Then you'd have a point.
Millions of people, perhaps tens of millions, are now burning in hell because of abortion.

I have no idea what has happened to all the murdered babies, they weren't baptized so my Catholic Church does not know their fate.

Yeah, i know.. you see, you guys used to have Limbo, where all the unbaptized babies went, but then everyone realized how shitty that sounded, so the Church got rid of Limbo. But because Baptisms is still a way to shake people down for money, they didn't want to say that wasn't still required.

Of course, Purgatory and Limbo appear nowhere in the Bible, but it was part of Catholic Doctrine for years.
It is an easy step for a leader of one of our political parties to call a Border Security Wall amoral and the then fund Planned Parenthood over 500 Million U.S. Dollars a year...

Given all the unwanted pregnancies, pap smears, health screenings that PP performs, that's money well spent.

It's not the taxpayer's responsibility to fund healthcare for people unwilling to do it for themselves.
It does have consequences, blackrook. For the first time that I know of in human history, women on a mass scale are killing their own babies, and from what I've seen, there is a gross devaluation of human life from doing so. Crazy laws have been passed to reward medical doctors for engaging in abortion procedures with caustic penalties in some states for refusing to practice abortion. Congress fears retaliation if it declares the unborn to be living citizens and goes with the "they're only a bunch of bloody cells thrown together that are not human beings. (a lie.) Human life starts somewhere, and traditionaly, that has been in the womb of women.

Then why do we count a person's "birthday" and not their "conception" day to calculate their age?

Here's the thing you anti-choice nuts don't get. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after.

Abortion laws weren't like the murder laws, they were like the prostitution laws or Prohibition. They were laws that everyone ignored, were rarely prosecuted, and people politely pretended they were being "moral".

All the court determined was 'This shit ain't working!"

Here's the ugly reality... If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant. Every country that has tried to ban abortion has failed, miserably.

If you guys were really serious about wanting less abortions, there's ways to get there. Paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education and availability of contraceptives.
It's not the taxpayer's responsibility to fund healthcare for people unwilling to do it for themselves.

Until we decide it is....

Actually, we've already decided this for elderly people, who probably consume the most health care because no one wants to go broke keeping Grandma alive for a few extra years. That's why we have medicare.

We should just extend it to everyone, and be done with it. It's what a humane soceity would do.
It's not the taxpayer's responsibility to fund healthcare for people unwilling to do it for themselves.

Until we decide it is....

Actually, we've already decided this for elderly people, who probably consume the most health care because no one wants to go broke keeping Grandma alive for a few extra years. That's why we have medicare.

We should just extend it to everyone, and be done with it. It's what a humane soceity would do.

We didn't. To say "we" means unanimous.

A humane society doesn't enable people unwilling to do for themselves by giving them something they didn't earn. A humane society would allow them to move on and let those willing to do for themselves not have to worry about freeloaders constantly begging to be handed something for nothing.
Actually, in this country, abortion is killing a preborn American Citizen. And that is only my opinion.

And although Mosaic Law clearly states "Thou shalt not kill," the fact remains: human life begins at conception.not before and not after. Human life begins at conception.

Even knowing this, cultures have condoned killing a fetus if it was conceived during a rape. In olden times, when a conquering army killed off all the males in the population, surviving women were often sexually abused after the best killers were given their choice of women first. Nobody blinked if the women who knew of abortive herbs were called upon to supply enough to cause a miscarriage after the rapes were committed. The men didn't mind, because most of them were already off to the next war, and the next conquest. If children were desired, the warriors killed older women first so the pregnancies they inflicted on the younger women would take.

It's no wonder that taking away life before birth is as politicized as it is today, and the reason that date rape drug sellers reap huge profits. Much killing revolves around unwanted pregnancies, and it has been so since history has recorded information about human life and its stories.

We didn't. To say "we" means unanimous.

A humane society doesn't enable people unwilling to do for themselves by giving them something they didn't earn. A humane society would allow them to move on and let those willing to do for themselves not have to worry about freeloaders constantly begging to be handed something for nothing.

Okay, so let's make sure that every American is guaranteed a job that they can't be fired from without a really good reason. That would solve the problem you are talking about, right?
We didn't. To say "we" means unanimous.

A humane society doesn't enable people unwilling to do for themselves by giving them something they didn't earn. A humane society would allow them to move on and let those willing to do for themselves not have to worry about freeloaders constantly begging to be handed something for nothing.

Okay, so let's make sure that every American is guaranteed a job that they can't be fired from without a really good reason. That would solve the problem you are talking about, right?

You were fired for good reason. That you don't like the reason doesn't mean it wasn't a good one. It means you're a whining little bitch that blames everyone else for his failures.

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