Democrat Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis’ office was firebombed with Molotov cocktails

Making generalizations about the "collective mindset" of partisans is what we do on a message board. Accusing the other side of terrorism is quite another. That's hate.
Welcome to the internet.

Oh and your nasty neg rep only proves my point. Fucking hypocrite.

i was pointing out your hypocrisy nothing more tard

And yet not one word to the lefties in this thread that claimed a right winger attacked the office when it was no such a person. People that made the claim even AFTER the post showing them all to be wrong, GO FIGURE.
The HATE that is spewed from the left toward conservatives and pro-life people is disgusting.

And when the next story comes around of a left wing idiot committing some violent act your response will no doubt be: "The HATE that is spewed from the left toward conservatives and pro-life people is disgusting."

And therein lies the problem around here.
So we a liberal Democrat who champions liberal causes and they claim they are for the poor, not electing to meet with a homeless man because they feared him, did they, being the compassionate liberals they claim to be, find a way to get help for him? It looks like we want to help the poor among us as long as we don't have to deal with the nuts.
Are you alone in this mindset? Do I need to google the topic to see how many others have tried to make this ridiculous leap from Limbaugh's slut comment to "escalating R-wing terrorism"?

Is Scott Roeder alone in his mindset? Stop being a hypocrite.
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So we a liberal Democrat who champions liberal causes and they claim they are for the poor, not electing to meet with a homeless man because they feared him, did they, being the compassionate liberals they claim to be, find a way to get help for him? It looks like we want to help the poor among us as long as we don't have to deal with the nuts.

Interesting perspective. I am still reminded of the last Democrat convention when those compassionate, caring, Democrats paid the homeless people to stay away from the facility so they wouldn't be seen on camera. Also all protesters/demonstrators were required to be at least a block away from the entrance where the media was interviewing arriving dignitaries and party and Congressional leaders.

And here we have a Democrat Senator who, despite numerous requests, won't see a homeless guy because she and/or her staff fears that he is mentally unbalanced, but who didn't call any agency or authority to see to his needs, and now implies that it is conservative talk shows or Republicans who incited him to firebomb her office?

Sometimes we just have to shake our heads in amazement.
I doubt this is a right wing revolution. It should be. We've waited while the democrats holler, scream, threaten and shit in the streets long enough.
Isn't it special that the opening post(s) blames Rush Limbaugh who has never called for violence of any kind and did not mention Ed Schultz or Bill Maher and others who have?

Isn't it special the opening posts(s) name a Tea Party advocate as the probable culprit when there is no history anywhere, at any time, of Tea Partiers being violent? And there was no mention of the Occupy groups who have been violent?

The OP is projecting.
You can't make this stuff up boys and girls, here, for your approval, anothing glaring example of why I rightly lay claim to the fact that...

the GOP/Tea-Party is indeed chock full of Rednecks, racists, obstructionist, anarchists and assassins.

Just earlier I posted the thread...

Republican White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

And now this...

Texas state senator's office firebombed -

Published: March. 20, 2012 at 9:47 PM

FORT WORTH, Texas, March 20 (UPI) -- Police in Forth Worth, Texas, said they were searching for a suspect who tossed two firebombs outside the door of a state senator's office Tuesday.

Two members of state Sen. Wendy Davis' staff were in the office when the attack occurred about 4 p.m., WFAA-TV, Dallas/Fort Worth, reported. One of the employees jumped over flames to get to a fire extinguisher in another room, the TV station said...

PS: Davis, a Democrat, is a strong advocate for Planned Parenthood

And you know this was not done by a jealous boyfriend or

You would think after embarassing themselves by attempting to blame Gabby Giffords' shooting on the Right within seconds of the shooting, that liberals would learn not to prematurely jump to conclusions.

But nooooOOOOOoooo...
The HATE that is spewed from the left toward conservatives and pro-life people is disgusting.

And when the next story comes around of a left wing idiot committing some violent act your response will no doubt be: "The HATE that is spewed from the left toward conservatives and pro-life people is disgusting."

And therein lies the problem around here.

Really? Why don't you point out all the threads started by right wingers documenting the left wing hate after a left wing group attacked a animal researcher. That should prove enlightening.
Isn't it special that the opening post(s) blames Rush Limbaugh who has never called for violence of any kind and did not mention Ed Schultz or Bill Maher and others who have?

Isn't it special the opening posts(s) name a Tea Party advocate as the probable culprit when there is no history anywhere, at any time, of Tea Partiers being violent? And there was no mention of the Occupy groups who have been violent?

The OP is projecting.
There used to be standards for voting eliminated by Democrat congresses. Now, it's their cash cow. The leftist lockstep and its cooperative press corps have become pied pipers to the simple, the naive, and the young. Old people no longer have anyone to take care of them: the Pied Pipers tell the children their parents are bad for them for using corporal punishment, establishing unfair curfews, sending their friends to war to die, and limiting them in any way.

Projecting and self-fulfilling prophecies are just two ingredients in the DNC cauldron of using people to get to the Treasury cash department so they can establish their own families as recipients of 100% no-lose and government-backed loans in the millions of dollars for futures of unlimited wealth and power. Case in point: Nancy Pelosi's ilk receiving cash from failed "green" businesses that were in trouble prior to their government loans.
Isn't it special that the opening post(s) blames Rush Limbaugh who has never called for violence of any kind and did not mention Ed Schultz or Bill Maher and others who have?

Isn't it special the opening posts(s) name a Tea Party advocate as the probable culprit when there is no history anywhere, at any time, of Tea Partiers being violent? And there was no mention of the Occupy groups who have been violent?

The OP is projecting.
There used to be standards for voting eliminated by Democrat congresses. Now, it's their cash cow. The leftist lockstep and its cooperative press corps have become pied pipers to the simple, the naive, and the young. Old people no longer have anyone to take care of them: the Pied Pipers tell the children their parents are bad for them for using corporal punishment, establishing unfair curfews, sending their friends to war to die, and limiting them in any way.

Projecting and self-fulfilling prophecies are just two ingredients in the DNC cauldron of using people to get to the Treasury cash department so they can establish their own families as recipients of 100% no-lose and government-backed loans in the millions of dollars for futures of unlimited wealth and power. Case in point: Nancy Pelosi's ilk receiving cash from failed "green" businesses that were in trouble prior to their government loans.
Statists are going for complete control over the masses they deem too stupid to exercise thier liberty.
The OP is projecting.
There used to be standards for voting eliminated by Democrat congresses. Now, it's their cash cow. The leftist lockstep and its cooperative press corps have become pied pipers to the simple, the naive, and the young. Old people no longer have anyone to take care of them: the Pied Pipers tell the children their parents are bad for them for using corporal punishment, establishing unfair curfews, sending their friends to war to die, and limiting them in any way.

Projecting and self-fulfilling prophecies are just two ingredients in the DNC cauldron of using people to get to the Treasury cash department so they can establish their own families as recipients of 100% no-lose and government-backed loans in the millions of dollars for futures of unlimited wealth and power. Case in point: Nancy Pelosi's ilk receiving cash from failed "green" businesses that were in trouble prior to their government loans.
Statists are going for complete control over the masses they deem too stupid to exercise thier liberty.
With the Pelosi-riche lining their own pockets with the hard work of generations of Americans, they hover over the treasury to get at the prize cash in the treasury like vultures for their relatives, and the press says absolutely positively nothing. Obama rattled their cage to HURRY UP HALF A BILLION DOLLARS ($535 million) to bail Solyndra less than a year before the company went belly up and laid off 1100 people in the middle of the recession their $535 million was supposed to prevent. I wonder where the half billion went since they didn't use it or common sense to save Solyndra, their cash cow.

The entire time, the left has been screaming the projecting lie "greed!" at the top of their lying lungs against Republicans and conservative Americans as a smoke-screen to conceal their giant shovels in at Fort Knox.
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There used to be standards for voting eliminated by Democrat congresses. Now, it's their cash cow. The leftist lockstep and its cooperative press corps have become pied pipers to the simple, the naive, and the young. Old people no longer have anyone to take care of them: the Pied Pipers tell the children their parents are bad for them for using corporal punishment, establishing unfair curfews, sending their friends to war to die, and limiting them in any way.

Projecting and self-fulfilling prophecies are just two ingredients in the DNC cauldron of using people to get to the Treasury cash department so they can establish their own families as recipients of 100% no-lose and government-backed loans in the millions of dollars for futures of unlimited wealth and power. Case in point: Nancy Pelosi's ilk receiving cash from failed "green" businesses that were in trouble prior to their government loans.
Statists are going for complete control over the masses they deem too stupid to exercise thier liberty.
With the Pelosi-riche lining their own pockets with the hard work of generations of Americans, they hover over the treasury to get at the prize cash in the treasury like vultures for their relatives, and the press says absolutely positively nothing. Obama rattled their cage to HURRY UP HALF A BILLION DOLLARS ($535 million) to bail Solyndra less than a year before the company went belly up and laid off 1100 people in the middle of the recession their $535 million was supposed to prevent. I wonder where the half billion went since they didn't use it or common sense to save Solyndra, their cash cow.

The entire time, the left has been screaming the projecting lie "greed!" at the top of their lying lungs against Republicans and conservative Americans as a smoke-screen to conceal their giant shovels in at Fort Knox.

We're screwed. The only substance in Fort Knox are paper IOU's written to future generations.

WE are broke.
Statists are going for complete control over the masses they deem too stupid to exercise thier liberty.
With the Pelosi-riche lining their own pockets with the hard work of generations of Americans, they hover over the treasury to get at the prize cash in the treasury like vultures for their relatives, and the press says absolutely positively nothing. Obama rattled their cage to HURRY UP HALF A BILLION DOLLARS ($535 million) to bail Solyndra less than a year before the company went belly up and laid off 1100 people in the middle of the recession their $535 million was supposed to prevent. I wonder where the half billion went since they didn't use it or common sense to save Solyndra, their cash cow.

The entire time, the left has been screaming the projecting lie "greed!" at the top of their lying lungs against Republicans and conservative Americans as a smoke-screen to conceal their giant shovels in at Fort Knox.

We're screwed. The only substance in Fort Knox are paper IOU's written to future generations.

WE are broke.
Thought it was worse than broke, that we owed somebody $15,578,708,666,074 in the US Government National Debt.
Well as it turns out the culprit is a disturbed homeless man with no connection to Republicans the Tea Party or any political group and had no political agenda. Who is not surprised to find this out?
Well as it turns out the culprit is a disturbed homeless man with no connection to Republicans the Tea Party or any political group and had no political agenda. Who is not surprised to find this out?

Many conclusions were jumped...many truths were stretched...
With the Pelosi-riche lining their own pockets with the hard work of generations of Americans, they hover over the treasury to get at the prize cash in the treasury like vultures for their relatives, and the press says absolutely positively nothing. Obama rattled their cage to HURRY UP HALF A BILLION DOLLARS ($535 million) to bail Solyndra less than a year before the company went belly up and laid off 1100 people in the middle of the recession their $535 million was supposed to prevent. I wonder where the half billion went since they didn't use it or common sense to save Solyndra, their cash cow.

The entire time, the left has been screaming the projecting lie "greed!" at the top of their lying lungs against Republicans and conservative Americans as a smoke-screen to conceal their giant shovels in at Fort Knox.

We're screwed. The only substance in Fort Knox are paper IOU's written to future generations.

WE are broke.
Thought it was worse than broke, that we owed somebody $15,578,708,666,074 in the US Government National Debt.

I wonder how the 'poor' feel about their stake and what they owe? :eusa_think:

And more to the point? What are they doing to pay up?

Someone else will pay thier share...

Attitude is everything. ;)
Well as it turns out the culprit is a disturbed homeless man with no connection to Republicans the Tea Party or any political group and had no political agenda. Who is not surprised to find this out?

Many conclusions were jumped...many truths were stretched...

Yes, and this homeless person just happened to be mentaly sharp enough to be able to afford to buy ingredients to make several molotov cocktails AND his target just happened to be ANOTHER Democrat women in office... in Texas.

Coincidence? Ya right!
Well as it turns out the culprit is a disturbed homeless man with no connection to Republicans the Tea Party or any political group and had no political agenda. Who is not surprised to find this out?

Many conclusions were jumped...many truths were stretched...

Yes, and this homeless person just happened to be mentaly sharp enough to be able to afford to buy ingredients to make several molotov cocktails AND his target just happened to be ANOTHER Democrat women in office... in Texas.

Coincidence? Ya right!
You were wrong and are now going to claim you weren't really? Is this like Rather claiming a known forgery was accurate and true?

So out with it? Are the police in on it? Did they really catch this supposed Tea Party activist and then concoct the crazy homeless story to cover it up?
Many conclusions were jumped...many truths were stretched...

Yes, and this homeless person just happened to be mentaly sharp enough to be able to afford to buy ingredients to make several molotov cocktails AND his target just happened to be ANOTHER Democrat women in office... in Texas.

Coincidence? Ya right!
You were wrong and are now going to claim you weren't really? Is this like Rather claiming a known forgery was accurate and true?

So out with it? Are the police in on it? Did they really catch this supposed Tea Party activist and then concoct the crazy homeless story to cover it up?

This so-called homeless person was probably driven by voices in his head... Rush Limbaugh & Co no doubt.

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