Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

The founders
If women did not vote it would be illegal
It is their vote that made it legal and brought this monster harm of this big imbalance of young to old

Men to save the nation must take the vote away from women

If not that make a high logic ability tests for voters and will be nearly all men at the highest level

Men must make a decision let the women's majority vote destroy the nation or stop the women's vote! N
Only a dim would silence a voter

A 16 yr old has his vote silenced for a good reason

All adult loons must also have their vote silenced in order to save the nation

You're out of your fucking mind.

We are the supporters of liberty.

Go join the dims if you want to suppress civil rights.


You are wrong

The founders were right

They did not let anyone under 21 vote. With that they were saving the 18-21 age group from electing crooks

And the same for women did not let them vote either to save them from electing crooks

Men must stand up and face reality to save all people

I'm all for restoring the age of majority to 21. If you can't buy a gun, you have no business voting.

But women follow the same laws as men. AND you are wrong about women being denied the right to vote. PROPERTY OWNERS voted, if the property was owned by a woman, she voted.


She could own property if she was not married if married she could not only her husband

Women could not vote because of seen as too emotional and unwise
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The founders
If women did not vote it would be illegal
It is their vote that made it legal and brought this monster harm of this big imbalance of young to old

Men to save the nation must take the vote away from women

If not that make a high logic ability tests for voters and will be nearly all men at the highest level

Men must make a decision let the women's majority vote destroy the nation or stop the women's vote! N
Only a dim would silence a voter

A 16 yr old has his vote silenced for a good reason

All adult loons must also have their vote silenced in order to save the nation

You're out of your fucking mind.

We are the supporters of liberty.

Go join the dims if you want to suppress civil rights.


You are wrong

The founders were right

They did not let anyone under 21 vote. With that they were saving the 18-21 age group from electing crooks

And the same for women did not let them vote either to save them from electing crooks

Men must stand up and face reality to save all people

I'm all for restoring the age of majority to 21. If you can't buy a gun, you have no business voting.

But women follow the same laws as men. AND you are wrong about women being denied the right to vote. PROPERTY OWNERS voted, if the property was owned by a woman, she voted.

Margaret Brent was one such a woman. Although her plea was not for women’s rights per se, she made the first attempt by a woman to gain a vote in the American colonies. In 1648, Mistress Brent, a Catholic, went before the Assembly of Maryland requesting "a vote. . .and voyce" for both herself, as an unmarried property owner, and on behalf of Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore, for whom she had power of attorney. The governor denied her request.


The same thinking also kept women off juries Could not vote or be on juries seemed too unwise and emotional

So clearly the founders used a property test as a wisdom test of white males

Women could own property but could not vote or be on juries

Voting and decisions on a jury requires logic and women seen as lower in logic
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so clearly what we see today is the same as what the founders saw

They vote for democrats and abortion

Lower logic women will elect crooks and harm jury decisions
sometimes when you're in politics, you have to let inappropriate comments fall off you like water off a duck's back!

SOME women vote for the Nazi democrats, many others do not.

If you are a woman who has had a child or plans to, understand that democrats want to kill your child, and will if they can find a way.

That's the reality we face.

If women did not vote it would be illegal
It is their vote that made it legal and brought this monster harm of this big imbalance of young to old

Men to save the nation must take the vote away from women

If not that make a high logic ability tests for voters and will be nearly all men at the highest level

Men must make a decision let the women's majority vote destroy the nation or stop the women's vote! N
Only a dim would silence a voter

A 16 yr old has his vote silenced for a good reason

All adult loons must also have their vote silenced in order to save the nation
A sixteen year old doesn’t know jack has no skin in the game and can’t live without mommy and daddy. Too funny. Blame mommy and daddy. Try to take my vote. Wall.

BTW why did you stop at 16? Why doesn’t the fetus get a vote to live? Hmmmm?

No skin in the game is false

The property test for voting was a wisdom test

Women could own property but could not vote so no skin in the game is false

Founders saw women too emotional or too unwise to vote and be on juries

Yes if a nation wants everyone to vote they can go down to the fetus

Outrageous harm has come with unequal Justice

Trump must bring a logic tests for voters and juries
You don’t work and vote to take my money, nope!! My rights, nope. So dude, you can fk off
Approve what exactly? What reason could there possibly be to kill a viable life just before birth?
There is none which is why it is not suppose to happen.

You can't even defend your own argument.

Seems nothing has changed over the years I've been away from here.

You are just as stupid now as you were back then.
Still practicing your dickhead act I see..

Start defending your arguments.

You said, "It still takes a doctor to approve".

To approve what?

What reason could there possibly be to kill a viable life just before birth?

If the mother's life is at risk and there is no other choice.

Now, obviously a vast majority of the time an emergency c-section will solve the issue. But, as with any surgery, complications can arise. The instances of a doctor deciding that the child must be aborted to save the mother are so rare that you would almost never hear of it.

All that this bill does is remove red tape and redundancies in these emergency situations. Snap decisions need to be made to save lives. A doctor shouldn't need to find two other doctors to decide to save a life.

There is no way the mother's life would be at enough risk to abort a baby during childbirth. NONE!
Just to be clear, THIS is the new point where DemonRATS say it is still safe to ABORT.....Any questions?

That pic appeals to simplistic thinkers who don’t like complicated issues, like Trump who reads less than a page from his advisors before making his uninformed decision.
You sound just like the Nazis you parrot.
You need to get your ears examined.
While you’re at it, do your brain too.
Liberals are like a cancer that needs to be eradicated.
You are an Intolerant a-hole!
That Mr intolerant to you ass hole.
How about Mr A-hole instead of Intolerant?
Why do you call him that? Because he thinks killing full term babies is somehow wrong? If that was the case, you’re sister may not have kept you.
I believe in Liberty, and each family has their own issues & needs to make decisions relevant to them, not to religious freaks or cultural nazis.
I don’t want viable & healthy fetuses killed any more than you, but SOMETIMES the fetus is NOT HEALTHY and its family should deal with consequences, NOT YOU.
Liberals are like a cancer that needs to be eradicated.
You are an Intolerant a-hole!
That Mr intolerant to you ass hole.
How about Mr A-hole instead of Intolerant?
Why do you call him that? Because he thinks killing full term babies is somehow wrong? If that was the case, you’re sister may not have kept you.
I believe in Liberty, and each family has their own issues & needs to make decisions relevant to them, not to religious freaks or cultural nazis.
I don’t want viable & healthy fetuses killed any more than you, but SOMETIMES the fetus is NOT HEALTHY and its family should deal with consequences, NOT YOU.

This should NOT be a political issue, as it probably occurs less than 1% of the time. However, this is what dims want to get behind. It also opens the door for people to do what they want,to get rid of responsibility for being irresponsible. The dims are moving towards socialism, so that would also make things easier for their government not to have to pay for their throw away families. More money for those who run government, because nothing will be free. I don’t make any decisions, so I am just giving an opinion. YOUR issues are with government.

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You are an Intolerant a-hole!
That Mr intolerant to you ass hole.
How about Mr A-hole instead of Intolerant?
Why do you call him that? Because he thinks killing full term babies is somehow wrong? If that was the case, you’re sister may not have kept you.
I believe in Liberty, and each family has their own issues & needs to make decisions relevant to them, not to religious freaks or cultural nazis.
I don’t want viable & healthy fetuses killed any more than you, but SOMETIMES the fetus is NOT HEALTHY and its family should deal with consequences, NOT YOU.

This should NOT be a political issue, as it probably occurs less than 1% of the time. However, this is what dims want to get behind. It also opens the door for people to do what they want,to get rid of responsibility for being irresponsible. The dims are moving towards socialism, so that would also make things easier for their government not to have to pay for their throw away families. More money for those who run government, because nothing will be free. I don’t make any decisions, so I am just giving an opinion. YOUR issues are with government.
My issue is with government that suppresses its citizen’s LIBERTY. USA was created by brave men (and women) who fought for LIBERTY, not government’s control over people’s lives.
It took awhile for ALL races and women to get LIBERTY. The struggle against Nazi-style gov continues ...
he's so tone deaf on race that he can't even use the world "slave". RESIGN!

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