Democrat Party thinks the more abortions the better, and we should pay for it

It does have consequences, blackrook. For the first time that I know of in human history, women on a mass scale are killing their own babies, and from what I've seen, there is a gross devaluation of human life from doing so. Crazy laws have been passed to reward medical doctors for engaging in abortion procedures with caustic penalties in some states for refusing to practice abortion. Congress fears retaliation if it declares the unborn to be living citizens and goes with the "they're only a bunch of bloody cells thrown together that are not human beings. (a lie.) Human life starts somewhere, and traditionaly, that has been in the womb of women.

Then why do we count a person's "birthday" and not their "conception" day to calculate their age?

Here's the thing you anti-choice nuts don't get. There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after.

Abortion laws weren't like the murder laws, they were like the prostitution laws or Prohibition. They were laws that everyone ignored, were rarely prosecuted, and people politely pretended they were being "moral".

All the court determined was 'This shit ain't working!"

Here's the ugly reality... If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant. Every country that has tried to ban abortion has failed, miserably.

If you guys were really serious about wanting less abortions, there's ways to get there. Paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education and availability of contraceptives.
Before our white fathers arrived here, our red fathers considered age "1" as the first year of life and "2" the second year of life. European tradition counts year "1" after the first year is up.

Sex education has not stopped teen pregnancy onset. It has had the gross effect of proliferated pregnancy beginnings and initially preached young unmarried women into deciding to kill the fetus before it gets any bigger. In some circles today, womanhood begins at the time of her first abortion. It sickens me to think about 58 million unborn Americans slewn by acceptance of a mother that her happiness is more important than her baby's life is. Unfortunately, the consequence of that lie is that it is one, and it doesn't take long for feelings of guilt to make the woman either sick to her soul or as calloused as the flyswatter killing of a fly is to the spider that was thrilled not to have to work for that meal.
You were fired for good reason. That you don't like the reason doesn't mean it wasn't a good one. It means you're a whining little bitch that blames everyone else for his failures.

Um, no, actually was I not only not fired for a good reason, a Lawyer told me I had a great case for age and medical discrimination.

Being a poor worker and a dumbass is a good reason. Claiming it was for age and medical reasons is just another excuse you use to acknowledge you're a failure.

I sat on a jury where some ambulance chasing lawyer had told a driver involved in a wreck that she had a good case. In the end, despite wanting tens of thousands of dollars, the plaintiff got $250. It was clear she and her lawyer were trying to get easy money in a situation where the claim they were making weren't the case. The reason for the $250 was that it equalled the amount each of us on the jury, as a combined total, received for having to sit through such nonsense.

It sounds like her ambulance chasing attorney and yours have something in common. Wasting the time of people.
Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.
Well you Catholics want more kids for the pedo priest.
Sex education has not stopped teen pregnancy onset. It has had the gross effect of proliferated pregnancy beginnings and initially preached young unmarried women into deciding to kill the fetus before it gets any bigger.

Not true. Teen pregnancy and abortion rates have been on the decline for decades.


In some circles today, womanhood begins at the time of her first abortion. It sickens me to think about 58 million unborn Americans slewn by acceptance of a mother that her happiness is more important than her baby's life is.

That's a problem you need to get over... not the rest of us. (I also think the word you are looking for is "slain", but never mind.) We aren't talking about happiness, we are talking about the rest of their lives. An unwanted pregnancy usually ends up meaning a lifetime of poverty.

Unfortunately, the consequence of that lie is that it is one, and it doesn't take long for feelings of guilt to make the woman either sick to her soul or as calloused as the flyswatter killing of a fly is to the spider.

Yes, it would be nice if the religious nuts stopped trying to lay guilt trips on people...
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.
Well you Catholics want more kids for the pedo priest.
Moonglow, really, mon.. Last I heard, the Caddies were dealing with it in Rome. Not sure what they came up with, but I have a feeling they may be disciplining their ranks a little more closely if they haven't already come out with it. As a whole, however, they do not think abortion is good for the spiritual life of their young people.
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.
Let me know when we humanoids make the endangered species list and maybe then I’ll jump on board the anti abortion bandwagon
Being a poor worker and a dumbass is a good reason. Claiming it was for age and medical reasons is just another excuse you use to acknowledge you're a failure.

Well, that and he pretty much admitted it in front of witnesses that I was "too old" and my medical issues were a problem with him. On the other hand, I got exceptional employee reviews for all six years I worked there. (Longer than any other employee in the office at that point).

I sat on a jury where some ambulance chasing lawyer had told a driver involved in a wreck that she had a good case. In the end, despite wanting tens of thousands of dollars, the plaintiff got $250. It was clear she and her lawyer were trying to get easy money in a situation where the claim they were making weren't the case. The reason for the $250 was that it equalled the amount each of us on the jury, as a combined total, received for having to sit through such nonsense.

Which is why most of these things never go to a jury... not that I believe that story for a minute. I doubt someone as crazy as you could have survived a “voir dire,” screening.
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.

What is it about Christian Whackos that they think the end of the world would be a good thing? I guess that they want people to know they were right.
Democrats are disgusting people who have no problem that more than 50 unborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

To get an idea of how many people that is, that's the population of all of California and a whole bunch of the Western states. It would be like wiping out every man woman and child who lives within a few hundred miles of the Pacific Ocean.

That is a lot of murder, and there is no way our nation can ever pay God back for all that senseless slaughter.

Is it any wonder we now have shootings at schools and movie theaters and nightclubs happening on almost a weekly basis?

All that disrespect for the value of human life is bound to have consequences.
Well you Catholics want more kids for the pedo priest.
Moonglow, really, mon.. Last I heard, the Caddies were dealing with it in Rome. Not sure what they came up with, but I have a feeling they may be disciplining their ranks a little more closely if they haven't already come out with it. As a whole, however, they do not think abortion is good for the spiritual life of their young people.
ok, yet stats kept show that people with religion do have abortions.
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.
How is it self determination when those that are not within the rules are punished?
Sex education has not stopped teen pregnancy onset. It has had the gross effect of proliferated pregnancy beginnings and initially preached young unmarried women into deciding to kill the fetus before it gets any bigger.

Not true. Teen pregnancy and abortion rates have been on the decline for decades.

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In some circles today, womanhood begins at the time of her first abortion. It sickens me to think about 58 million unborn Americans slewn by acceptance of a mother that her happiness is more important than her baby's life is.

That's a problem you need to get over... not the rest of us. (I also think the word you are looking for is "slain", but never mind.) We aren't talking about happiness, we are talking about the rest of their lives. An unwanted pregnancy usually ends up meaning a lifetime of poverty.

Unfortunately, the consequence of that lie is that it is one, and it doesn't take long for feelings of guilt to make the woman either sick to her soul or as calloused as the flyswatter killing of a fly is to the spider.

Yes, it would be nice if the religious nuts stopped trying to lay guilt trips on people...
Thank you for the correction with re to "slain." I blame the absence of having a cup of coffee this morning and only 2 hours of sleep.

Teen pregnancy rates may be slightly on the decline, but single parent families are through the roof.. I think sex education is what it is -- the age-inappropriate idea of giving young kids more knowledge than they can deal with. I think the state should keep its grubs off young people. No doubt about it, families make mistakes as do people. And nobody's ever gone after youthful thieves and 3-strike problems until they're caught and placed in a juvenile facility or declared adults and placed in a facility where they cannot harm themselves and others..

You go right on ahead with your religious persecution toward people of faith whose goal is to ensure their child's gentle correction of youthful mistakes. The state guarantees kids absolute privacy, which means parents are not notified of grandchildren they lost at the hands of a person who gouged its brains out then sucked them out with a painful weapon of death before delivering a very bloody corpse into their theater of horrors operating room. I've seen the pictures, which I understand are so horrific that placing them here would surely get the person who showed them a good banning.

The same pictures would just be ho-hummers to you, dear Mr. JoeB131. We see from opposite poles. You marginalize those who disagree with your opinion as mere religious fanatics. When I attended my first anatomy class in which a cadaver was being dissected, my next memory was wondering why I was on the floor and the back of my head hurt because I fainted. I'm just too sensitive. I do thank God, however, that he gave me a mother who chose life for me.
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.
How is it self determination when those that are not within the rules are punished?
How would I know the answer to your question, Mr. Moonglow? The only bible I read tells me that vengeance belongs to God, and it is not in my quarter to retaliate against people who are basically too stupid to live, but they're given the gift anyway. If you don't like the way God does things, you have the option of taking it to him in prayer. That's exactly what Jacob did the night he dreamed about the ladder. He fought with and won God's favor. Anybody with a good enough case can do that, so if you want to put God in his place, go for it like Jacob did, unless you are scared to.
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.
How is it self determination when those that are not within the rules are punished?
How would I know the answer to your question, Mr. Moonglow? The only bible I read tells me that vengeance belongs to God, and it is not in my quarter to retaliate against people who are basically too stupid to live, but they're given the gift anyway. If you don't like the way God does things, you have the option of taking it to him in prayer. That's exactly what Jacob did the night he dreamed about the ladder. He fought with and won God's favor. Anybody with a good enough case can do that, so if you want to put God in his place, go for it like Jacob did, unless you are scared to.
What is God's phone number since he never retorts to my prayers of accommodation..?
You see I ruined myself by studying every religion that has exited through human existence and I found the answer I was looking for..
Teen pregnancy rates may be slightly on the decline, but single parent families are through the roof.. I think sex education is what it is -- the age-inappropriate idea of giving young kids more knowledge than they can deal with. I think the state should keep its grubs off young people. No doubt about it, families make mistakes as do people. And nobody's ever gone after youthful thieves and 3-strike problems until they're caught and placed in a juvenile facility or declared adults and placed in a facility where they cannot harm themselves and others..

Um, the teen pregnancy rate has dropped over 50% since 1990, as has the abortion rate. It's not "Slight".

We have more single parent households because people don't feel obligated to stay in bad relationships for the kids... This is a good thing for all involved.

You go right on ahead with your religious persecution toward people of faith whose goal is to ensure their child's gentle correction of youthful mistakes.

Again... youthful mistakes if you are white. If you are a person of color, a cop can shoot you in the back 16 times and get a slap on the wrist.

The state guarantees kids absolute privacy, which means parents are not notified of grandchildren they lost at the hands of a person who gouged its brains out then sucked them out with a painful weapon of death before delivering a very bloody corpse into their theater of horrors operating room. I've seen the pictures, which I understand are so horrific that placing them here would surely get the person who showed them a good banning.

First and foremost, the really horrific pictures that kind of look like babies are for late trimester procedures that are almost always for good medical reasons. Most early trimester abortions look nothing like that.

second, most medical procedures are kind of gross looking...

The same pictures would just be ho-hummers to you, dear Mr. JoeB131. We see from opposite poles. You marginalize those who disagree with your opinion as mere religious fanatics. When I attended my first anatomy class in which a cadaver was being dissected, my next memory was wondering why I was on the floor and the back of my head hurt because I fainted. I'm just too sensitive. I do thank God, however, that he gave me a mother who chose life for me.

That's nice and all.. but totally not my point.

One more time. People got lots of abortions before Roe. Women went to their OB/GYN, he performed the abortion, something else got written down on the chart, insurance paid for it without asking any questions.

If you want less abortions, there are policies you can use to reduce them. They involve more and bigger government, though.

Countries have tried that have less abortions than we do. France has 50% of the abortion rate than the US.

By comparison, the Philippines have the kinds of laws you religious types want. And they have an abortion rate even higher than the US, about 500,000 to 800,000 abortions per year.

Now, there are two ways to approach the problem.

One is to look at Medical Waste Porn and get all emotional.

The other is to analyze facts, figures and policies and find solutions.

I've always chosen to do the latter.
How many babies and pregnant women has the great God of the Bible murdered over self interest or self righteous indignation with a creation?
God gave man the gift of life and self-determination. He gives life, knowing when it will start and end. Man is the player/decider, not God. However, if mankind is unkind, God will fix it as soon as the time is right. After mankind has disposed of 58 million + just in this country, there could be hell to pay.
How is it self determination when those that are not within the rules are punished?
How would I know the answer to your question, Mr. Moonglow? The only bible I read tells me that vengeance belongs to God, and it is not in my quarter to retaliate against people who are basically too stupid to live, but they're given the gift anyway. If you don't like the way God does things, you have the option of taking it to him in prayer. That's exactly what Jacob did the night he dreamed about the ladder. He fought with and won God's favor. Anybody with a good enough case can do that, so if you want to put God in his place, go for it like Jacob did, unless you are scared to.
What is God's phone number since he never retorts to my prayers of accommodation..?
That's what you think. I'd tell you to get earwax remover, but that's likely not the problem. The good book says when we pray, we should pray believing. I'm not certain, but gageing from some of the things you said on the topic, you may not believe, which is the division line in answered prayers, to the best of my understanding. I'm sorry that's the hardest thing to overcome. I once thought abortion was nothing to get upset or excited about, and wondered why people who were against it were willing to say or do anything to convince other people to oppose it too. Then I had a debate with a kindly philosophy professor at a junior college in Wyoming. I debated him for a half hour one day in class over why deny people abortions, when I'd never read or heard much about abortions. As far as I was concerned, going to get an abortion wasn't all that much different than attending a movie in a theater. A year passed, maybe two after that debate. The professor gave me an "A" for the work I did in his class, so I thought, well, no big deal. But after some time, I got a computer and one day, I just saw some people talking about abortion, which rather bored me stiff at that time, so I went and out of curiosity, I wondered what abortion clinics looked like. Then I saw the visuals. One of the clinics put clear garbage bags in as liners. One of them showed the liner removed from the can, albeit sealed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing--masses of small body parts separated and a lot of red blood. Again, I got sick. Several weeks later I saw the light. Dead baby bodies aren't right. And they never were again after understanding what an abortion really does to people who haven't been blessed with being born yet. I don't know if you'll ever see it that way, Moonie. You may never have an "aha" moment like I did. If you do, though, it's your heart talking back to you.The heart that believes or doesn't have any reason to.
'Scuse me for leaving, but I need to get back to get some sleep. I keep nodding off, and waking up with 3 or 4 lines of the same lower-case letter having been struck. Good luck in your journey of faith if you ever take one, Mr. Moonie. It was the right road to take for me, and now, I can't understand why I was blind to what I now know. There's an old saying that goes around in a number of faith communities. It states, "Please be patient with me. God hasn't finished with me yet."

Have a lovely day, everybody. I can barely hold my head up to read the next line, so I'm crashing, then I have some work to do, so have a good weekend if it takes me a couple of days to get back here after my work is done. Good night, and good morning. :D
That's what you think. I'd tell you to get earwax remover, but that's likely not the problem. The good book says when we pray, we should pray believing. I'm not certain, but gageing from some of the things you said on the topic, you may not believe, which is the division line in answered prayers, to the best of my understanding.

There is no God.
The bible is a bunch of fairy stories that you guys have Disneyfied to take out the icky parts.

The rest of your post is just an appeal to emotion.

I would probably be sickened at a meat packing plant... but I'm still having a hamburger for lunch.

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