Democratic Party SLAMS THE DOOR in Bernie's & Supporters Faces: Removes Him Froim Ballot Then CNXs Primary

With the moderate wing now abandoning Biden due to his obvious senility problems, This leaves them with no nominee... I wonder how the Sanders left wing Bros will take them installing the Hildibeast or one of the others? The clown show just keeps getting better and better..
No one can vote for Biden?! WTF?
He belongs in a home, not running for the Presidency.
The democrats are so preoccupied with the VP pick that they don't see old Joe is fading fast?!
Bernie had already conceded defeat.
Burn man wanted to exercise the opportunity to influence Biden's platform, obtaining additional primary clout would provide such leverage, however, as expected the DNC closed the door. Historically this is unprecedented yet should come to no surprise, Hillary pulled the same stunt. The fundamental point is that the central party is in control not the people they represent. The notion they are all inclusive party is just another line of crap.
Man, can the Dimwinger party be any dumber? They already chose their guy. Bernie isn't getting the nomination, so why not just pat him on the head and placate his idiot followers?

Now they are pissing off a large chunk of the Dimsocialist base.
New York boots Sanders from ballot, then cancels primary as die-hard backers fume
New York boots Sanders from ballot, then cancels primary as die-hard backers fume

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Bernie...and your 'army'...can't you read the signs?
It's over! Biden is the one the DNC chose this time

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New York cancels presidential primary because of coronavirus

Voters chose Biden.

It may be beyond your understanding but Sanders withdrew from the race. Why have a primary when Biden is the only candidate left.
Nobody really cares. The Democratic party has no real function anyway. Well, except to allow all the worthless leftist traitors to feel good about themselves.
Voters chose Biden.
...and voters still want to choose BERNIE in the ON-GOING DNC Primaries.

I don't know what anyone is shocked the DNC would completely shut down a state Primary ...after removing Bernie was stripped from the ballot, which did nothing to stop Bernie supporters from planning to vote for him as a write-in candidate. Joe is all the DNC has as a candidate, and they are going to need a unified party and every vote they can get to have even a prayer of beating President Trump in November.

The Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Party, and Hilary Clinton could have not made it any more clear in 2016 that they were:

1) Never going to allow a Socialist Party member have the Democratic Party Nomination

2) NOT going to allow ANYONE win the DNC Presidential Nomination other than Hillary Rodham Clinton - It was 'her turn'...which is why they eventually gave her the nomination she could not outright win by herself

Released Democrat E-mails proved they helped Hillary cheat in debates, they rigged primaries, they funneled campaign donations earmarked for other candidate to Hillary. Former DNC Chairwoman Donnna Brazile publicly confessed / admitted to all of this.

Evidence made it abundantly clear that Obama and his DOJ protected Hillary from indictment, conviction, and prison so she could remain on the ballot

Bernie and his army got ROYALLY screwed.....CONQUERED.



“I will be the nominee for my party … That is already done, in effect. There is no way that I won’t be!”
-- Hillary Clinton, 19 May 2016

The DNC e-mil leaks showing the Democratic Party / DNC rigged their Primaries for Hillary were not released until JUNE AND JULY 2016.

Bernie had already conceded defeat.
He could reverse course if there was enough pressure and he wanted to...but I think he has accepted the reality that the Democrats will NEVER allow him to have their Party nomination.

Months ago a young, articulate black representative was giving an interview about the Democratic party Primary process and how their Nominee is picked. He came right out and said what EVERYONE already knows:

'People can vote for who they want to be the Nominee....but let's be clear, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not the people, pick their nominees.'

There is not one single person on this board who should feign shock at this 'revelation'. The Democrats made that clear when their e-mails were leaked in 0216 proving they rigged their Primaries, helped Hillary Cheat in debates, protected her from prison, and eventually GAVE Hillary the nomination. They re-confirmed it with comments like the one above from their reps and from screwing Bernie and his 'army' again now in 2020.

Now Bernie's Army is pissed off and raging at how Bernie was 1st stripped off of the Primary ballot, but, when Democrats saw that would not stop the 'Army' from making Bernie a strong write-in candidate, they cancelled the entire Primary so NO ONE could vote....just to beat back the Bernie supporters.....

God bless 'em! Don't let anyone get away with stripping you of your right to vote! Godspeed, Bernie, march forward with your 'Army'...give 'em hell!

PHOTO Bernie Sanders Looks Crazy While In A Rage

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, RAGE, Bernie, against the dying of the light!

-- Dylan Thomas (& Easy)
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LOL!!! Suddenly they all feel sorry for the guy they've been calling a "Commie" for months/years! :laughing0301:

You are SO off base. :p

I personally find it hilarious that:

1) Bernie Sanders supporters are PISSED that the Democrats removed Sanders' name off the ballots.....and when the Democrats saw that was NOT going to stop the Sanders Supporters the Democrats just shut down the entire Primary so their Primary would not show a division inside the Party instead of total, unified support behind Joe Biden.
-- That shows how much the Democrats are still afraid of Bernie's Army

2) Bernie Sanders supporters still REFUSE to give up - they believe in him, even when it appears he does not believe in himself anymore or believe he can still win, if he just jumps back in the race.... BUT, LIKE SHARKS, THEY ALSO SEE / SMELL / TASTE 'BLOOD IN THE WATER'....

Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM
The Sexual Assault allegation that is growing, not going away
Opposing the China travel ban, calling it Xenophobic...then admitting it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO
The 2006 Video of Biden railing against Illegals and demanding a 700-mile border wall going viral
More and more signs of dementia / mental instability


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