Democratic senators call on FBI not to investigate Biden family before election


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Looks like we have another Democrat coverup....

Obviously, the Democrats don't think we have a right to know the TRUTH!!!

Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding the FBI “reject pressure” to investigate the Biden family after the Hunter Biden email story from the New York Post.

"The FBI must reject pressure from Donald Trump to announce investigations of Joe Biden or his family to influence the presidential election, or else it risks doing lasting harm to our democracy and national security," a news release of the letter read.

“We are deeply concerned about the possibility that in response to these reports the Trump Administration will take actions before Election Day that would seek to damage the Democratic presidential candidate and undermine the rule of law,” Wyden and Schumer wrote in their letter.
Actually, BEFORE the election is the appropriate time. Get the information out to the voters in time for them to consider in their decision when they are sealed in the voting cubicles. What is Schumer trying to hide?
Schumer is obviously not only trying to keep the American people from getting the truth before the election, but also in getting Biden a free pass if he were to win (since a sitting President can't be indicted)....
So how many days are left until election, 8 or 9 ?
Its going to be interesting to see how much feces hit the proverbial fan.
What's really hypocritical here is that the Trump Family has been EXTENSIVELY investigated. The Mueller Witch Hunt had Trump's children submit to interrogations , all before this year's election. What makes Sleepy Joe exempt from this?

Democrats are not embarrassed by their obvious double standards and hypocrisy. When we point it out they just laugh.
Looks like we have another Democrat coverup....

Obviously, the Democrats don't think we have a right to know the TRUTH!!!

Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding the FBI “reject pressure” to investigate the Biden family after the Hunter Biden email story from the New York Post.

"The FBI must reject pressure from Donald Trump to announce investigations of Joe Biden or his family to influence the presidential election, or else it risks doing lasting harm to our democracy and national security," a news release of the letter read.

“We are deeply concerned about the possibility that in response to these reports the Trump Administration will take actions before Election Day that would seek to damage the Democratic presidential candidate and undermine the rule of law,” Wyden and Schumer wrote in their letter.

Why did they even ask....the FBI was already doing it all on their own.........the anti-Trumpers at the FBI need to be purged after the election.......root and branch....
"The Justice Department’s longstanding policy against any public discussion of criminal investigations is based on the principle that no one under investigation by the department should be tainted by public discussion of the investigation unless and until formal criminal charges are filed.

According to Rule 1-7.400 in the Department of Justice Manual, “DOJ generally will not confirm the existence of or otherwise comment about ongoing investigations.” The Rule, further states, “DOJ personnel shall not respond to questions about the existence of an ongoing investigation or comment on its nature or progress before charges are publicly filed.” (Given that several past investigations, including one by the DOJ’s own Inspector General, concluded that the Russia investigation was justified, there is no basis for applying the narrow exemption to this Rule that “the community needs to be reassured that the appropriate law enforcement agency is investigating a matter.”)"
Schumer has become the Bizarro Senator. He says the opposite of reality, the opposite of the actual law/Constitution, the opposite of logic, the opposite of good government.

Why anyone would continue to put a microphone in front of his odious face is a real wonder.
BREAKING: Newly released pictures from the Hunter Biden’s laptop show HUNTER BIDEN with an erection FACETIMING with his family member, Hallie Biden.

Actually, BEFORE the election is the appropriate time.
The opposite is true.

So you don't think that the People have a right to know about a Democrat's alleged corruption BEFORE they cast their votes?

Interesting way of thinking, I'll give you that.

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