Democratic presidents used to have integrity


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity
Nobody in that family has had any integrity whatsoever, since JFK's sister Rosemary was lobotomized, i.e., the damned catholic doctors literally cut out part of her brain with surgical instruments in order to make her more docile and submissive.

That whole clan just raised their forefingers half an inch at the auction and bought into Viet Cong's propaganda of gun control and aggressive policing.
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We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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W was not well acquainted with integrity either.
We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.

I don't give participation awards. Trump was largely incompetent. He just happened to be from the party that opposes everything anyway so he blended into the pack. His only redeeming quality was that he wasn't Hillary.
W was not well acquainted with integrity either.

How so? What were W's most egregious lies?
"He has yellow cake." WMD. Two of the more glaring. W was a member of the swamp and so was his daddy. The elder Bush opened up free trade with China as ambassador under Nixon--consequently, we forced to disavow Taiwan. Fast forward to 1989--elder Bush awards "most favored trading status" on China on the day after the massive human rights violations in Tienanmen Square. Yup, both H.W. and W were neck deep in the swamp.
W was not well acquainted with integrity either.

How so? What were W's most egregious lies?
"He has yellow cake." WMD. Two of the more glaring. W was a member of the swamp and so was his daddy. The elder Bush opened up free trade with China as ambassador under Nixon--consequently, we forced to disavow Taiwan. Fast forward to 1989--elder Bush awards "most favored trading status" on China on the day after the massive human rights violations in Tienanmen Square. Yup, both H.W. and W were neck deep in the swamp.

Ok. Well, I think W actually believed the intelligence folks that were telling him that Saddam had WMD's. Therefore, I wouldn't call that a lie. Compared to folks like Biden, Obama, or Clinton, W was a pillar of integrity. LOL.
We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.

I don't give participation awards. Trump was largely incompetent. He just happened to be from the party that opposes everything anyway so he blended into the pack. His only redeeming quality was that he wasn't Hillary.
Trump was only considered incompetent because if you folks admitted he did anything right, it would blow your whole argument all to Hell.
Regardless of what you think about Trump, he makes critics like Pelosi and Biden look like the fools that they are. They've fully exposed themselves. The only thing Pelosi is any good at is bitching and Biden is only good at taking credit for what Trump did. Course Biden has been caught plagiarizing others work throughout his political career. It's why he's never been considered a serious candidate, before he stole the election. That's all he's good at....stealing what belongs to others.
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We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.
That is exactly the point. Jimmy Carter was beyond reproach personally but was an awful President. Donald Trump was not a career politician, he spent his entire life as a businessman and entrepreneur and he was pro-America 24/7/365. He made sound decisions with America's interests top priority. Biden is the polar opposite of Donald Trump and we will pay a heavy price for that idiot (or Kamala) as President.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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I agree, the only one I have seen lately that has any integrity is Tulsi Gabbard.

Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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I agree, the only one I have seen lately that has any integrity is Tulsi Gabbard.

You're right. Tulsa has some integrity.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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I agree, the only one I have seen lately that has any integrity is Tulsi Gabbard.

But she's a Democrat so she already has two strikes against her.
How do you define integrity in the political arena? Woodrow Wilson promised Americans he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then sent the Doughboys to France to be gassed.. FDR ran for four terms while every other president had the integrity to run for only two. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order and mishandled the mission so that anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans were killed in the "Forgotten War". JFK diddled with a Hollywood actress. How insulting must it have been for Jackie to watch MM sing happy birthday? JFK used the CIA to raise and train an illegal invasion army that was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ used a fake crisis to send Troops to Vietnam and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Jimmie Carter was in over his head but he had integrity. Bill Clinton? Do you really want to talk about integrity?
We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.

I don't give participation awards. Trump was largely incompetent. He just happened to be from the party that opposes everything anyway so he blended into the pack. His only redeeming quality was that he wasn't Hillary.
Trump was only considered incompetent because if you folks admitted he did anything right, it would blow your whole argument all to Hell.
Regardless of what you think about Trump, he makes critics like Pelosi and Biden look like the fools that they are. They've fully exposed themselves. The only thing Pelosi is any good at is bitching and Biden is only good at taking credit for what Trump did. Course Biden has been caught plagiarizing others work throughout his political career. It's why he's never been considered a serious candidate, before he stole the election. That's all he's good at....stealing what belongs to others.
Solid post, my man.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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My former congressman in Ohio was a lib with integrity, the late James Traficant.


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