Democrat politicians set to rob the public to pay reperations to slaves.

All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut
What specifically did I say that wasn't true?
getting back to "reparations" -----it seems to me that the only way to do
"reparations" would be to compensate all those who can claim to be a "person
of color" with a sum of money. INVO---such a "solution" would cause more
harm than good. To start---how does one determine who is a "person of color"
In South africa they used a color wheel
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut
When should we forget about 911?
"forget" ? why forget? Do you mean discount the event? I would sooner
suggest forgetting January 6
So never forget. That's how many blacks feel about slavery and Jim crow
"blacks"? do you mean "persons of color" In South Africa Mahatma Gandhi was
considered "black" In the science of anthropology he is considered Caucasian.
By the south african color wheel criterion----my hubby would also be considered
"black" He has OTHER family legacies to recall besides actual slavery
getting back to "reparations" -----it seems to me that the only way to do
"reparations" would be to compensate all those who can claim to be a "person
of color" with a sum of money. INVO---such a "solution" would cause more
harm than good. To start---how does one determine who is a "person of color"
In South africa they used a color wheel
Don't worry. It's not going to happen in this world
When should we forget about 911?
"forget" ? why forget? Do you mean discount the event? I would sooner
suggest forgetting January 6
So never forget. That's how many blacks feel about slavery and Jim crow
"blacks"? do you mean "persons of color" In South Africa Mahatma Gandhi was
considered "black" In the science of anthropology he is considered Caucasian.
By the south african color wheel criterion----my hubby would also be considered
"black" He has OTHER family legacies to recall besides actual slavery
Are you color blind?
When should we forget about 911?
"forget" ? why forget? Do you mean discount the event? I would sooner
suggest forgetting January 6
So never forget. That's how many blacks feel about slavery and Jim crow
"blacks"? do you mean "persons of color" In South Africa Mahatma Gandhi was
considered "black" In the science of anthropology he is considered Caucasian.
By the south african color wheel criterion----my hubby would also be considered
"black" He has OTHER family legacies to recall besides actual slavery
Apartheid saw Gandhi as inferior
360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?
360000 WHITE men
But after the Civil War we had jim crow/semi-slavery
It's not known as the Democratic party of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws for nothing.

The Democratic party's racism was also exported to Europe. Nazi jurists cited the US Democratic party's race laws as legal precedent during deliberations while drafting the Nuremberg blood and soil laws that were used to justify the holocaust.

However, the Nazis considered the Democrat's "one drop rule" to be too extremely racist.

Democrats are more racist than Nazis.
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut
360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?
360000 WHITE men
But after the Civil War we had jim crow/semi-slavery
It's not known as the Democratic party of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws for nothing.

The Democratic party's racism was also exported to Europe. Nazi jurists cited the US Democratic party's race laws as legal precedent during deliberations while drafting the Nuremberg blood and soil laws that were used to justify the holocaust.

However, the Nazis considered the Democrat's "one drop rule" to be too extremely racist.

Democrats are more racist than Nazis.
Did your history teacher mention the 1960s?
When should we forget about 911?
"forget" ? why forget? Do you mean discount the event? I would sooner
suggest forgetting January 6
So never forget. That's how many blacks feel about slavery and Jim crow
"blacks"? do you mean "persons of color" In South Africa Mahatma Gandhi was
considered "black" In the science of anthropology he is considered Caucasian.
By the south african color wheel criterion----my hubby would also be considered
"black" He has OTHER family legacies to recall besides actual slavery
Are you color blind?
not at all------In fact I do the Ishihara plates PERFECTLY. Do you live under a rock or in some
rural town of inbred blue eyed wasps? If you are blue eyed-----get tested ---I did many of the
Ishihara tests and am convinced that blue eyed people are far more prone to color blindness than
are brown eyed people------just a clinical observation
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Remember the guy who owned the Los Angeles clippers?

Remember the guy who said blacks are all the same? Remember the guy who worried about too many different colors in the schools? Remember the guy who if you don't vote for him he said you ain't black?

Oh wait, they were all Biden. You know, the racist you voted for ...
360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?
360000 WHITE men
But after the Civil War we had jim crow/semi-slavery
It's not known as the Democratic party of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws for nothing.

The Democratic party's racism was also exported to Europe. Nazi jurists cited the US Democratic party's race laws as legal precedent during deliberations while drafting the Nuremberg blood and soil laws that were used to justify the holocaust.

However, the Nazis considered the Democrat's "one drop rule" to be too extremely racist.

Democrats are more racist than Nazis.
7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?
Consequently, this article has dealt with the ways various pro-reparation activists, and random individuals who are active online with respect to the topics of race and epigenetics in the US as well as in the UK, have dealt with epigenetic studies focusing on slavery, which they see as the potential ‘scientific’ proof of trauma, and which they quote to help them to justify their claims and their expectations. Interestingly enough, white supremacist and neo-confederate groups have tried to mock pro-reparations claims based on epigenetic findings by advocating for reparations for hereditary trauma due to the US Reconstruction, with a petition gathering more than 250 signatures.22 This effervescence around epigenetics and the issue of reparations shows the complex ties between race, science and the memorialization of slavery. It also highlights the dilemma of invoking epigenetics in the public sphere and the trade-offs in evoking epigenetics politically: whilst at first science is used as a way to legitimize social justice issues, it may also give way to more conservative and racist re-uses.
you authored that ^^^^ yourself ....birdie2 baby? Very good--- epigenetics itself as a
science is damned IFFY
They are studying it.
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
EWG’s analysis of records from the Department of Agriculture finds that subsidy payments to farmers ballooned from just over $4 billion in 2017 to more than $20 billion in 2020 – driven largely by ad hoc programs meant to offset the effects of President Trump’s failed trade war

Comrade Biden is almost up to $6 Trillion in socialist spending. I am not in favor of that, but $4 to $20 billion? Pennies by DC standards
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

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