Democrat protesters try to attack a man with gun, in NM, bad idea

Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.
Bullshit. The guy in Dallas who was hit over the head by a skateboard died of his injuries. Any blunt object can be a deadly weapon. Even a clinched fist.
I have no idea what sounds like a bunch of monkeys screeching and then some guy walking away.
They attacked the guy he backs up and leaves, takes his gun out because they are coming at him, he continues to back away, THEY ATTACK HIM as he fleeing,, then shots them. They start screaming
Well WTF was he doing down there with those idiots in the first place? Protecting the honor of a statue?
It's call peaceable assembly.
The only time a person of contradictory opinion goes to an ANTIFA rally is to elicit a response. Which is what happened. All I'm sayin is that it was a stupid move. You counter them en masse with the forethought and intent to engage physically. He is an idiot.
So everyone must scatter like cockroaches whenever ANTIFA shows up to your rallies??

If you see ANTIFA committing an act of violence or oppression you must meekly watch from a safe distance?

As opposed to? Walking up as a single person? Common sense much?
If a lone black walked up to a group of KKK and got shot what would the narrative be?
R.I.P.....ya dumb ******.
Simple question that’s likely to occur in the next 90 days.
Probably. The ENTIRE system is counter traditional value. It is anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-family, and anti-nationalist.
This cannot be changed at the ballot box, in the courts, or through social pressure via mass media, as all traditional means of change have been infiltrated.
You have nowhere to turn, no one to help you, no ear to one cares
AND THIS is the the most painful aspect of it.
The WHITE VOTERS of this nation openly permitted this all to happen to them.
They pulled that handle for R or D and stayed on autopilot...
"Lower my taxes!"
"You better bomb those Arab cocksuckers!"
"Israel is our greatest ally!"
"Walmart gives me the cheapest prices!"
and now they are fucked.
They condoned it! They cheered for it! They demanded it!
Can't you hear their cheers? See them all pumping their signs at their conventions?
Now eat your voted for it.
Sorry, I haven’t voted for those letting lawlessness occur.
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.
Bullshit. The guy in Dallas who was hit over the head by a skateboard died of his injuries. Any blunt object can be a deadly weapon. Even a clinched fist.
I know 5 ways to kill with a #2 pencil.
I have no idea what sounds like a bunch of monkeys screeching and then some guy walking away.
They attacked the guy he backs up and leaves, takes his gun out because they are coming at him, he continues to back away, THEY ATTACK HIM as he fleeing,, then shots them. They start screaming
Well WTF was he doing down there with those idiots in the first place? Protecting the honor of a statue?
It's call peaceable assembly.
The only time a person of contradictory opinion goes to an ANTIFA rally is to elicit a response. Which is what happened. All I'm sayin is that it was a stupid move. You counter them en masse with the forethought and intent to engage physically. He is an idiot.
So everyone must scatter like cockroaches whenever ANTIFA shows up to your rallies??

If you see ANTIFA committing an act of violence or oppression you must meekly watch from a safe distance?

As opposed to? Walking up as a single person? Common sense much?
If a lone black walked up to a group of KKK and got shot what would the narrative be?
R.I.P.....ya dumb ******.
Simple question that’s likely to occur in the next 90 days.
Probably. The ENTIRE system is counter traditional value. It is anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-family, and anti-nationalist.
This cannot be changed at the ballot box, in the courts, or through social pressure via mass media, as all traditional means of change have been infiltrated.
You have nowhere to turn, no one to help you, no ear to one cares
AND THIS is the the most painful aspect of it.
The WHITE VOTERS of this nation openly permitted this all to happen to them.
They pulled that handle for R or D and stayed on autopilot...
"Lower my taxes!"
"You better bomb those Arab cocksuckers!"
"Israel is our greatest ally!"
"Walmart gives me the cheapest prices!"
and now they are fucked.
They condoned it! They cheered for it! They demanded it!
Can't you hear their cheers? See them all pumping their signs at their conventions?
Now eat your voted for it.
Sorry, I haven’t voted for those letting lawlessness occur.
Yes you voted for the politicians. You voted for voted the wars...the 'tax cuts' openly cheered the trade deals...and if you didn't, specifically, you most certainly did not protest in any capacity.
The POINT of being politically aware is knowing when to REMOVE and replace...I am not talking about the ballot box either.
That time passed many moons ago.
This system is untenable.
The worm is turning...the system is forcing it.
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.

The fuck it's not. I hit you in the head and you are dead as a doorknob. How fucking stupid are you anyway?
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.

The fuck it's not. I hit you in the head and you are dead as a doorknob. How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Apparently I'm not as stupid as you. Brooks killer is facing 11 charges including capital murder, because even though Brooks fired a taser at him, a taser isn't a deadly weapon.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

Not only is HE behind bars, but the entire militia group that protected him by pointing guns are unarmed protestors are also behind bars. Police seized found enough weapons, ammo and body armour from the 5 of them to start a small war.

At least it was two white right wing thugs taking each other out. The 4chan twats on this board were. Every horrifice piece of violence in this mess can be traced back to police brutality, and right wing trouble makers.
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.

The fuck it's not. I hit you in the head and you are dead as a doorknob. How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Apparently I'm not as stupid as you. Brooks killer is facing 11 charges including capital murder, because even though Brooks fired a taser at him, a taser isn't a deadly weapon.
No, nobody here is as stupid as you. Well, most of your fellow left wing idiots are but I digress. The cop is going to walk. Per Georgia State police a taser is a deadly weapon under Georgia law. Just add these assholes to the list of people this man can sue. Damn you're stupid.
The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

If you watch the video, then yes, he was beating him with a skateboard.

But this is how the Guardian reported it:

"a protester was shot as he tried to bring down conquistador statue"


I've seen a huge number of media lies in my life, and this is one of the most disgusting and despicable.

And a lot of lefty idiots are going with this line. The mayor and the governor have both spoke out in defense of the Antifa thugs, and against the guy who shot in self defense. When they say that this kind of violence is not acceptable, they are not talking about the Antifa thugs. They are talking about the guy who shot in self defense.
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.
Bullshit. The guy in Dallas who was hit over the head by a skateboard died of his injuries. Any blunt object can be a deadly weapon. Even a clinched fist.

I haven't seen any proof that he died.

But he sure did look dead in the video.

But a longer video showed him sitting up later on.

That being said, I do agree with you that a skateboard can be used to murder someone.
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Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

They beat him. They hit him with a skateboard. They knocked him down to the ground. They verbally threatened to kill him. And they were about to stab him with two knives:

Here’s a video which shows them attacking him. And then he shoots one of them in self defense:

And here’s a still image which shows one of the attackers holding two knives:

Look what do we have here.jpg
Also, if someone hits you, and you shoot them, that's not self defense. Self-defence is hitting them back. Shooting them is a crime.


The guy was beating him with a fucking skateboard. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Lethal force is 100% justified you assclown.

No it's not. A skateboard is NOT a lethal weapon.

The police officer who shot Mr. Brooks was just charged with capital murder - a death penalty offense. The DA explained that the victim had a taser, but a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. He police officer was not legally allowed to shoot unless his life was in imminent danger. Brooks was unarmed, the taser had no charge left, and he was running away.

Not only did the cop shoot and kill Mr. Brooks, but his shots at Raychard Brooks, hit two cars in the crowded parking lot resulting in aggravated assault charges for endangering the public.

You cannot shoot someone unless you are about to die.

The fuck it's not. I hit you in the head and you are dead as a doorknob. How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Apparently I'm not as stupid as you. Brooks killer is facing 11 charges including capital murder, because even though Brooks fired a taser at him, a taser isn't a deadly weapon.

According to at least on Georgia DA it is, dumbass.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

Not only is HE behind bars, but the entire militia group that protected him by pointing guns are unarmed protestors are also behind bars. Police seized found enough weapons, ammo and body armour from the 5 of them to start a small war.

At least it was two white right wing thugs taking each other out. The 4chan twats on this board were. Every horrifice piece of violence in this mess can be traced back to police brutality, and right wing trouble makers.


He wasn't part of the militia and charges have been dropped. You lose.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

They beat him. They hit him with a skateboard. They knocked him down to the ground. They verbally threatened to kill him. And they were about to stab him with two knives:

Here’s a video which shows them attacking him. And then he shoots one of them in self defense:

And here’s a still image which shows one of the attackers holding two knives:

View attachment 351687

Perhaps, but he was provoking them.

What did you think the guy was going to do? Let you attack him? Lol

it felt so good to hear democrats scream like a little 5 year old girl when he defended him self haha

The future looks good

Not for Mr. Blue Shirt Shooter who thinks he's some kind of civil guard. He is probably going to prison. Way to own the libs!


“The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said in a statement. “To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller (D) said the statue would now be speedily removed as an “urgent matter of public safety” until authorities determine a next step.
“The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” Keller said in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out [to] the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

This is Clown World for real.
"The People of New Mexico" are out there beating up on people and defacing statues?

You can call it Clown World or or you can call it No More Motherfucking Racists World. Semantics don't really matter. This is now the way things are in this country.

We will no longer tolerate monuments to murderers and slave owners. They are coming down and no whiteboi 'civil guard' will stop it from happening.

One of you idiots got stoped lol and has a nice hole ha

It was worth it to watch that blue shirt fat boy running away and screaming like a little girl. What a coward.

Let's see something here. Your reaction had he NOT attempted to leave the scene and instead started shooting the moment the mob came after him would be?

And no, we don't believe you say he was heroic for not running away, so be real.

The stupid idiot jackass never should have been there with a weapon in the first place.

He thought he was a big boy with his gun. Now he's gonna rot in prison.

So you're unable or unwilling to address the question. Got it.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

They beat him. They hit him with a skateboard. They knocked him down to the ground. They verbally threatened to kill him. And they were about to stab him with two knives:

Here’s a video which shows them attacking him. And then he shoots one of them in self defense:

And here’s a still image which shows one of the attackers holding two knives:

View attachment 351687

Perhaps, but he was provoking them.

Does no one have the ability to not respond to provocation? IOW, no crime is committed until you attack, but once you do, the other guy is allowed to defend himself. Doesn't matter if he was insulting your mother, if you attack, he can defend.
Leave it to far rightwing lunatics to bring guns to peaceful protests.

I believe this gun-toting thug was later apprehended and is currently behind bars. As he should be.

They beat him. They hit him with a skateboard. They knocked him down to the ground. They verbally threatened to kill him. And they were about to stab him with two knives:

Here’s a video which shows them attacking him. And then he shoots one of them in self defense:

And here’s a still image which shows one of the attackers holding two knives:

View attachment 351687

Perhaps, but he was provoking them.

Does no one have the ability to not respond to provocation? IOW, no crime is committed until you attack, but once you do, the other guy is allowed to defend himself. Doesn't matter if he was insulting your mother, if you attack, he can defend.

You're allowed to defend yourself, but your defense has to be in proportion to the threat. If someone slaps you, you can't shoot them. Charges against the New Mexico protestor have been dropped - for now, because the DA said there may be evidence that the protestor he shot had a knife and was attacking him with a knife. If true, he's justified in shooting in self defense. If not, the charges will be reinstated.

What did you think the guy was going to do? Let you attack him? Lol

it felt so good to hear democrats scream like a little 5 year old girl when he defended him self haha

The future looks good

Not for Mr. Blue Shirt Shooter who thinks he's some kind of civil guard. He is probably going to prison. Way to own the libs!


“The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said in a statement. “To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller (D) said the statue would now be speedily removed as an “urgent matter of public safety” until authorities determine a next step.
“The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” Keller said in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out [to] the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

This is Clown World for real.
"The People of New Mexico" are out there beating up on people and defacing statues?

You can call it Clown World or or you can call it No More Motherfucking Racists World. Semantics don't really matter. This is now the way things are in this country.

We will no longer tolerate monuments to murderers and slave owners. They are coming down and no whiteboi 'civil guard' will stop it from happening.

One of you idiots got stoped lol and has a nice hole ha

It was worth it to watch that blue shirt fat boy running away and screaming like a little girl. What a coward.

Let's see something here. Your reaction had he NOT attempted to leave the scene and instead started shooting the moment the mob came after him would be?

And no, we don't believe you say he was heroic for not running away, so be real.

The stupid idiot jackass never should have been there with a weapon in the first place.

He thought he was a big boy with his gun. Now he's gonna rot in prison.

So you're unable or unwilling to address the question. Got it.

My reaction had he NOT attempted to leave the scene and opened fire on the mob?

It would be the same. He thought he was a big boy with a gun, now he will rot in prison.

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