Democrat Senator Threatens Insurrection If SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade

Since when. We have had a lot of revolutions and none of them involve violence.
You mean like this?

The Supreme Court's reputation has lready been hurt by their apparent approval of the Texas abortion law. It will add fuel to the fire to expand the Supreme Court.

They didn't approve it. They said it was improperly filed. It was refiled and now they are going to hear it. The Mississippi law may stand but there is no way the Texas one does.
Here’s the scary thing, and I DO mean scary: the newest justice said during her nomination hearing that justices are allowed to consider impact - and not just constitutionality - when weighing their decisions. That means that if the intolerant and violent leftists threaten bloodshed, the justices could take that into consideration.

I wouldn't get too excercised over one idiot Democrat.
The Surpreme court is much smarter than you think.. and they will go with the Constitution and Civil rights every time. Shaheen shouldn't be shooting off her mouth.. There is NO threat.. and women aren't going to try and overthrow the government. Its a toss up as to who is dumber.. you or her.
Will they put her in solitary confinement like they did with Jan 6 protesters?
They didn't approve it. They said it was improperly filed. It was refiled and now they are going to hear it. The Mississippi law may stand but there is no way the Texas one does.

They are just trying to duck the issue. They have signalled their approval of it.
Funny how the Left can call for open violence to overthrow our government and everything is good.
The Left setting stage for yet more violence.

Basically threatening the Supreme Court with her comments. And of course the left will say nothing.

Mississippi is NOT NEW HAMPSHIRE BITCH. Do your own laws and STFU. You have no right to order other states to impose your will on them, nor they to you. If you don't like it and live in Mississippi go enjoy New Hampshire then. Time we Divorce each other via States anyway.
Jane Shaheen's attempt to intimidate and threaten the Supreme Court deserves an investigation and
censure by the Congress.
I look forward to seeing her out in the streets kicking down doors during the "insurrection" she advocates.

Where does she mention violence? Try looking up the word revolution and you will find mamy definitions that are not violent. She does not deserve a censure from Congress.

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