Democrat politicians set to rob the public to pay reperations to slaves.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut

Don't care what Democrats say Q is. They are your boogie man. I've never personally ever heard a Republican or a libertarian mention them
More evidence of deafness

I hear you just fine. Q is your boggie man. Democrats all poke each other and giggle. The rest of us don't know or care who they are.

It's not hard, Qnut
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Do your parents know you got on your dad's computer without the parent controls? Ssshhhhhh, they'll here you ...

President Trump signed the "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act" (the CARES Act) on the afternoon of March 27, 2020, following voice-vote approval earlier in the day by the US House of Representatives and a unanimous 96-0 vote by the US Senate on March 25. The CARES Act’s estimated $2+ trillion price tag includes: extraordinary public health spending to confront the COVID-19 pandemic; immediate cash relief for individual citizens; a broad lending program for small business; and, targeted relief for hard-hit industries
^^^^ all sound moves----this registered democrat APPROVED. It evinces a nice
mix of socialist ideals
So Socialism is good
ALL societies include elements of socialism Schools and sidewalks are
SOCIALIST aspects of society.
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut

OK, Qnut
I disagree with qnuts

You are a Qnut
It depends on the definition of qnut?
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative

Trump's still not a conservative, Qnut
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Do your parents know you got on your dad's computer without the parent controls? Ssshhhhhh, they'll here you ...

President Trump signed the "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act" (the CARES Act) on the afternoon of March 27, 2020, following voice-vote approval earlier in the day by the US House of Representatives and a unanimous 96-0 vote by the US Senate on March 25. The CARES Act’s estimated $2+ trillion price tag includes: extraordinary public health spending to confront the COVID-19 pandemic; immediate cash relief for individual citizens; a broad lending program for small business; and, targeted relief for hard-hit industries
^^^^ all sound moves----this registered democrat APPROVED. It evinces a nice
mix of socialist ideals
So Socialism is good
ALL societies include elements of socialism Schools and sidewalks are
SOCIALIST aspects of society.
I agree with you again
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

View attachment 503885
When is a fact a talking point?
I notice you don’t have a substantial rejoinder.

Democrats live in a fact free world. They spent four years lying about Trump said then calling him a liar and a racist because they lied about what he said.

So sure, to JoeB the racist, I'm sure facts are talking points, he probably really believes that
Self-hating Honkys…a special breed of stupid.

Yep. My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are as well. It's mind blowing all the lily white leftists who lecture them that whites are racists. If they say their own views, their lily white teachers and professors pay them back with grades. It's sick.

Note that Joe and the race baiting crowd want to benefit from this white racism. It's the Democrat Party way.

Democrats were the party of slavery. Then they are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now Democrats are the party of race baiting and exploiting blacks yet again for their own benefit.

JoeB is a flaming racist and he's in the party of racism. Who still in politics has said more racist things than their leader, Biden? It never changes. Democrat Party = party of racism
Strom Thurman had a black daughter

OK, Qnut

OK, Qnut
I disagree with qnuts

You are a Qnut
It depends on the definition of qnut?

You believe in Q and you're nuts. Qnuts always are
360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?
360000 WHITE men
But after the Civil War we had jim crow/semi-slavery
It's not known as the Democratic party of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws for nothing.

The Democratic party's racism was also exported to Europe. Nazi jurists cited the US Democratic party's race laws as legal precedent during deliberations while drafting the Nuremberg blood and soil laws that were used to justify the holocaust.

However, the Nazis considered the Democrat's "one drop rule" to be too extremely racist.

Democrats are more racist than Nazis.
Did your history teacher mention the 1960s?
Yes. The Democrats reinstituted slavery again in the 1960s and used the slaves as cannon fodder in Vietnam.

Nixon emancipated the slaves.
The war continued under nixon
Yes, obviously Nixon inherited the Vietnam war. He was elected specifically because he promised to end American involvement in the Vietnam war.

And that's exactly what he did after operation Rolling Thunder brought the commies to the negotiating table (Paris Peace Accords) for a cease fire and POW exchange so that we could withdrawal our troops (who were mostly slaves) without them getting slaughtered en masse during a retreat under fire.

Then Nixon emancipated the slaves.
Last edited:
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative

Trump's still not a conservative, Qnut
He is not a conservative. He is a national socialist
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative
Trump is not an political ideologue, he is more of a pragmatic centrist. That's one of the huge reasons why he is by far the greatest president in our lifetimes.
Last edited:
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative

Trump's still not a conservative, Qnut
He is not a conservative. He is a national socialist
Obvious projection.

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative

Trump's still not a conservative, Qnut
He is not a conservative. He is a national socialist

You're just making shit up, Qnut. How was your Proud Boys meeting this weekend anyway?
That sound you hear are taxpayers bailing out of blue cities and moving to red cities.

Did Los Angeles have many slaves?

Yes they still do, they're all Democrats

It is asinine comments like this that make any sort of discussion with you pointless. Other than taking jabs at Democrats, you don’t seem to have much.

Republicans are entirely focussed on the unfairness of social spending and “free shit” and yet the Middle Class certainly gets a lot of “free shit” working people never see.

Things like the interest deduction for your mortgage loan on your house. Renters don’t get this deduction. This is entirely a white middle-class deduction which has been in existence since long before the Civil Rights Act.
A few years ago, in our first encounter here, JoeB and I were going at it for several days as he was insisting Dark people are dumb and need help not falling for Whitey tricking them into being our slaves.
The man is a racist through and through, but like most of my and my wife's family they're too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to realize it.

Yes, Joe is clearly just exploiting blacks for government handouts. Particularly he wants free healthcare and free retirement. In fairness, he doesn't just hate blacks, he hates everyone. It's pretty funny how he claims to want to help black people when he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

He also insists he doesn't have a bad attitude in real life. That's even funnier than his nonsense about race

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative
Trump is not an political ideologue, he is more of a pragmatic centrist. That's one of the huge reasons he is by far the greatest president in our lifetimes.

He's dumb as a box of rocks.. Do you understand that banks won't touch Trump and neither will any first rate law firms?
That sound you hear are taxpayers bailing out of blue cities and moving to red cities.

Did Los Angeles have many slaves?

Yes they still do, they're all Democrats

It is asinine comments like this that make any sort of discussion with you pointless. Other than taking jabs at Democrats, you don’t seem to have much.

Republicans are entirely focussed on the unfairness of social spending and “free shit” and yet the Middle Class certainly gets a lot of “free shit” working people never see.

Things like the interest deduction for your mortgage loan on your house. Renters don’t get this deduction. This is entirely a white middle-class deduction which has been in existence since long before the Civil Rights Act.

I feel you, babe. Here you are simply trying to spread Chinese propaganda and people are hitting you with shit like that. I mean really, you have to earn a living, George. And shouldn't being an official site Chinese disinformation officer come with a certain level of respect? Clearly it should

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative
Trump is not an political ideologue, he is more of a pragmatic centrist. That's one of the huge reasons he is by far the greatest president in our lifetimes.

He's dumb as a box of rocks.. Do you understand that banks won't touch Trump and neither will any first rate law firms?

Now that's funny. You call me dumb then spread ridiculous Democrat party propaganda. Explains all the D's you got in high school, huh?

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative
Trump is not an political ideologue, he is more of a pragmatic centrist. That's one of the huge reasons he is by far the greatest president in our lifetimes.

He's dumb as a box of rocks.. Do you understand that banks won't touch Trump and neither will any first rate law firms?

Now that's funny. You call me dumb then spread ridiculous Democrat party propaganda. Explains all the D's you got in high school, huh?

You didn't know, did you?
When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Really? How is that?

So I can honestly claim when my Grandparents came here, they came here between the World Wars, when anti-German prejudice was at it's height, even though Germans were the biggest ethnic group in the country. My grandparents countered by using "American" first names (Louis instead of Ludwig, Helen instead of Magdalena) and changing how they pronounced the family name.

But here's the thing. At a certain point, anything that made people in my family "German" kind of vanished. No one in my family speaks German today (I speak a very little, and badly), we don't really follow any German customs.

Blacks can't stop being black, and biases against blacks in our society haven't disappeared. That's the major difference and if you don't see it, then you are being willfully blind.

We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

Actually, let's look at that. Let's look at the payments for "Welfare" for people of color vs. "Entitlements" enjoyed by Middle Class white people to keep them OUT of the poor house.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 79 Billion dollars
Section 8/HUD (Housing) - 68 Billion
TANF (Welfare) - 16.5 Billion
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) - 4.9 Billion
Medicaid - 613 Billion

Except for Medicaid, those are all pretty small numbers.

Okay, now let's look at Entitlements- or as I like to call it, "White People Welfare".

Social Security - 1,096 Billon
Medicare - 799 Billion
Veteran's Administration- 269 Billion
Unemployment Insurance - varies, but in 2020, it topped 329 Billion.

Now, obviously, some white people get traditional welfare (in fact, they are the majority of people on assistance) and some minorities get "entitlements" if they make enough money.

But is absurd notion that we are spending all this money on "Welfare", so that gives us a hall pass to excuse 400 years of institutionalized racism is just silly. What these figures show is white people are very good at taking care of themselves.
We take care of ourselves by working and supporting our own. Slavery affected the current black person about as much as it did me......and yet it is used as the eternal excuse to have me pay for their laziness. You Dims are all mixed up in the head.

Yes, all subsidies ballooned under covid. What are you arguing exactly?
That was before covid. Tariffs

Some yes, some no. What's your point?

Again, never thought Trump was a conservative. So OK, you're telling me something I already knew and no one is disputing. I've never heard anyone say Trump is a conservative
Trump is not an political ideologue, he is more of a pragmatic centrist. That's one of the huge reasons he is by far the greatest president in our lifetimes.

He's dumb as a box of rocks.. Do you understand that banks won't touch Trump and neither will any first rate law firms?

Now that's funny. You call me dumb then spread ridiculous Democrat party propaganda. Explains all the D's you got in high school, huh?

You didn't know, did you?

I didn't know what, Qnut?
When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Really? How is that?

So I can honestly claim when my Grandparents came here, they came here between the World Wars, when anti-German prejudice was at it's height, even though Germans were the biggest ethnic group in the country. My grandparents countered by using "American" first names (Louis instead of Ludwig, Helen instead of Magdalena) and changing how they pronounced the family name.

But here's the thing. At a certain point, anything that made people in my family "German" kind of vanished. No one in my family speaks German today (I speak a very little, and badly), we don't really follow any German customs.

Blacks can't stop being black, and biases against blacks in our society haven't disappeared. That's the major difference and if you don't see it, then you are being willfully blind.

We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

Actually, let's look at that. Let's look at the payments for "Welfare" for people of color vs. "Entitlements" enjoyed by Middle Class white people to keep them OUT of the poor house.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 79 Billion dollars
Section 8/HUD (Housing) - 68 Billion
TANF (Welfare) - 16.5 Billion
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) - 4.9 Billion
Medicaid - 613 Billion

Except for Medicaid, those are all pretty small numbers.

Okay, now let's look at Entitlements- or as I like to call it, "White People Welfare".

Social Security - 1,096 Billon
Medicare - 799 Billion
Veteran's Administration- 269 Billion
Unemployment Insurance - varies, but in 2020, it topped 329 Billion.

Now, obviously, some white people get traditional welfare (in fact, they are the majority of people on assistance) and some minorities get "entitlements" if they make enough money.

But is absurd notion that we are spending all this money on "Welfare", so that gives us a hall pass to excuse 400 years of institutionalized racism is just silly. What these figures show is white people are very good at taking care of themselves.
We take care of ourselves by working and supporting our own. Slavery affected the current black person about as much as it did me......and yet it is used as the eternal excuse to have me pay for their laziness. You Dims are all mixed up in the head.

I don't know what's dumber about JoeB's obsession with slavery

- The slaves and slave owners are all dead

- JoeB's ass is lily white and he wants perks for whites all being racist

Democrats just fling as much crap as they can just to see what sticks
When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Really? How is that?

So I can honestly claim when my Grandparents came here, they came here between the World Wars, when anti-German prejudice was at it's height, even though Germans were the biggest ethnic group in the country. My grandparents countered by using "American" first names (Louis instead of Ludwig, Helen instead of Magdalena) and changing how they pronounced the family name.

But here's the thing. At a certain point, anything that made people in my family "German" kind of vanished. No one in my family speaks German today (I speak a very little, and badly), we don't really follow any German customs.

Blacks can't stop being black, and biases against blacks in our society haven't disappeared. That's the major difference and if you don't see it, then you are being willfully blind.

We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

Actually, let's look at that. Let's look at the payments for "Welfare" for people of color vs. "Entitlements" enjoyed by Middle Class white people to keep them OUT of the poor house.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 79 Billion dollars
Section 8/HUD (Housing) - 68 Billion
TANF (Welfare) - 16.5 Billion
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) - 4.9 Billion
Medicaid - 613 Billion

Except for Medicaid, those are all pretty small numbers.

Okay, now let's look at Entitlements- or as I like to call it, "White People Welfare".

Social Security - 1,096 Billon
Medicare - 799 Billion
Veteran's Administration- 269 Billion
Unemployment Insurance - varies, but in 2020, it topped 329 Billion.

Now, obviously, some white people get traditional welfare (in fact, they are the majority of people on assistance) and some minorities get "entitlements" if they make enough money.

But is absurd notion that we are spending all this money on "Welfare", so that gives us a hall pass to excuse 400 years of institutionalized racism is just silly. What these figures show is white people are very good at taking care of themselves.
We take care of ourselves by working and supporting our own. Slavery affected the current black person about as much as it did me......and yet it is used as the eternal excuse to have me pay for their laziness. You Dims are all mixed up in the head.

I don't know what's dumber about JoeB's obsession with slavery

- The slaves and slave owners are all dead

- JoeB's ass is lily white and he wants perks for whites all being racist

Democrats just fling as much crap as they can just to see what sticks
It just feeds the victim mentality of everything being owed to blacks without having to lift a finger in self support. Garbage.

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