Democratic Debate Thread: October 13, 2015

My rankings as to performance:

Hillary's imported cheerleaders. It seems they did what they were paid to do.
Time to increase funding for infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!!!
Time to break up the banks
Time to legalize pot
Time to grow the middle class

If the republicans and loserterians don't like it...Well, they can kiss my fucking ass.
I don't feel I know Lincoln Chaffee at all, and I learned Malley has kept in good shape for a man his age. I still favor Bernie the most but thought Hillary did really good.
I have heard all this before... On msnbc, all a$$ kissers.
I wish we had free college.[/QU

It's never free, someone always pays..legalized thievery mostly.
True, progressives never have a way to pay for their stupid social programs...

As all professional politicians they like to steal what's not theirs...

Judging by the Obama years and well over doubling the national debt, it pretty obvious the Democratic party hates your children and their children's children. Basically, the Democratic Party voters are nothing but selfish it's all about me child abusers.

Whoever legalizes pot and reduces college tuition is getting my vote, I don't care what party I care what the candidate is going to work hard to accomplish.

Get a job loser.


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