Democratic Donor Ed Buck Accused Of Human Trafficking And Revenge Purn After Man Dies In His Home

Another huge democrat donor.....what a sick bunch the dems have sidled up to....
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.
Another huge democrat donor.....what a sick bunch the dems have sidled up to....
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.

You should not worry about the debt, republicans only do after they get a whopping tax cut for the wealthier.
I am not for free college and most are not, but easier to refinance a loan yes. I am pro public schools and Pell grants according to income. Yes I am pro universal healthcare, or leave the ACA in place and expanded Medicaid in ALL states.

No the reason for the last recession was ARMS that went sky high on rates, even college educated republicans fell for the trap. Are you aware that many tramp votes are on the ACA and not college educated.
Lol, the chips are falling where they may! Also it should read Hillary in the thread title.

Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck Accused of Human Trafficking, Revenge Porn After Black Gay Escort Dies in His Home

Democratic donor Ed Buck accused of human trafficking and revenge porn after man dies in his home

Edit question: Why is the word 'Porn' banned in thread titles? I seem to remember it used in Stormy Daniels thread titles. Oh well!
Because a suthuner wrote that thar spail currecter. It's purn. that's that that krekt spellerashin
Another huge democrat donor.....what a sick bunch the dems have sidled up to....
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.

You should not worry about the debt, republicans only do after they get a whopping tax cut for the wealthier.
I am not for free college and most are not, but easier to refinance a loan yes. I am pro public schools and Pell grants according to income. Yes I am pro universal healthcare, or leave the ACA in place and expanded Medicaid in ALL states.

No the reason for the last recession was ARMS that went sky high on rates, even college educated republicans fell for the trap. Are you aware that many tramp votes are on the ACA and not college educated.
Wonder why you are so uneducated. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were forced to drop their standards for housing loans. When people learned that they were upside down on the house and they could not make the payments many defaulted. What do you think was going to be the reaction?
I love how you think we should not only lower our healthcare standards but increase national debt or leave ACA in place which means millions not being able to afford health insurance and increasing national debt.
Of cousrse you would not only say don't worry about debt, democrats have always been big debt. I see you could not wait to bring up the latest tax cut lie. Almost everyone got a tax cut, yes some bigger then others only because 1% of a million is bigger then 1% of a hundred.
You did not bring up reparations why is that?
Don't you stand behind the new crazy green deal?
Democrats made sanctuary states and cities then we have large amounts of people crossing the border. They said for months there was no crisis. Then suddenly it dawns on them that there is.
We have Dems wanting to take down fences at the border, get rid of DHS, get rid of ICE, want illegals to get heathcare and other help yet knock down bills that would help veterans or their children.
I could go on but there is no reason.
Another huge democrat donor.....what a sick bunch the dems have sidled up to....
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.

You should not worry about the debt, republicans only do after they get a whopping tax cut for the wealthier.
I am not for free college and most are not, but easier to refinance a loan yes. I am pro public schools and Pell grants according to income. Yes I am pro universal healthcare, or leave the ACA in place and expanded Medicaid in ALL states.

No the reason for the last recession was ARMS that went sky high on rates, even college educated republicans fell for the trap. Are you aware that many tramp votes are on the ACA and not college educated.
The debt Obama racked up? was an all time high....never before did a president allow so much debt to be added to our books.....
Lol, the chips are falling where they may! Also it should read Hillary in the thread title.

Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck Accused of Human Trafficking, Revenge Porn After Black Gay Escort Dies in His Home

Democratic donor Ed Buck accused of human trafficking and revenge porn after man dies in his home

Edit question: Why is the word 'Porn' banned in thread titles? I seem to remember it used in Stormy Daniels thread titles. Oh well!
Who would have guessed a political party that supports sexual deviancy of all varities would have a ton of sexual deviants in it's ranks?
"Romans 1:27-29 King James Version (KJV)
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

King James Version (KJV)"

The Democratic Party is the party of reprobate minds.
IIRC two people have died in his home.

Even if there are two deaths, why is this story in the political forum Sounds like this guy is picking up meth heads. while sick and disgusting, if the men are of age, and previously were drug addicts before they met him, I agree he is definitely abusive and digusting, but what does this have to do with politics?

Oh wait!!! Now I get it. This is to distract from Trump's buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, getting arrested AGAIN!!! Epstein and Trump shared a lovely slap and tickle session with a 13 year old girl who subsequently sued Trump for beating and raping her. She dropped the suit when her family's life was threatened.

Guess Trump doesn't want anyone to connect him with Epstein, after he called him a "fun guy" with whom he shared an affinity with women on the "younger" side.
IIRC two people have died in his home.

Even if there are two deaths, why is this story in the political forum Sounds like this guy is picking up meth heads. while sick and disgusting, if the men are of age, and previously were drug addicts before they met him, I agree he is definitely abusive and digusting, but what does this have to do with politics?

Oh wait!!! Now I get it. This is to distract from Trump's buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, getting arrested AGAIN!!! Epstein and Trump shared a lovely slap and tickle session with a 13 year old girl who subsequently sued Trump for beating and raping her. She dropped the suit when her family's life was threatened.

Guess Trump doesn't want anyone to connect him with Epstein, after he called him a "fun guy" with whom he shared an affinity with women on the "younger" side.

It's in Current Events...not Political
IIRC two people have died in his home.

Even if there are two deaths, why is this story in the political forum Sounds like this guy is picking up meth heads. while sick and disgusting, if the men are of age, and previously were drug addicts before they met him, I agree he is definitely abusive and digusting, but what does this have to do with politics?

Oh wait!!! Now I get it. This is to distract from Trump's buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, getting arrested AGAIN!!! Epstein and Trump shared a lovely slap and tickle session with a 13 year old girl who subsequently sued Trump for beating and raping her. She dropped the suit when her family's life was threatened.

Guess Trump doesn't want anyone to connect him with Epstein, after he called him a "fun guy" with whom he shared an affinity with women on the "younger" side.
Sorry to tell you, this conspiracy theory is going to fall flat, just like Russia Russia Russia did.
IIRC two people have died in his home.

Even if there are two deaths, why is this story in the political forum Sounds like this guy is picking up meth heads. while sick and disgusting, if the men are of age, and previously were drug addicts before they met him, I agree he is definitely abusive and digusting, but what does this have to do with politics?

Oh wait!!! Now I get it. This is to distract from Trump's buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, getting arrested AGAIN!!! Epstein and Trump shared a lovely slap and tickle session with a 13 year old girl who subsequently sued Trump for beating and raping her. She dropped the suit when her family's life was threatened.

Guess Trump doesn't want anyone to connect him with Epstein, after he called him a "fun guy" with whom he shared an affinity with women on the "younger" side.

Um if a grown man beats and rapes a 13yo he isn't SUED. He is ARRESTED.

Fucking moron.
Another huge democrat donor.....what a sick bunch the dems have sidled up to....
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.

You should not worry about the debt, republicans only do after they get a whopping tax cut for the wealthier.
I am not for free college and most are not, but easier to refinance a loan yes. I am pro public schools and Pell grants according to income. Yes I am pro universal healthcare, or leave the ACA in place and expanded Medicaid in ALL states.

No the reason for the last recession was ARMS that went sky high on rates, even college educated republicans fell for the trap. Are you aware that many tramp votes are on the ACA and not college educated.
The debt Obama racked up? was an all time high....never before did a president allow so much debt to be added to our books.....

That’s because never before was a President handed two overseas shooting wars being carried off the books, and an economy at home that was shedding 500,000 jobs per month.

Discretionary spending was less than 5% of his budget. Obama had no choice on the deficit. You have to play the hand you’re dealt. Obama turned that disastrous beginning into the strongest economic growth in US history.
IIRC two people have died in his home.

Even if there are two deaths, why is this story in the political forum Sounds like this guy is picking up meth heads. while sick and disgusting, if the men are of age, and previously were drug addicts before they met him, I agree he is definitely abusive and digusting, but what does this have to do with politics?

Oh wait!!! Now I get it. This is to distract from Trump's buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, getting arrested AGAIN!!! Epstein and Trump shared a lovely slap and tickle session with a 13 year old girl who subsequently sued Trump for beating and raping her. She dropped the suit when her family's life was threatened.

Guess Trump doesn't want anyone to connect him with Epstein, after he called him a "fun guy" with whom he shared an affinity with women on the "younger" side.

I didn't start the thread so I have no control where it goes. You will need to direct your questions and conspiracy theory to the OP.
The Democrats engage in human trafficking every single day they leave the border wide open!

Their #MeToo baloney movement has morphed into "Why hasn't someone trafficked me, yet?".

I love it when asshole men disparage the #MeToo movement. Idiots who have never given a thought to the crap women have put up with all of their working lives. Who have never heard the words, "Well, if you REALLY want that promotion . . . ".

The recent Jeffrey Epstein arrest has exposed that prosecutors gave him the sweetheart deal despite the overwhelming evidence against him because they "didn't like the victims". The girls were from low income backgrounds, and troubled homes. Epstein chose his victims carefully. Poor girls who could be dazzled by the money and the trappings of wealth, young, inexperienced, and easily manipulated. The prosecutors considered these victims of rape, abuse and human trafficking to be "teenage hookers" not worthy of destroying the life of this fine man over.

They weren't "teenage hookers" before Epstein abused, raped, and then pimped out the girls.
The Democrats engage in human trafficking every single day they leave the border wide open!

Their #MeToo baloney movement has morphed into "Why hasn't someone trafficked me, yet?".

I love it when asshole men disparage the #MeToo movement. Idiots who have never given a thought to the crap women have put up with all of their working lives. Who have never heard the words, "Well, if you REALLY want that promotion . . . ".

The recent Jeffrey Epstein arrest has exposed that prosecutors gave him the sweetheart deal despite the overwhelming evidence against him because they "didn't like the victims". The girls were from low income backgrounds, and troubled homes. Epstein chose his victims carefully. Poor girls who could be dazzled by the money and the trappings of wealth, young, inexperienced, and easily manipulated. The prosecutors considered these victims of rape, abuse and human trafficking to be "teenage hookers" not worthy of destroying the life of this fine man over.

They weren't "teenage hookers" before Epstein abused, raped, and then pimped out the girls.

The #MeToo movement are Democrats.
Democrats promote open borders.
Open borders promote child trafficking.
Therefore, the #MeToo movement is by proxy, promoting child trafficking.

Dig it?
Or get dug.....:dig:
It is not just a sick bunch they have sidled up to. They all are a sick bunch.

and if you voted for tramp, you are sick. Never mind that you voted for the GOP who has a lot of sick people in their partisan rat trap.
Poor child, did I hurt your feelings? Tell me one of the major points that the current crop of democratic presidential candidates is pushing that will help the country. Reparations, hardly. Free collage, more national debt. Medicare for all, more debt lower healthcare standards. Lower housing loans for minorities, that was tried and was part of the reason for the last recession.

You should not worry about the debt, republicans only do after they get a whopping tax cut for the wealthier.
I am not for free college and most are not, but easier to refinance a loan yes. I am pro public schools and Pell grants according to income. Yes I am pro universal healthcare, or leave the ACA in place and expanded Medicaid in ALL states.

No the reason for the last recession was ARMS that went sky high on rates, even college educated republicans fell for the trap. Are you aware that many tramp votes are on the ACA and not college educated.
The debt Obama racked up? was an all time high....never before did a president allow so much debt to be added to our books.....

That’s because never before was a President handed two overseas shooting wars being carried off the books, and an economy at home that was shedding 500,000 jobs per month.

Discretionary spending was less than 5% of his budget. Obama had no choice on the deficit. You have to play the hand you’re dealt. Obama turned that disastrous beginning into the strongest economic growth in US history.

DL...the man had 8 years...If Obama had done even half of what Trump did in regulation and tax cuts he would have been a hero...he would have had a growing economy with jobs a plenty....ask yourself why didn't he?....because dems do not want us prosperous and independent...they want us to need them...its sick...and its amazing how you libs do not get that....
The Democrats engage in human trafficking every single day they leave the border wide open!

Their #MeToo baloney movement has morphed into "Why hasn't someone trafficked me, yet?".

I love it when asshole men disparage the #MeToo movement. Idiots who have never given a thought to the crap women have put up with all of their working lives. Who have never heard the words, "Well, if you REALLY want that promotion . . . ".

The recent Jeffrey Epstein arrest has exposed that prosecutors gave him the sweetheart deal despite the overwhelming evidence against him because they "didn't like the victims". The girls were from low income backgrounds, and troubled homes. Epstein chose his victims carefully. Poor girls who could be dazzled by the money and the trappings of wealth, young, inexperienced, and easily manipulated. The prosecutors considered these victims of rape, abuse and human trafficking to be "teenage hookers" not worthy of destroying the life of this fine man over.

They weren't "teenage hookers" before Epstein abused, raped, and then pimped out the girls.

The #MeToo movement are Democrats.
Democrats promote open borders.
Open borders promote child trafficking.
Therefore, the #MeToo movement is by proxy, promoting child trafficking.

Dig it?
Or get dug.....:dig:

Ronald Reagan believed in open borders and amnesty.
Ronald Reagan was a Republican.
Republicans believe Ronald Reagan is the greatest President in history.
Republicans instituted open borders and stopped deporting illegals.

Obama and Clinton BOTH deported more illegals than Trump.

ICE Deportations Only Half Levels of Five Years Ago

Friday A/V Club: Ronald Reagan Says 'Open the Border Both Ways'

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