Democrat Tax Assault Coming - Dems Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

Deficit Donald has put our country's security in danger. His spending has forced our country to be hostage to the Democrats.

Time to wake the fuck up, cucks.
and looky looky looky over there.... we are talking about a wall, when the real issue is the gvt WAY OVER SPENDING
Geee ... Where was that when Obama and Democrats passed a failed $1 Trillion 'Jobs' Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY PORK and ended up costing tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved?
and looky looky looky over there.... we are talking about a wall, when the real issue is the gvt WAY OVER SPENDING
Geee ... Where was that when Obama and Democrats passed a failed $1 Trillion 'Jobs' Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY PORK and ended up costing tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved?
House Approves $1.6 Billion for Border-Wall Construction

Deficit Donald has spent only a tiny fraction of that $1.6 billion given to him for the wall more than a year ago.

So much for "shovel ready" horseshit, hypocrite.
and looky looky looky over there.... we are talking about a wall, when the real issue is the gvt WAY OVER SPENDING
Geee ... Where was that when Obama and Democrats passed a failed $1 Trillion 'Jobs' Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY PORK and ended up costing tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved?
House Approves $1.6 Billion for Border-Wall Construction

Deficit Donald has spent only a tiny fraction of that $1.6 billion given to him for the wall more than a year ago.

So much for "shovel ready" horseshit, hypocrite.


you have become completely unhinged
the average shutdown COSTS the US gvt $1.8 billion of our tax dollars.....

Then HELL, maybe we should just eliminate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labor day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Day, etc....BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT 'SHUTS DOWN' ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE.
:rofl: :cuckoo: you see planned and known yearly holidays as equal to a gvt shutdown? :lol:
If the big hoaxer Republicans on Capitol Hill had a balanced budget, they could tell the Democrats to go fuck themselves.

Instead, they ACCELERATED THE DEFICIT FROM THE DAY THEY TOOK POWER. They took the declining deficit they inherited, and blew it up.

Time to wake up, cucks. You've been had.
After the Democrats take the House, the willfully blind cucks will suddenly notice the deficit. Once their propagandists order them to notice.

"Just look how much those Dims spend! :206:"
Progressive democrats are well on their way to making 2020 a Republican landslide. 2yrs of democrat controlled house will give Trumps second term control of both house and senate with Trump Republicans and very few rinos. Trump can then Really MAGA. dems, do your thing.
Progressive democrats are well on their way to making 2020 a Republican landslide. 2yrs of democrat controlled house will give Trumps second term control of both house and senate with Trump Republicans and very few rinos. Trump can then Really MAGA. dems, do your thing.
Then Trump can achieve his goal of running up more total debt than Obama. He is well on his way toward achieving it, and in record time!

Trump positively hates being second to anyone.
and looky looky looky over there.... we are talking about a wall, when the real issue is the gvt WAY OVER SPENDING
Geee ... Where was that when Obama and Democrats passed a failed $1 Trillion 'Jobs' Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY PORK and ended up costing tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved?
Call it whatever Breitbart is telling you to call it but we were no longer losing 745,000 jobs a month as we were when Gomer was president. The unemployment rate has been steadily dropping for 9 years and the "failed jobs bill" got things rolling.
unemployment rate graph - Bing images
you see planned and known yearly holidays as equal to a gvt shutdown?

Non-essential personnel only
Essential services not effected
Military not effected
No one loses pay

Democrats have engaged in fear-mongering in the past, successfully - I see - brainwashing people into believing it is 'Armageddon'. :p

To push that propaganda, Obama even got busted sending out a memo to his administration telling them to make the shutdown during his Presidency 'AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE' for citizens, all of which the Democrats blamed on the GOP. His administration spent tax dollars to block off open-air monuments from public viewing in DC during the shutdown. His administration even attempted to shutdown a privately-owned historic site in Virginia. The Obama administration shut down airing ONLY sporting events to troops stationed overseas...

The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain | Breitbart

The World War II Memorial – The WWII memorial on the DC Mall is a 24/7 open-air memorial that is not regularly staffed. Although the White House must have known that WWII veterans in their eighties and nineties had already booked flights to visit this memorial, the White House still found the resources to spitefully barricade the attraction.

Obama Tries to Close Privately-Funded Mt. Vernon – Although George Washington’s Mt. Vernon estate is privately funded, the feds blocked visitors from entering the parking area because the Park Service maintains the lot. Apparently, the New Media publicity resulted in the feds backing down

Obama Closes Over 100 Privately-Managed Parks That Cost No Money to Run The U.S. Treasury actually makes money from the rent paid by a private company that “employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across about a dozen states.” No federal money is used to operate these parks. No federal employees are used to staff these parks. Taxpayers make a profit from these parks. Still, Obama had them closed and as a result 400-500 employees and a private business are taking it in the neck.

Obama Closes Privately-Owned Hotel, Police Block Parking Lot – “The operator of a 51-room inn located on U.S. government-owned land in North Carolina abandoned his defiant stance on Thursday to keep the property open despite being ordered to close as part of the federal government shutdown.”

....and on and on and on.......

A normal government shut down is NOT that big of a deal...unless Democrats want to make it as painful as possible, create a 'disaster' / 'bogeyman' on which to blame the GOP...AS EVIDENCE SHOWS FROM THE PAST!
Trump has liberated the masses from 'Economic Slavery', resulting in an end to the dependency of Americans on the Democrats and their social program benefits. Democrats seek to reverse that.
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Tax cuts create jobs and opportunity so people can get that government welfare needle out of their arm....
Apparently some like the welfare needle.
During the midterm elections, Democrats all across the country promised to impose a trillion dollars in tax hikes.

What a coincidence.

Trump's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion dollars. For ONE YEAR.

The only problem is that the Democrats' trillion dollars is over a ten year period.

Yeah, I'd love to stop the deficit spending as much as anyone, but it is pretty obvious the dems won't use any of the taxes on the debt. It will be more cow fart studies and some new houses for Bernie the Great. Meanwhile, the economy will tank, the middle class will get smaller, and life will be worse for everyone but the ruling elite. Sounds like a plan. You want to help the debt, STOP THE SPENDING, don't give dems a blank check and nuke the economy. I'd vote for a conservative if I could find any to vote for. Voters normally have their hands out and don't want to hear it.
Progressive democrats are well on their way to making 2020 a Republican landslide. 2yrs of democrat controlled house will give Trumps second term control of both house and senate with Trump Republicans and very few rinos. Trump can then Really MAGA. dems, do your thing.
Then Trump can achieve his goal of running up more total debt than Obama. He is well on his way toward achieving it, and in record time!

Trump positively hates being second to anyone.
All of a sudden you progressives are concerned about spending. Did you have a come to Jesus moment and he told you obama spent too so much money that we have to cut back now. Is that what it is
Hold up tonto. You’re saying that Trump has stopped welfare dependency through tax cuts? I’d love to see how you try and connect those dots. Please show us how that works
Under Obama a record number of Americans were on Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps.

Because of Trump, we have the strongest economy in decades, the lowest unemployment in decades, the lowest minority unemployment in recorded US history, the most number of Americans working at one time, and a record number of Americans 'liberated' from off of the rolls / the dependency on Welfare and Food Stamps.

"How does that work.....?" Really? Try to think this one through and get back to me if you can't figure it out yourself. I will try to find a PICTURE for you on the internet. :p
This picture comes to mind...

I get it in theory, show me the numbers... show where Trumps policies had a significant changing effect on the existing numbers for employment and welfare. I’ll give him credit if it is warranted.

This reply goes to easyt65 and depotoo as well

In the recent elections the Democrats did not offer one policy change that could possibly IMPROVE the current strongest economy / lowest unemployment going on now....except to declare once in the House they would increase taxes by $1 Trillion, which almost every economist states will reverse everything that was done to bring us to this point.

The claim that Obama and the Democrats had anything to do with the current economy has been proven false because what Democrats want to go back to is the economy / policies the Democrats had in place before. It was the deviation, the change in policies from those, that have resulted in this current success - which is Trump's and the GOPs. I do not see you giving them any credit.

Since the Democrats took the House, their plan has not changed - they still have no other idea on how to affect the economy than to go ahead with the $1 trillion in new taxes. And how has the markets reacted since the Democrats won the House back, faced with a Democratic Part controlled House in January and a $1 trillion tax increase looking. (The word 'Tank' suddenly comes to mind....)

Consumer confidence has been the highest it has been in decades under Trump. With the reality of a promised $1 Trillion tax increase by the Democrats do you think that will affect Consumer Confidence and their spending back onto the economy?

You said you would give him credit when it is warranted - it's warranted - I don't see you giving him any credit for anything.
I will give Trump credit for reducing regulations and red tape in government. He is going overboard on environmental issues but is doing well in other areas.

He also had a great impact on consumer confidence but I can’t get too happy about that as I see it as a bubble of false hope which is about to burst and send our markets to shit.

The recent election and Dem wins aren’t the cause of the down market. The market stopped growing at the beginning of the year. Nice try handing off blame on that one.

Also, you avoided answering my question which was to see stats of the effective change that Trump caused due to his policies. He has jacked up spending and kept the same trends that were under Obama yet he is taking credit for all of them. You can’t show the change through stats so you cloud it with a long winded false analysis.

See I expect conservatives to be responsible with spending and make sure our country can cash its checks. I expect them to rein in the size and power of government and keep the people and free market in balance. I expect the liberals to be dreamers and push for social justice and opportunity for the poor, elderly, disabled and oppressed.

There is a necessary balance that should be happening between the parties. But it’s broken. It’s because of partisan absolutists like yourself And it’s getting dangerous
I get it in theory, show me the numbers... show where Trumps policies had a significant changing effect on the existing numbers for employment and welfare. I’ll give him credit if it is warranted.

This reply goes to easyt65 and depotoo as well

In the recent elections the Democrats did not offer one policy change that could possibly IMPROVE the current strongest economy / lowest unemployment going on now....except to declare once in the House they would increase taxes by $1 Trillion, which almost every economist states will reverse everything that was done to bring us to this point.

The claim that Obama and the Democrats had anything to do with the current economy has been proven false because what Democrats want to go back to is the economy / policies the Democrats had in place before. It was the deviation, the change in policies from those, that have resulted in this current success - which is Trump's and the GOPs. I do not see you giving them any credit.

Since the Democrats took the House, their plan has not changed - they still have no other idea on how to affect the economy than to go ahead with the $1 trillion in new taxes. And how has the markets reacted since the Democrats won the House back, faced with a Democratic Part controlled House in January and a $1 trillion tax increase looking. (The word 'Tank' suddenly comes to mind....)

Consumer confidence has been the highest it has been in decades under Trump. With the reality of a promised $1 Trillion tax increase by the Democrats do you think that will affect Consumer Confidence and their spending back onto the economy?

You said you would give him credit when it is warranted - it's warranted - I don't see you giving him any credit for anything.
I will give Trump credit for reducing regulations and red tape in government. He is going overboard on environmental issues but is doing well in other areas.

He also had a great impact on consumer confidence but I can’t get too happy about that as I see it as a bubble of false hope which is about to burst and send our markets to shit.

The recent election and Dem wins aren’t the cause of the down market. The market stopped growing at the beginning of the year. Nice try handing off blame on that one.

Also, you avoided answering my question which was to see stats of the effective change that Trump caused due to his policies. He has jacked up spending and kept the same trends that were under Obama yet he is taking credit for all of them. You can’t show the change through stats so you cloud it with a long winded false analysis.

See I expect conservatives to be responsible with spending and make sure our country can cash its checks. I expect them to rein in the size and power of government and keep the people and free market in balance. I expect the liberals to be dreamers and push for social justice and opportunity for the poor, elderly, disabled and oppressed.

There is a necessary balance that should be happening between the parties. But it’s broken. It’s because of partisan absolutists like yourself And it’s getting dangerous
Thank you for giving credit where credit is due.

I actually have posted stats ... and the records the President has reached / surpassed in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc.

What it seems to be that you are seeking is the use of very specific numbers to go point by point in debate on who should get credit / blame. Much like Polling, I learned both in college and life that numbers - any numbers can be manipulated to say / prove anything you wish them to.

What can not be ignored, however, IMO, is the fact that the policies and actions taken and to which they remained loyal to in the last administration did NOT result in the economic success we now have.

It can not be rationally denied that lowering the tax codes and regulations - things the Democrats did not / would not do, resulted in manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back actually coming back, proving much needed jobs, higher pay, bonuses.

I think you would agree with me, as well, that millionaire politicians claiming that $1,000 or more in the pockets of average hard-working middle and lower class Americans is insignificant - 'peanuts' - was completely detached from the reality of the average working American and actually PISSED those Americans off. (THOSE kinds of completely stupid / moronic comments had a good deal with the Democrats losing the House before and is one of the examples why many Democrats did not initially support her for Speaker again).

I personally expect EVERY politician who goes to Washington to be responsible with spending - my tax dollars...and I will be the 1st to agree that neither party can take the proverbial 'moral - or economic - high ground' in claiming to have done even close to a responsible job in the last several DECADES in regards to that.

In that, I usually find myself alone because 'some' prefer to point fingers and demonize the other side......I find it funny that politicians have brainwashed and made 'party members' SO BLINDLY LOYAL that instead of joining together to hold ALL politicians accountable they instead stand around arguing about whose politicians are LESS CRIMINAL / CORRUPT than the other. :p
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I get it in theory, show me the numbers... show where Trumps policies had a significant changing effect on the existing numbers for employment and welfare. I’ll give him credit if it is warranted.

This reply goes to easyt65 and depotoo as well

In the recent elections the Democrats did not offer one policy change that could possibly IMPROVE the current strongest economy / lowest unemployment going on now....except to declare once in the House they would increase taxes by $1 Trillion, which almost every economist states will reverse everything that was done to bring us to this point.

The claim that Obama and the Democrats had anything to do with the current economy has been proven false because what Democrats want to go back to is the economy / policies the Democrats had in place before. It was the deviation, the change in policies from those, that have resulted in this current success - which is Trump's and the GOPs. I do not see you giving them any credit.

Since the Democrats took the House, their plan has not changed - they still have no other idea on how to affect the economy than to go ahead with the $1 trillion in new taxes. And how has the markets reacted since the Democrats won the House back, faced with a Democratic Part controlled House in January and a $1 trillion tax increase looking. (The word 'Tank' suddenly comes to mind....)

Consumer confidence has been the highest it has been in decades under Trump. With the reality of a promised $1 Trillion tax increase by the Democrats do you think that will affect Consumer Confidence and their spending back onto the economy?

You said you would give him credit when it is warranted - it's warranted - I don't see you giving him any credit for anything.
I will give Trump credit for reducing regulations and red tape in government. He is going overboard on environmental issues but is doing well in other areas.

He also had a great impact on consumer confidence but I can’t get too happy about that as I see it as a bubble of false hope which is about to burst and send our markets to shit.

The recent election and Dem wins aren’t the cause of the down market. The market stopped growing at the beginning of the year. Nice try handing off blame on that one.

Also, you avoided answering my question which was to see stats of the effective change that Trump caused due to his policies. He has jacked up spending and kept the same trends that were under Obama yet he is taking credit for all of them. You can’t show the change through stats so you cloud it with a long winded false analysis.

See I expect conservatives to be responsible with spending and make sure our country can cash its checks. I expect them to rein in the size and power of government and keep the people and free market in balance. I expect the liberals to be dreamers and push for social justice and opportunity for the poor, elderly, disabled and oppressed.

There is a necessary balance that should be happening between the parties. But it’s broken. It’s because of partisan absolutists like yourself And it’s getting dangerous
Thank you for giving credit where credit is dues.

I actually have posted stats ... and the records the President has reached / surpassed in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc.

What it seems to be that you are seeking is the use of very specific numbers to go point by point in debate on who should get credit / blame. Much like Polling, I learned both in college and life that numbers - any numbers can be manipulated to say / prove anything you wish them to.

What can not be ignored, however, IMO, is the fact that the policies and actions taken and to which they remained loyal to in the last administration did NOT result in the economic success we now have.

It can not be rationally denied that lowering the tax codes and regulations - things the Democrats did not / would not do, resulted in manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back actually coming back, proving much needed jobs, higher pay, bonuses.

I think you would agree with me, as well, that millionaire politicians claiming that $1,000 or more in the pockets of average hard-working middle and lower class Americans is insignificant - 'peanuts' - was completely detached from the reality of the average working American and actually PISSED those Americans off. (THOSE kinds of completely stupid / moronic comments had a good deal with the Democrats losing the House before and is one of the example why many Democrats did not initially support her for Speaker).

I personally expect EVERY politician who goes to Washington to be responsible with spending - my tax dollars...and I will be the 1st to agree that neither party can take the proverbial 'moral - or economic - high ground in claiming to have done even close to a responsible job in the last several DECADES in regards to that.

In that, I usually find myself alone on that one because 'some' prefer to point fingers and demonize the other side......I find it funny that politicians have brainwashed and made 'party members' SO BLINDLY LOYAL that instead of joining together to hold ALL politicians accountable they instead stand around arguing about whose politicians are LESS CRIMINAL / CORRUPT than the other. :p
There was a lot in there some I don’t agree with but much of it I do agree with so I’ll give you kudos for that post.
There was a lot in there some I don’t agree with but much of it I do agree with so I’ll give you kudos for that post.
Thank you very much. I will point out, IMO, that THIS type of discussion - exchanging ideas and views and even being able to walk away agreeing to disagree - is what its all supposed to be about.

Thank you for the awesome discussion!

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