'Bern It Down' - Democratic Party in Chaos; 'Dangerous Division'; 'Revolt Could Upend Convention'

Sky Bloomberg ;leases out $25K/yr information terminals, Reuters leases out 10K terminals and marketwatch is a subsidiary of WSJ. With effectively all Wall St. money going to Hillary do you really think they are going to offend their big ticket customers publishing something false and damaging about Hillary? Because now one of the posters you have offended with your stupid counter-factual posts will link to the stories at one or more of those sites and I shall eat popcorn while you squirm.

So I'm supposed to be convinced by the stunning LACK of evidence to back this claim? You've literally got jack shit to back up the claim that Putin has 'declared that he has 20,000 of Hillary's emails. Even breitbart and drudge aren't backing that horseshit.

As for 'facts', show us the evidence that Putin declared he had 20,000 of Hillary's emails.

Laughing...I won't hold my breath. Though I will giggle at your excuses for why you can't possibly back the claim up.

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