Democrat Voters: do you support this?

The left gets away with it because while the rest of us god-fearing, barbed wire pissing sane Americans have had our heads stuck in the sand, the radical freaks who've been drastically changing our culture these past sixty years have also been winning school board and other local/low-level elections for the sole purpose of doing shit like this to our communities. For them, it's a fucking religion. And let me assure you, they're true believers. A cult of the first order, and they've had their knives sharpened and out and slicing for a very long time.

Here's one of the best articles I've ever read on the topic of just this very thing you've mentioned.

How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation
Just wanna know where you really stand.

Here's a possible solution to males in the girls locker room, gather all "girls" in the school auditorium and inform them that if a transgender male in a locker room with females develops an erection, witnesses are to report the incident to the police and the male is arrested for indecent sexual behavior.
Democrats seem to have forgot how civilized people live. They want to live on the street, shoot up, and share bathrooms with the opposite sex. They're weirdos.
Democrats seem to have forgot how civilized people live. They want to live on the street, shoot up, and share bathrooms with the opposite sex. They're weirdos.

Democrats would rather rule in hell than live in heaven.......just look at their cities.
Just wanna know where you really stand.

Just start home schooling your children.
I knew a person that I used to work with years ago patrolling the irrigation canals. He sort of remind me of the character that plays on the show called "Cheers". The one that is called Cliff Clavin but he wears bifocals.
This guy was married to a young Filipino. Her brother was a gay person that dresses up in drag. But one day, he was feeling very agitated. He burst out in anger and said his brother-in-law has raped his 9 years old daughter. But he didn't called the police because his wife begged him not to. I couldn't believe it. I told him that they are not suppose to be attractive to females. and he said that he thought so as well. And my little sister had a male Filipino friend that hanged around with her and her friends while in high school. That he never was popular with the female students because he was unattractive. He tried to find a girlfriend. But they will not go out with him. But few years later. my sister said that she saw him, but he was dressed up in drag. I wonder if he was the same person that is my co-worker brother-in-law at the time.
There are some of them that are from the LBGTQ crowd that has mental issues. That they just want someone to love. But they go about it in the wrong way.
But with all of this chemicals, drugs and GMO's in our food and water supplies isn't going to help the situation at all. That it is causing everyone to make the wrong decisions. The word righteous means a person who makes the right choices in life. But someone wants us to be unrighteous.
And so it is best for parents to home schooled their children until everything is straighten out.

Still no word from a single Democrat supporter here to denounce this
I speak for only one Dem, me, but it seems like it is democracy in action:

Palatine-based Township High School District 211’s Board of Education on Thursday voted 5 to 2 in favor of the new policy, which states in part that students “shall be treated and supported in a manner consistent with their gender identity, which shall include students having access to restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity.”

The decision elicited mixed emotions from the crowd of roughly 250 at Fremd High School, with one side of the room bursting into applause and the other half expressing anger and disappointment.


Mandy Logan, a senior in the district, said she supported the policy change as an extension of lessons she’s been taught in class regarding tolerance, understanding and respect.

“As a student I can confirm that we do not completely undress in the locker rooms,” she added. “Everyone in a high school locker room is uncomfortable; everyone wants privacy. Every student is trying to keep on as much of their clothes as possible. … Having someone who is transgender in the locker room or restroom does not make these spaces any more uncomfortable.”
In a democracy, there will always be winners and losers. I'd bet the school board is elected so let opponents organize.
Still no word from a single Democrat supporter here to denounce this
I speak for only one Dem, me, but it seems like it is democracy in action:

Palatine-based Township High School District 211’s Board of Education on Thursday voted 5 to 2 in favor of the new policy, which states in part that students “shall be treated and supported in a manner consistent with their gender identity, which shall include students having access to restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity.”

The decision elicited mixed emotions from the crowd of roughly 250 at Fremd High School, with one side of the room bursting into applause and the other half expressing anger and disappointment.


Mandy Logan, a senior in the district, said she supported the policy change as an extension of lessons she’s been taught in class regarding tolerance, understanding and respect.

“As a student I can confirm that we do not completely undress in the locker rooms,” she added. “Everyone in a high school locker room is uncomfortable; everyone wants privacy. Every student is trying to keep on as much of their clothes as possible. … Having someone who is transgender in the locker room or restroom does not make these spaces any more uncomfortable.”
In a democracy, there will always be winners and losers. I'd bet the school board is elected so let opponents organize.
This is the foundational problem wit "democracy". Two wolves and a sheep voting on dinner.

That's why we are NOT a democracy

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