Democrat Senate passes first budget in 4 years...includes 1 Trillion in new taxes


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
one actually got's a miracle...! :lol:

it is not a balanced would add another 7.3 trillion to the national debt...

Senate Democrats approved their first budget in four years early Saturday morning -- but just barely.

The final vote, which was held after the Senate worked well past midnight churning through dozens of amendments, exposed cracks in Democratic unity as lawmakers facing re-election peeled off, citing the proposal's failure to tackle the deficit. In the end, the budget plan squeaked by on a razor-thin 50-49 vote.

The Democratic budget's $975 billion in new taxes would be matched by an equal amount of spending reductions coming chiefly from health programs, defense and reduced interest payments as deficits get smaller than previously anticipated. This year's projected deficit of nearly $900 billion would fall to around $700 billion next year and bottom out near $400 billion in 2016 before trending upward again. Shoehorned into the package is $100 billion for public works projects and other programs aimed at creating jobs.

Read more: Long-awaited vote on Senate budget exposes cracks among Democrats | Fox News
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What a stupid thing to do! Yay, let's chase our wealth to china!!!! wahooo

Let's add another 7 trillion in debt. For what? What the fuck are they doing with this money? Certainly not advancing science or building our roads. lol

BAIL-outs and bull shit.
So what are they doing with all this money? Certainly not to improve our roads, bridges or to fund a decent come back in science.

O'yeah, they're chasing our rich and successful over sea's. You think this is wise?

using it to consolidate their power.....what else....?

i can hardly wait to see BO's budget plan proposal next month.......:rolleyes:
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of course obama's budget is no where to be seen......hes waiting so he can swoop in and score political points based on the senate submittal and the house rejection of it, the senates rejection of the house's bill won't be heard about much:lol:

this is still not 'regular order' for creating a budget but hey, I guess its a start....:rolleyes:
The new mantra of the Democratic Party is Debt Doesn't Matter. And they will be able to sell it to the American public. P.T. Barnum was right: Nobody ever went broke underestimating their intelligence.

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